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Last active May 20, 2022 00:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import unittest
def evalutate_expr(expr: str) -> bool:
expr = expr.replace("true", "True").replace("false", "False").replace("xor", "!=")
return eval(expr)
def get_variants(expression):
tokens = expression.split(" ")
if len(tokens) <= 3:
return [expression]
variants = []
tokens_cursor = 0
while(tokens_cursor < len(tokens)):
parenthesis_cursor = 3 + tokens_cursor
while(parenthesis_cursor <= len(tokens)):
variants.append(tokens[:tokens_cursor] + ["("] + tokens[tokens_cursor:parenthesis_cursor] + [")"] + tokens[parenthesis_cursor:])
parenthesis_cursor += 2
tokens_cursor += 2
return variants
def count_parents(expression):
all_expressions = get_variants(expression)
if(len(all_expressions) == 1):
return evalutate_expr(all_expressions[0])
return sum(evalutate_expr(" ".join(e)) for e in all_expressions)
class CountingParentsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true"), 1)
def test_false(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("false"), 0)
def test_true_and_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and true"), 1)
def test_true_and_false(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and false"), 0)
def test_true_or_false(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true or false"), 1)
def test_false_or_false(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("false or false"), 0)
def test_true_xor_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true xor true"), 0)
def test_false_xor_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("false xor true"), 1)
def test_false_and_true_and_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("false and true and true"), 0)
def test_true_and_true_and_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and true and true"), 3)
def test_false_and_false_and_false(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and false and true or false"), 0)
def test_false_and_false_or_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("false and false or true"), 2)
def test_true_and_false_or_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and false or true"), 3)
def test_true_or_false_or_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true or false or true"), 3)
def test_true_xor_false_and_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true xor false and true"), 3)
def test_true_and_false_xor_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and false xor true"), 3)
def test_false_or_false_or_false(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("false or false or false"), 0)
def test_true_and_false_xor_true_or_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true and false xor true or true"), 6)
def test_true_and_false_and_false_and_true(self):
self.assertEqual(count_parents("true xor false xor false xor true"), 5)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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