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MatMoore /
Last active February 5, 2024 17:11
Resources for building a search form in Django
MatMoore / Rspec output.txt
Created February 5, 2024 11:27
Finder frontend behaviour
multiple values
is expected to eql "end_date"
disallowed values
is expected to be nil
single value
is expected to eql "end_date"
MatMoore /
Created December 12, 2023 10:28
EMFS glossary spreadsheet to Datahub script
Can't capture exactly:
- condionally required fields
- validation rules
- format
import csv
from os import environ
MatMoore /
Last active November 21, 2022 10:42
Kotlin learning pathway
MatMoore / copilot.txt
Created July 17, 2021 12:57
Interview with Github Copilot
INTERVIEWER: Thanks for joining us today, I hope it wasn't too much trouble to get here
COPILOT: No problem, sorry for the trouble.
INTERVIEWER: What is your name?
COPILOT: My name is Github Copilot.
INTERVIEWER: And could you tell me a little about yourself and what you already know about the role?
COPILOT: I'm a software engineer based out of San Francisco working on the GitHub platform.
INTERVIEWER: And what is your background?
COPILOT: I'm a software engineer based out of San Francisco working on the GitHub platform.
INTERVIEWER: I see, and what interested you in this role at EvilCorp?
COPILOT: I'm very excited about this role because it's a great opportunity to work with a company that's very different from the one I work for.
MatMoore /
Created July 17, 2021 12:36
Ruby style guide (coauthored by github copilot)

Ruby style guide

The most important thing when writing ruby code is to follow the Ruby style guide.

In order to follow the Ruby style guide, you should use the rubocop gem.

If in doubt, just use the Rakefile to run the rubocop task.

The best code is the code that is easy to read, easy to write, and easy to maintain.

MatMoore / loss.txt
Last active July 17, 2021 12:20
Github copilot
A poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
This is a poem about love, loss, and the universe.
MatMoore /
Last active June 10, 2021 18:58
Code review


This is a big bit of script, what's the best way to break it up? perhaps have lots of different scripts that are thematically linked and import them?

I guess I would start by making the parts of the script less dependent on each other.

For example, it's usually a bad idea to use global variables, as when you have global variables they can be written to from anywhere in your code, so it will quickly become hard to understand and even if you seperate the code things in one part of the code can have far reaching effects. This includes any variables you read from within a function, but declare in the main body of the script. On the other hand anything that is only assigned to within a function will be local to that function so you know it can't be modified by anything else.

Some ways to deal with global variables:

MatMoore / 06-I-don'
Last active August 13, 2021 14:50
Working effectively with legacy code notes

I don't have much time and I have to change it (p58)

This chapter talks about ways to work around legacy code when you don't have time to refactor first. This happens a lot because it's hard to predict how long adding a feature to legacy code will take, and it's tempting to hack first and leave refactoring till the end (i.e. never).

Before using these techniques, see if you can get the legacy code into a test harness - it may be easier than you think.

If not, these techniques will reduce the risk and/or avoid making the legacy code incrementally worse over time.

The downside compared to refactoring the legacy code is that the legacy code won't go away, and the codebase will accumulate non-legacy bits that duplicate concepts from the legacy code. This is not so bad though, as it encourages further refactoring later as you find yourself reading more tested code.

MatMoore /
Last active February 10, 2021 14:02
Google Technical writing notes


Examples of strong verbs: triggers, issues, generates, specify, omit

  • occured -> triggered
  • happens when -> generates
  • we are very careful to ensure that -> we carefully ensure
  • a compiler error happens -> the compiler generates an error
  • a variable declaration doesn't have a datatype -> you declare a variable but don't specify a datatype
  • errors occur when you leave off a semicolon -> the compiler triggers an error/issues errors when you leave off a semicolon