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// Author: Allan Deutsch
// All content copyright (C) Allan Deutsch 2015. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include <utility> // forward
#include <type_traits> // aligned_storage
#include <cstdint> // int64_t, USHRT_MAX
#include <iterator> // iterator
#include <memory> // unique_ptr
#include "../Debugging/Asserts.hpp"
namespace ADL
* @brief: slot_array is a fixed-size container of linear memory.
* slot_array makes the following promises:
* - Performance
* -# contiguous memory
* -# O(1) alloc and free operations
* -# O(1) access via weak reference keys that can safely attempt to access an element.
* -# dereferences have zero overhead when known to be valid\n
* ( get() when passed a weak reference key, or via raw pointers)
* - Convenience
* -# stable indices (a raw pointer to an element will only be invalidated by releasing the container or that object) SEE NOTES
* -# freeing an element via iterator will not invalidate the iterator\n
* The iterator can no longer be dereferenced, only advanced.
* @param T The value type being stored in the container
* @param _Elements The max number of elements the container can hold. Defaults to 2048.
* @param _Use_Heap Whether element storage should be on the heap or in place. Defaults to on the heap.\n
* Specify false when dynamically allocating the slot_array object itself to prevent extra allocations.
* @note: the structure can not contain more than 64k elements.
* this is because of bit field usage and the max value of 2^16.
* @note: When copied, the elements in the copy will maintain ordering, but weak reference keys will not be valid on the new container.
* @note: Due to the way some <algorithm> functions work, their usage may invalidate all references/keys/pointers.\n
* Be aware of this when considering using <algorithm> functions with slot_array.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements = 2048u, bool _Use_Heap = true>
class slot_array
static_assert(_Elements < UINT16_MAX, "Tried to declare a slot_array with over the maximum capacity (2^16).");
struct element
: is_alive(0)
, counter(0)
, index(0)
typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), 4>::type object;
unsigned is_alive : 1;
unsigned counter : 15; // unique ID to differentiate current from previous objects allocated in the same slot.
unsigned index : 16; // stores either the next freelist entry or the allocated element's index.
unsigned make_ID(unsigned index) const { return ( (is_alive << 31) | (counter << 16) | index ); }
class iterator;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = element*;
using reference = element&;
using size_type = short;
using const_pointer = const pointer;
using const_reference = const reference;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
static const size_t storage_size = sizeof( decltype(element::object) );
slot_array(); // allocs all the items
void clear(); // resets data members, destructs any remaining objects
template<typename... Args>
T& alloc(Args&&... args); // creates an element and returns a reference to it.
iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
void free(T&); // releases the object and puts it on the free list.
void free(iterator); // releases the object and puts it on the free list.
unsigned get_ID(T&) const; // retreive the ID of the referenced element.
T& get(unsigned ID) const; // returns the item referenced by ID
T* get_safely(unsigned ID) const; // validates the ID before attempting to return the elemnt. nullptr if invalid.
bool next(T *&) const; // retrieves the next live item.
bool previous(T *&) const; // retrieves the previous live item.
iterator begin() const;
const iterator end() const; // May be added in the future to support range-based for loops.
inline unsigned capacity() const noexcept { return m_capacity; }
inline unsigned max_usage() const noexcept { return m_max_used; }
inline unsigned size() const noexcept { return m_size; }
inline bool empty() const noexcept { return m_size == 0u; }
inline float saturation() const noexcept { return static_cast<float>(m_size) / m_capacity; }
inline float max_saturation() const noexcept { return static_cast<float>(m_max_used) / m_capacity; }
template<typename Predicate>
void remove_if(Predicate p);
class iterator : public std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T>
friend class slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>;
using value_type = T;
using pointer = T *;
using reference = T&;
// constructors
iterator() = delete;
iterator(const iterator &rhs);
iterator(const slot_array &container, T &obj);
iterator(const slot_array &container, T *obj);
iterator(const slot_array &container, unsigned ID);
iterator& operator=(const iterator &rhs);
iterator& operator++();
iterator operator++(int);
iterator& operator--();
iterator operator--(int);
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const;
value_type& operator*() const;
value_type* operator->() const;
iterator(const slot_array &container, element &obj);
T* m_data;
const slot_array *m_container;
value_type * as_value_type(unsigned index) const;
unsigned get_index(T&) const;
unsigned m_capacity : 16; // total allocated capacity
unsigned m_max_used : 16; // max ever active items
unsigned m_size : 16; // current active items
unsigned m_free_head : 16; // first free element
// Use the heap (dynamic allocation) if _Use_Heap is true, otherwise use an array on the stack.
typename std::conditional<_Use_Heap, std::unique_ptr<element[]>, element[_Elements]>::type m_data;
//element m_data[_Elements];
// These two template functions abstract the access of the container data so that it is accessed correctly.
