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Last active August 20, 2019 12:01
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  • Save MatLang/b052ee5ff659482d74f5564402ad1672 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  1. What does the acronym LIFT describe?
  • Locate code quickly
  • Identify easily (naming)
  • flat folder structure
  • Try to be DRY
  1. What 2 options for organizing an Angular project folder do exist?
  • convention based
  • feature based
  1. How many features should you have per module and why?
  • 1 module per feature
  • self contained
  • easy maintenance
  1. What is one big advantage of having each feature in a seperate module?
  • Lazy loading parts of the application when it's needed
  1. What is an example for a folder structure?
  • Core
  • Shared
  • Course
  • Customer
    • Customer-dtails
    • Customer-edit
  • Customers
  1. What belongs to the core part of an application?
  • Singleton services or other parts i.e. components
  1. How can you conncet a routing module with its feature module?
  • Import routing module in feature module
  1. What trick can you use to easily connect all components from within a routing module?
export class AboutRoutingmodule {
	static components = [AboutComponent];

	imports: [AboutRoutingModule],
  	declarations: [AboutRoutingModule.components]
  1. How can you update to the latest version of angular globally?
  • npm install -g @angular/cli
  1. How can you update in an existing project?
  • npm update @angular/cli @angular/core
  1. What is the basic flow of NgRx?
  • Component dispatches action
  • effects get called in order to retreive data
  • effect send the action to the reducer
  • store is updated
  • component gets updated via selectors
  1. How does an event bus work?
  • 2 components / 1 event bus (subject)
  • 1 component subscribes with .on and "callback" function
  • 1 component raises event
import ...

export class EventBusService {

    private subject$ = new Subject();

    on(event: Events, action: any): Subscription {
         return this.subject$
                    filter((e: EmitEvent) => {
                      return === event;
                    map((e: EmitEvent) => {
                      return e.value;

    emit(event: EmitEvent) {

export class EmitEvent {

  constructor(public name: any, public value?: any) { }


export enum Events {
import ...

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent implements OnInit { 
  customers: Customer[];
  customer: Customer;
  eventbusSub: Subscription;
  customersChangedSub: Subscription;
  constructor(private eventbus: EventBusService, private dataService: DataService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    //Example of using an event bus to provide loosely coupled communication (mediator pattern)
    this.eventbusSub = this.eventbus.on(Events.CustomerSelected, (cust => this.customer = cust));

    //Example of using BehaviorSubject to be notified when a service changes
    this.customersChangedSub = this.dataService.customersChanged$.subscribe(custs => this.customers = custs);
  1. How can you improve the performance of functions used in the template and why is this good?
  • Use pipes instead of functions, because these are only recalculated if the input of the component changes
  1. What is forkJoin used for?
  • Wait for all observables to complete and return their last emitted values.
  1. What is switchMap used for?
  • Switch first observable into a second observable (cancel first first observable)
  1. What does mergeMap do?
  • Map first observable into follow-up observables while keeping multiple inner subscriptions alive.
  1. What belongs into the core section of the app?
  • singleton services (logging, errors, data) and components
  1. What belongs in the shared section of the app?
  • reusable componentens, pipes, directives, for example calendarComponent
  1. How can you ensure that modules from core are only injected once?
  • class based: EnsureModuleLoadedOnceGuard (extends + module + super)
  • function based: throwIfAlreadyLoaded (function + module + name)
  1. How do you create a library?
  • ng g library my-lib
  1. What do you need to do after you create a library in order to use it?
  • ng build my-lib in order to build library in dist folder
  1. What does ng g l do?
  • create new project in ./project
  • add paths to tsconfig.json (used during build to distribute to dist)
  • add project to angular.json
  1. How does the JS engine process JS code?
  • JS Code -> runs through parser -> AST is created -> runs through basline compiler -> runs continously through optimisation compiler -> is translated to machine code
  1. What's the role of ignition and turboFan in V8 engine?
  • optimize and de-optimize code continuously
  1. What are different subject types in RxJs?
  • Subject: latest value
  • ReplaySubject: specified last x values (caching)
  • BehaviorSubject: last value
  • Async Subject: last value on completion
  1. What pattern does the event bus follow?
  • mediator pattern
  1. What pattern does the observerable service follow?
  • observer pattern
  1. What's the biggest difference between event bus and observable service?
  • event bus does not know of source of truth and how changes are handled
  1. What is a ngModule?
  • An NgModule declares a compilation context for a set of components that is dedicated to an application domain, a workflow, or a closely related set of capabilities.
  1. How does Angular compile a component?
  • Find module the component belongs to
  • Find all directives that are in scope of the module
  • Run compilation with all found directives
  1. How many files should you have per folder at maximum?
  • 7
  1. How many items should you have per file?
  • 1
  1. What is the single responsibility rule about?
  • a class, component or file shoule be responsible for one thing only
  1. How should you format constants names in components?
  • normal camel case just like with normal properties/variables.
  1. How should you structure your imports in the app?
  • 3rd party imports before own imports
  1. What's a simple way to add or drop entries from an array in an immutable way?
  • this.currentUser.classes.push(classId);

  • Object.assign({}, this.currentUser, {classes: this.currentUser.classes.concat([classId])}

  • this.currentUser.classes = this.currentUser.classes.filter( c => c.classId !== classId);

  • this.currentUser = Object.assign({}, this.currentUser, {classes: this.currentUser.classes.filter(c => c.classId !== classId)});

function saveUser(user): Observable<any> {
	this.currentUser = user;
  	return Observable.empty().delay(4000);


function saveUser(user): Observable<any> {
	this.currentUser = Object.assign({}, user, {classes: user.classes || []});
    return Observable.empty().delay(1000);
  1. What's some general best practices in Javascript?
  • SRS
  • Symbol naming
  • Immutability
  • Using small functions
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