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Last active February 26, 2016 12:53
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  • Save MasterHans/2dc9fd5a9f5c616deffe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MasterHans/2dc9fd5a9f5c616deffe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<select name="event-dropdown" onchange='document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'>
<option value=""><?php echo esc_attr('Выберите событие'); ?></option>
$categories= get_categories('child_of=10');
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$option = '<option value="/category/archives/'.$category->category_nicename.'">';
$option .= $category->cat_name;
$option .= ' ('.$category->category_count.')';
$option .= '</option>';
echo $option;
$categories= get_categories('child_of='.get_query_var('cat'));
foreach($categories as $category) {
echo '<p>Category: <a href="' . get_category_link( $category->term_id ) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( "View all posts in %s" ), $category->name ) . '" ' . '>' . $category->name.'</a> </p> ';
echo '<p> Description:'. $category->description . '</p>';
echo '<p> Post Count: '. $category->count . '</p>'; }
$category = get_category_by_slug( 'category-name' );
$args = array(
'type' => 'post',
'child_of' => $category->term_id,
'orderby' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'hide_empty' => FALSE,
'hierarchical' => 1,
'taxonomy' => 'category',
$child_categories = get_categories($args );
$category_list = array();
$category_list[] = $category->term_id;
if ( !empty ( $child_categories ) ){
foreach ( $child_categories as $child_category ){
$category_list[] = $child_category->term_id;
$posts_args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 10,
'cat' => $category->term_id,
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'suppress_filters' => true
$posts = new WP_Query ( $posts_args );
if ( $posts->have_posts() ){
while ( $posts->have_posts() ){
$category_array = array();
$post_categories = get_the_category ( get_the_ID() );
if ( !empty ( $post_categories ) ){
foreach ( $post_categories as $post_category ) {
$category_array[] = $post_category->term_id;
//Checks if post has an additional category
$result = array_diff( $category_array, $category_list );
if ( empty ( $result ) ) { ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="side-thumb" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"> dfdf<?php
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ){
echo get_the_post_thumbnail();
//Put your default icon code here
</li> <?php
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