template< bool dynamic = _Use_Heap >
void init_storage() { m_data = std::unique_ptr<element[]>(new element[m_capacity]); }
void init_storage<false>() {}
template< bool dynamic = _Use_Heap >
const element* data() const { return m_data.get(); }
const element* data<false>() const { return &m_data[0]; }
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::iterator(const iterator &rhs)
: m_data(rhs.m_data)
, m_container(rhs.m_container)
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::iterator(const slot_array &container, element &obj)
: m_data( reinterpret_cast<T*>(&element.object) )
, m_container(&container)
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::iterator(const slot_array &container, T &obj)
: m_data( reinterpret_cast<T*>(&obj) )
, m_container(&container)
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::iterator(const slot_array &container, T *obj)
: m_data(obj)
, m_container(&container)
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::iterator(const slot_array &container, unsigned ID)
: m_data( container.get_safely(ID) )
, m_container(&container)
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator& slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator=(const iterator &rhs)
m_data = rhs.m_data;
m_container = rhs.m_container;
return *this;
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator& slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator++()
return *this;
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator++(int)
iterator it{ *this };
return it;
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator& slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator--()
return *this;
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator--(int)
iterator it{ *this };
return it;
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
bool slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
return ( (m_data == rhs.m_data) && (m_container == rhs.m_container) );
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
bool slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const
return ((m_data != rhs.m_data) || (m_container != rhs.m_container));
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::value_type& slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator*() const
return *m_data;
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::value_type* slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator::operator->() const
return m_data;
* @brief Retrieve the index corresponding to the referenced object.
* @param object The object for which an index is being acquired.
* @return the index corresponding to the 'object' param.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
unsigned slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::get_index(T& object) const
unsigned index;
//int64_t index{ reinterpret_cast<element*>(&object) - reinterpret_cast<element*>(m_data) };
if( reinterpret_cast<element*>(&object)->is_alive )
index = reinterpret_cast<element*>(&object)->index;
const element* left = reinterpret_cast<element*>(&object);
const element* right = data();
index = static_cast<unsigned>( left - right );
ADL_ASSERT_MSG( ( index < m_capacity ) && ( index >= 0 ), "Tried to free an element that was out of bounds.");
//return static_cast<unsigned>(index);
return index;
* @brief Casts an element index to a pointer to an object of the value_type type stored at that index.
* @param index The index of the object to retrieve
* @return Pointer to the object stored at the index referenced by the 'index' param.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
T* slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::as_value_type(unsigned index) const
return reinterpret_cast<value_type *>( const_cast<std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), 4>::type *>(&m_data[index].object) );
* @brief Initializes all member variables and the free list.
* @detail If _Use_Heap is true it will allocate using the heap,
* otherwise the elements will be stored in place in the slot_array.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::slot_array()
: m_capacity(_Elements)
, m_max_used(0)
, m_size(0)
, m_free_head(0)
// Setup the in place free list
for (unsigned i{ 0 }; i < m_capacity; ++i)
m_data[i].index = i + 1;
* @brief destructs all live objects and releases any memory it allocated.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::~slot_array()
* @brief Releases all live elements and sets up the free list.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
void slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::clear()
for (unsigned i{ 0 }; i < m_capacity; ++i)
if (m_data[i].is_alive)
free( *reinterpret_cast<T*>( &m_data[i] ) );
m_data[i].index = i + 1;
ADL_ASSERT(m_size == 0);
m_free_head = 0;
* @brief Allocates an object in the slot_array and returns a reference to the object.
* @param args Any arguments passed to the function will be forwarded to the constructor of the value_type.
* @return A reference to the allocated object.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
template<typename... Args>
T& slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::alloc(Args&&... args)
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(m_size < m_capacity, "Tried to allocate in a fully saturated container.");
element& elem{ m_data[m_free_head] };
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(elem.is_alive == false, "Tried to allocate in an element that is already in use.");
unsigned temp = elem.index;
// The element stores it's own index if it is live
elem.index = m_free_head;
// remove the element from the free list
m_free_head = temp;
T* data = new(&elem.object) T( std::forward<Args>(args)... );
elem.is_alive = true;
// set the max used if we have a new record;
m_max_used = std::max(m_max_used, m_size);
return *as_value_type(elem.index);
* @brief Accesses an element of the slot_array by key. Only use this if the key is known to be valid.
* @param ID An identifier known to be good that references an object in the slot_array
* @return A reference to the object corresponding to the ID.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
T& slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::get(unsigned ID) const
// Acquire the 16 higher bits of the ID
// This isn't done in this get implementation, because it is assumed to be a valid ID.
//unsigned key{ ((ID >> 16) && 0xFFFF) };
// Acquire the 16 lower bits of the ID
unsigned index{ ID & 0x0000FFFF };
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(index < _Elements, "Invalid ID: Index out of range.");
return *as_value_type(index);
* @brief Accesses an element of the slot_array by key safely and can be used if the key isn't known to be valid.
