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Last active December 12, 2022 07:29
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Zig Interface Implementation
const std = @import("std");
const WriterSpec = struct {
pub const write = fn(self: *@This(), msg: []const u8) error{IoError}!void;
pub const flush = fn(self: @This()) void;
const Writer = Interface(WriterSpec);
const LogWriter = struct {
pub fn write(self: *@This(), msg: []const u8) error{IoError}!void {"LogWriter.write(msg: {s})", .{msg});
pub fn flush(self: @This()) void {"LogWriter.flush()", .{});
fn invokeWriter(writer: Writer) !void {
// this can be replaced with an improved version when @Type(.Struct) allows declarations:
// try writer.write("hello");
// writer.flush();
try writer.invoke("write", .{ "hello" });
writer.invoke("flush", .{});
pub fn main() !void {
var log_writer = LogWriter{};
try invokeWriter(interfaceCast(Writer, &log_writer));
fn interfaceCast(comptime InterfaceType: type, pointer: anytype) InterfaceType {
return InterfaceType {
.vtable = InterfaceType.getVTable(@TypeOf(pointer.*)),
.instance = @ptrCast(*InterfaceType.ErasedSelf, pointer),
fn Interface(comptime Spec: type) type {
const decls = @typeInfo(Spec).Struct.decls;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const ErasedSelf = struct{};
fn replaceSelfType(comptime src_type: type) type {
if(src_type == Spec)
return *const ErasedSelf;
const info = @typeInfo(src_type);
return switch(info) {
.Pointer => |ptr| {
var clone = ptr;
if(clone.child == Spec)
clone.child = ErasedSelf;
return @Type(.{ .Pointer = clone });
else => @compileError(@typeName(src_type) ++ " is not translatable!"),
const VTable = comptime blk: {
const dummy_field = std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField {
.name = "",
.field_type = void,
.default_value = {},
.is_comptime = true,
.alignment = 0,
var fields = [1]std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField{ dummy_field } ** decls.len;
for(fields) |*field, i| {
const srcFn = @typeInfo(decls[i].data.Type).Fn;
// create copy of the argument list
var args = srcFn.args[0..srcFn.args.len].*;
args[0].arg_type = if(args[0].arg_type) |arg_type|
var dstFn = srcFn;
dstFn.args = &args;
const F = @Type(.{ .Fn = dstFn });
field.* = std.builtin.TypeInfo.StructField {
.name = decls[i].name,
.field_type = F,
.default_value = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(F),
const struct_def = std.builtin.TypeInfo.Struct {
.layout = .Auto,
.fields = &fields,
.decls = &[_]std.builtin.TypeInfo.Declaration{},
.is_tuple = false,
const struct_info = std.builtin.TypeInfo {
.Struct = struct_def,
break :blk @Type(struct_info);
pub fn getWrapper(comptime T: type, comptime field_name: []const u8, comptime field_type: type) field_type {
const field_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(@field(T, field_name))).Fn;
const F = struct {
fn invoke(erased_self: anytype, args: anytype) field_info.return_type.? {
const A0 = field_info.args[0].arg_type.?;
var self = if(A0 == T)
@ptrCast(*const T, erased_self).*
else if(A0 == *T)
@ptrCast(*T, erased_self)
else if(A0 == *const T)
@ptrCast(*const T, erased_self)
@compileError("unsupported self type " ++ @typeName(A0))
return @call(
@field(T, field_name),
.{ self } ++ args,
return comptime createCallWrapper(field_type, F.invoke);
pub fn getVTable(comptime T: type) *const VTable {
comptime var table: VTable = undefined;
inline for(std.meta.fields(VTable)) |fld| {
@field(table, = comptime getWrapper(T,, fld.field_type);
const Storage = struct {
const vtable: VTable = table;
return &Storage.vtable;
vtable: *const VTable,
instance: *ErasedSelf,
pub fn invoke(self: @This(), comptime function: []const u8, args: anytype) @typeInfo(@field(Spec, function)).Fn.return_type.? {
return @call(
@field(self.vtable, function),
.{ self.instance } ++ args,
fn createCallWrapper(comptime FunctionType: type, comptime function: anytype) FunctionType {
const fn_info = @typeInfo(FunctionType).Fn;
const fn_args = fn_info.args;
const R = fn_info.return_type orelse @compileError("Function must be non-generic");
comptime var A: [fn_args.len]type = undefined;
inline for(A) |*t,i| {
t.* = fn_args[i].arg_type orelse @compileError("Function must be non-generic");
const Wrappers = struct {
fn fn1(a0: A[0]) R { return function(a0,.{}); }
fn fn2(a0: A[0], a1:A[1]) R { return function(a0,.{a1}); }
fn fn3(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2}); }
fn fn4(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3}); }
fn fn5(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4}); }
fn fn6(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5}); }
fn fn7(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6}); }
fn fn8(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7}); }
fn fn9(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8}); }
fn fn10(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9}); }
fn fn11(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9], a10:A[10]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10}); }
fn fn12(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9], a10:A[10], a11:A[11]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11}); }
fn fn13(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9], a10:A[10], a11:A[11], a12:A[12]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12}); }
fn fn14(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9], a10:A[10], a11:A[11], a12:A[12], a13:A[13]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13}); }
fn fn15(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9], a10:A[10], a11:A[11], a12:A[12], a13:A[13], a14:A[14]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14}); }
fn fn16(a0: A[0], a1:A[1], a2:A[2], a3:A[3], a4:A[4], a5:A[5], a6:A[6], a7:A[7], a8:A[8], a9:A[9], a10:A[10], a11:A[11], a12:A[12], a13:A[13], a14:A[14], a15:A[15]) R { return function(a0,.{a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15}); }
return switch(fn_args.len) {
1 => Wrappers.fn1,
2 => Wrappers.fn2,
3 => Wrappers.fn3,
4 => Wrappers.fn4,
5 => Wrappers.fn5,
6 => Wrappers.fn6,
7 => Wrappers.fn7,
8 => Wrappers.fn8,
9 => Wrappers.fn9,
10 => Wrappers.fn10,
11 => Wrappers.fn11,
12 => Wrappers.fn12,
13 => Wrappers.fn13,
14 => Wrappers.fn14,
15 => Wrappers.fn15,
16 => Wrappers.fn16,
else => @compileError("Unsupported number of arguments!"),
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Nice tasty morsel ... hoping for something like this to support a formal Interface definition in the language spec.

Its really useful when tools support "does this struct implement the interface" type checks at compiletime, and also at runtime using some reflection tooling.

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Nice tasty morsel ... hoping for something like this to support a formal Interface definition in the language spec.

I don't think we actually need fat pointers in the language. As you can see above, we can already do pretty good, and if some proposals get accepted, we can even do better

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