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Last active August 10, 2018 21:49
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Autonomous driver prototype for Chrono
import socket
import sys
import DriverMessages_pb2
import math
import gpxpy
import gpxpy.gpx
class Driver:
def __init__(self):
print("Initializing Driver...\n")
# initialize driver inputs (e.g. lidar, grps, imu, time, light)
self.lidar = DriverMessages_pb2.lidar()
self.gps = DriverMessages_pb2.gps()
self.imu = DriverMessages_pb2.imu()
self.time = DriverMessages_pb2.time()
self.light = DriverMessages_pb2.light()
# initialize local vars
self.inputLidar, self.inputGPS, self.inputIMU, self.inputTime, self.inputLight = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
self.lastOutputValue = None
self.outputValue = None
self.totalDistance = None
self.BRAKE = 1
self.STEER = 2
print("Variables initialized succesfully\n")
#Declaring functions for reciving and parsing Driver Messages (e.g. SYN_Sedan)
def ParseLidarMessage(self, msg):
# lidar = DriverMessages_pb2.lidar()
print("Lidar Input:\n"+self.lidar.__str__()+"\n")
def ParseGPSMessage(self, msg):
# gps = DriverMessages_pb2.gps()
inputGPS = self.gps.ParseFromString(msg)
print("GPS Input:\n"+self.gps.__str__()+"\n")
def ParseIMUMessage(self, msg):
# imu = DriverMessages_pb2.imu()
inputIMU = self.imu.ParseFromString(msg)
print("IMU Input:\n"+self.imu.__str__()+"\n")
def ParseTimeMessage(self, msg):
# time = DriverMessages_pb2.time()
inputTime = self.time.ParseFromString(msg)
print("Time Input:\n"+self.time.__str__()+"\n")
def ParseLightMessage(self, msg):
# light = DriverMessages_pb2.light()
inputLight = self.light.ParseFromString(msg)
print("Light Input:\n"+self.light.__str__()+"\n")
# Current testing navigation from '870 W Dayton St' (43.07101591798705, -89.39995136927791) to '455 N Park St'
# GPS points to go to:
# 43.070948, -89.399946 (Start [879 W Dayton])
# 43.070962, -89.400736 (W Dayton and N Park)
# 43.072067, -89.400663 (W Johnson and N Park)
# 43.073260, -89.400533 (University Ave and N Park)
# 43.074212, -89.400562 (Destination [455 N Park])
# goToCoord is a function that outputs steering, accelration, and braking needed to reach a target point
# input current and target coordinates as well as imu data... returns 3-tuple movementOutputValue
def goToCoord(self, currentLat, currentLong, targetLat, targetLong, imuX, imuY, imuZ, currentTarget):
lastAccel, lastBrake, lastSteer = self.lastOutputValue
currentAngle = imuX #get the current angle of the vehicle
# vars 'ef', 'ij', and 'gh' represent points of a triangle
ef = (currentLat, currentLong) # point representing vehicle
ij = (targetLat, targetLong) # target point
gh = (currentLat, targetLong) # point complting the triangle
# distance between points
a = math.hypot(currentLat - targetLat, targetLong - targetLong)
b = math.hypot(targetLat - currentLat, targetLong - currentLong) #distance between current posision and target
c = math.hypot(currentLat - currentLat, targetLong - currentLong)
if currentTarget == 0: #currentTarget is what target the vehicle is navigating to (e.g. 1/23)
self.totalDistance = b
goalAngle = math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2 - (2*a*b) * math.cos(c)) #angle in radians that the vehicle needs to travel in relative to the XY plane
# How much adjusting needs to be done to get back on target, currently
# steering: last angle ± 0.15 * (distance left to target / total distance from start to target)
# TODO tweak until it works
if (goalAngle % math.pi) > (currentAngle % math.pi):
lastSteer += 0.15*(b/self.totalDistance)
elif (goalAngle % math.pi) < (currentAngle % math.pi):
lastSteer -= 0.15*(b/self.totalDistance)
# return 3-tuple with acceleration, braking, and steering
return (lastAccel, lastBrake, lastSteer)
def chooseAction(self):
outputType = 0
outputValue = (1,0,0) #outputValue is a tuple that represents the scripts output (accelration, braking, steering)
lastOutputValue = (0,0,0) #TODO set this to the last output
currentTarget = 0 # current target point (e.g. 1/23)
tolerance = 0.0000005 #approx 5cm tolerance on how close the vehicle should be to the point
if not self.gps.IsInitialized(): # throw exeception if driver sends bad GPS message
print("Potential error, GPS message is incomplete\n")
#import gps coords from gpx file
path = open("map.gpx", 'r')
gpx = gpxpy.parse(path)
allGpsTargets = []
for track in gpx.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
for point in segment.points:
allGpsTargets.append((point.latitude, point.longitude))
# set imu and gps coords from driver messages
imuXYZ = (self.imu.q1, self.imu.q2, self.imu.q3)
gpsCoords = (self.gps.latitude, self.gps.longitude)
self.lastOutputValue = outputValue
#go to next target until youre done with the last one
if currentTarget != len(allGpsTargets):
print("Current target: "+str(currentTarget)+"/"+str(len(allGpsTargets))) # say what the current target is (e.g. 1/23)
outputValue = self.goToCoord(*gpsCoords, *allGpsTargets[currentTarget], *imuXYZ, currentTarget) # set movement tuple (acceleration, braking, steering) to goToCoord's output
if math.isclose(gpsCoords[0], allGpsTargets[currentTarget][0], rel_tol=tolerance) and math.isclose(gpsCoords[1], allGpsTargets[currentTarget][1], rel_tol=tolerance): #if the vehicle is within the tolerance (5cm) of the target, go to the next target
currentTarget += 1
elif currentTarget == len(allGpsTargets): # if you've reached all the targets (completed the route)
print("You (should) have arrived at your destination!")
print("Accleration output: "+str(outputValue[0])+"\nBraking output: "+str(outputValue[1])+"\nSteering output: "+str(outputValue[2])+"\n")
return (outputType, outputValue)
#method to output control message to Driver (output accel, braking, and steering values)
def generateControlMessage(self):
control = DriverMessages_pb2.control()
actionType, actionValue = self.chooseAction()
control.throttle = actionValue[0]
control.braking = actionValue[1]
control.steering = actionValue[2]
return control.SerializeToString() #output command (brake, accelerate, etc.)
def main():
if (len(sys.argv) != 3): #catch exception if you don't pass 3 vars
print("\ HOST PORT\n")
# init driver
driver = Driver()
# print(repr(driver.generateControlMessage()))
HOST = sys.argv[1]
PORT = int(sys.argv[2])
#Create UDP socket for Driver to .py script communication, and bind it to ports 9000 and 9001
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s:
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
print("Socket bound successfully. Bound to "+HOST+":"+str(PORT))
while True: #keep accepting the Driver's sensor data over UDP
message, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
message, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
message, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
message, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
message, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
control = driver.generateControlMessage()
s.sendto(control , addr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt: # a cleaner way to show a KeyboardInterrupt
print("Script Halted via KeyboardInturrupt")
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