* @param ID An identifier that references an object in the slot_array
* @return A pointer to the object corresponding to the ID. If the ID is invalid, it will return nullptr.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
T* slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::get_safely(unsigned ID) const
// Acquire bits 16-30 (zero indexed) of the ID
unsigned key{ ( ID >> 16 ) & 0x7FFF };
// ^ 0111 1111 1111 1111
// Acquire the 16 lower bits of the ID
unsigned index{ ID & 0xFFFF };
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(index < _Elements, "Invalid ID: Index out of range.");
element& object = m_data[index];
if(object.counter == key )
return as_value_type(object.index);
return nullptr;
* @brief Generates a unique identifier used to safely access the referenced object.
* @param object The object who's ID is being acquired.
* @return An ID that can be used to safely access the object.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
unsigned slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::get_ID(T& object) const
unsigned index = get_index(object);
return m_data[index].make_ID(index);
* @brief Releases an element from the slot_array and makes that slot available.
* @param position The position of the element to erase.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::erase(iterator position)
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(this == position.m_container, "Iterator/container mismatched.");
return ++position;
* @brief Erases a range of elements [first, last) from teh slot_array and makes those slots available.
* @param first The start of the range to erase.
* @param last One past the end of the range to remove.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::erase(iterator first, iterator last)
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(this == first.m_container, "Iterator/container mismatched.");
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(this == last.m_container, "Iterator/container mismatched.");
for (; first != last; ++first)
return first;
* @brief Safely destructs the referenced object and makes it's slot available for new objects.
* @param object The object to be freed.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
void slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::free(T& object)
unsigned index{ get_index(object) };
element& elem{ m_data[ index ] };
ADL_ASSERT_MSG(elem.is_alive, "Tried to free an object that wasn't alive.");
elem.is_alive = false;
// Add this element to the front of the free list
elem.index = m_free_head;
m_free_head = index;
* @brief Safely destructs the referenced object and makes it's slot available for new objects.
* @param object The object to be freed.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
void slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::free(iterator object)
* @brief Used to iterate over the live elements of the slot_array.
* @param object A pointer reference that will be set to point to the next element.
Will be nullptr if none remain. Pass in a nullptr to start with the first element.
* @return Returns whether the pointer is valid or not. Convenient for use in a while loop.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
bool slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::next(T*& object) const
if (m_size == 0u)
object = nullptr;
return false;
// General case: valid object pointer and we start from one past that object's index.
if (object)
unsigned index{ get_index(*object) };
for (unsigned i{ index + 1 }; i < m_capacity; ++i)
if (m_data[i].is_alive)
object = as_value_type(i);
return true;
else // Handle the case where a nullptr is passed in and we start from the first element
for (unsigned i{ 0 }; i < m_capacity; ++i)
if (m_data[i].is_alive)
object = as_value_type(i);
return true;
object = nullptr;
return false;
* @brief Used to iterate over the live elements of the slot_array.
* @param object A pointer reference that will be set to point to the next element.
Will be nullptr if none remain. Pass in a nullptr to start with the first element.
* @return Returns whether the pointer is valid or not. Convenient for use in a while loop.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
bool slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::previous(T*& object) const
if (m_size == 0u)
object = nullptr;
return false;
// General case: valid object pointer and we start from one past that object's index.
if (object)
unsigned index{ get_index(*object) };
// v subtracting 1 because the data starts at the 0 index
for (unsigned i{ index - 1 }; i != UINT32_MAX; --i) // UINT32_MAX is the result of decrementing 0.
if (m_data[i].is_alive)
object = as_value_type(i);
return true;
else // Handle the case where a nullptr is passed in and we start from the first element
// v subtracting 1 because the data starts at the 0 index
for (unsigned i{ _Elements - 1 }; i != UINT32_MAX; --i) // UINT32_MAX is the result of decrementing 0.
if (m_data[i].is_alive)
object = as_value_type(i);
return true;
object = nullptr;
return false;
* @brief Access the first element of the slot_array. Can be used in conjunction with next() to iterate over all elements.
* @return An iterator with the first live element of the slot_array.
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::begin() const noexcept
if (m_size == 0u)
return end();
for (unsigned i{ 0u }; i < _Elements; ++i)
if (m_data[i].is_alive)
return iterator( *this, as_value_type(i) );
// This can only occur when an element seems to exist, but could not be found within the bounds of the container.
ADL_ASSERT("An internal error has occurred.");
return iterator{ *this, nullptr };
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
const typename slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::iterator slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::end() const noexcept
return iterator{ *this, nullptr };
template<typename T, unsigned _Elements, bool _Use_Heap>
template<typename Predicate>
void slot_array<T, _Elements, _Use_Heap>::remove_if(Predicate p)
for (auto & it : *this)
if (p(it))
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