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Created March 18, 2019 14:54
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Simple parser combinators example
// Parser definitions
type Parser[+A] = String => Option[(A, String)]
object Parser{
def apply[A](re: String)(f: String => A): Parser[A] =
input => s"""\\s*($re)(\\s*)""".r
.map { n =>
val terminal = f(
val unmatched = input.substring(
terminal -> unmatched
implicit class ParserOps[A](parser: Parser[A]) {
def |[B >: A](another: => Parser[B]): Parser[B] =
input => if (input.isEmpty) None
else parser(input) orElse another(input)
def &[B](another: => Parser[B]): Parser[(A, B)] =
input => if (input.isEmpty) None
else for {
(a, in2) <- parser(input)
(b, in3) <- another(in2)
} yield (a, b) -> in3
def map[B](f: A => B): Parser[B] =
input => parser(input).map { case (a, in2) => f(a) -> in2 }
// AST
sealed trait Terminal
final case class Number(value: java.lang.Number)
extends Terminal
sealed trait BinaryOperator
case object Plus extends BinaryOperator with Terminal
case object Minus extends BinaryOperator with Terminal
case object Times extends BinaryOperator with Terminal
case object Div extends BinaryOperator with Terminal
sealed trait Expression
final case class FromNumber(number: Number) extends Expression
final case class FromBinary(operand1: Expression,
operand2: Expression,
bin: BinaryOperator)
extends Expression
// our parser
val number = Parser[Number]("""[0-9]+""")(n => Number(n.toInt))
val plus = Parser[Plus.type]("""\+""")(_ => Plus)
val minus = Parser[Minus.type]("""-""")(_ => Minus)
val times = Parser[Times.type]("""\*""")(_ => Times)
val div = Parser[Div.type]("""\/""")(_ => Div)
val binaryOperator: Parser[BinaryOperator] =
plus | minus | times | div
def expression: Parser[Expression] = {
def fromNumber =
def fromBinary =
((fromNumber | inParenthesis) &
binaryOperator &
(fromNumber | inParenthesis)).map {
case ((ex1, bin), ex2) => FromBinary(ex1, ex2, bin)
fromBinary | fromNumber
def inParenthesis: Parser[Expression] =
(Parser[Unit]("""\(""")(_ => ()) &
expression &
Parser[Unit]("""\)""")(_ => ())).map {
case ((_, ex), _) => ex
// test
expression(""" 12 + 23 """).map(_._1).foreach(println)
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Usage: copy-paste into ammonite

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