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Created January 31, 2020 11:28
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Generated by XState Viz:
* The copy of the stateMachine.js for Visualizer (modified imports)
// Available variables:
// Machine (machine factory function)
// XState (all XState exports)
const settings = {
steps: 20,
colors: ['RED', 'GREEN', 'YELLOW', 'BLUE'],
const initialContext = {
strict: false,
steps: [],
playerSteps: [],
visibleStep: null,
const gameMachine = Machine(
id: 'simon',
context: initialContext,
initial: 'notRunning',
states: {
notRunning: {
on: { TOGGLE: 'running' },
running: {
on: {
actions: 'resetContext',
target: 'notRunning',
initial: 'idle',
states: {
idle: {
on: {
actions: 'toggleStrict',
START: 'intro',
intro: {
after: {
3000: {
actions: 'doMove',
target: 'showSteps',
warningWrongMove: {
after: {
3000: 'showSteps',
showSteps: {
on: {
'': {
actions: 'setVisibleStep',
target: 'showStep',
showStep: {
after: {
1000: [
cond: 'isTheVisibleStepTheLast',
actions: 'clearVisibleStep',
target: 'playing',
target: 'showSteps',
playing: {
on: {
actions: 'recordMove',
target: 'checkStep',
...settings.colors.reduce((acc, color) => {
return {
[`CLICK_${color}`]: {
actions: `click${color.charAt(0) +
target: 'checkStep',
}, {}),
checkStep: {
on: {
'': [
cond: 'isThePlayedStepCorrect',
target: 'checkPlayedStep',
cond: 'isStrict',
actions: ['resetPlayerSteps', 'resetSteps', 'doMove'],
target: 'lose',
actions: 'resetPlayerSteps',
target: 'warningWrongMove',
checkPlayedStep: {
on: {
'': [
cond: 'isThePlayedStepTheLast',
target: 'checkGame',
actions: 'resetPlayerSteps',
target: 'playing',
checkGame: {
on: {
'': [
cond: 'isTheLastMove',
target: 'win',
actions: 'doMove',
target: 'showSteps',
win: {
type: 'final',
lose: {
type: 'final',
on: {
actions: 'restart',
target: 'intro',
actions: {
resetContext: XState.actions.assign(initialContext),
restart: XState.actions.assign(ctx => ({
strict: ctx.strict,
toggleStrict: XState.actions.assign({
strict: ctx => !ctx.strict,
doMove: XState.actions.assign({
steps: ctx => [...ctx.steps, getColor(settings.colors)],
setVisibleStep: XState.actions.assign({
visibleStep: ctx =>
ctx.visibleStep === null ? 0 : ctx.visibleStep + 1,
clearVisibleStep: XState.actions.assign({
visibleStep: null,
recordMove: XState.actions.assign({
playerSteps: (ctx, event) => [...ctx.playerSteps, event.button],
resetPlayerSteps: XState.actions.assign({
playerSteps: [],
resetSteps: XState.actions.assign({
steps: [],
// temporary (for demonstration only)
...settings.colors.reduce((acc, color) => {
return {
[`click${color.charAt(0) + color.slice(1).toLowerCase()}`]: _assign(
}, {}),
guards: {
isStrict: ctx => ctx.strict,
isTheVisibleStepTheLast: ctx => {
if (ctx.visibleStep === ctx.steps.length - 1) {
return true;
return false;
isThePlayedStepCorrect: ctx => {
const playedIndex = ctx.playerSteps.length - 1;
const playedStep = ctx.playerSteps[playedIndex];
if (playedStep === ctx.steps[playedIndex]) {
return true;
return false;
isThePlayedStepTheLast: ctx =>
ctx.playerSteps.length === ctx.steps.length,
isTheLastMove: ctx => ctx.steps.length === settings.steps,
function getColor(colors) {
const index = _randomize(0, colors.length - 1);
return colors[index];
function _randomize(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function _assign(color) {
return XState.actions.assign({
playerSteps: ctx => [...ctx.playerSteps, color],
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