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Created August 31, 2020 13:26
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Flame graphs for FizzBuzzBenchmark - Things that you need to know about JVM (that matter in Scala)
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<!-- Flame graph stack visualization. See for latest version, and for examples. -->
<!-- NOTES: -->
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// thanks to the sort order. This relies on the tree property
// where children are always smaller than their parents.
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<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/ListBuffer.&lt;init&gt; (2,975 samples, 5.90%)</title><rect x="496.7" y="85" width="69.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,76,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.74" y="95.5" >scala/c..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/Subtractable.$init$ (360 samples, 0.71%)</title><rect x="535.1" y="53" width="8.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,46,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="538.12" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$StreamBuilder.&lt;init&gt; (2,975 samples, 5.90%)</title><rect x="496.7" y="117" width="69.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,198,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.74" y="127.5" >scala/c..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream.take (1,514 samples, 3.00%)</title><rect x="1116.5" y="149" width="35.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,2,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.55" y="159.5" >sca..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (25,269 samples, 50.14%)</title><rect x="566.5" y="197" width="591.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,51,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="569.47" y="207.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (165 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="1184.9" y="421" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,82,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.92" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>example/generated/FizzBuzzBenchmark_run_jmhTest.run_avgt_jmhStub (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="341" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,51,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="351.5" >example/generated/FizzBuzzBenchmark_run_jmhTest.run_avgt_jmhStub</text>
<g >
<title>java/util/concurrent/ (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="469" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,114,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="479.5" >java/util/concurrent/</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$$Lambda$9/428362883.get$Lambda (515 samples, 1.02%)</title><rect x="1013.5" y="37" width="12.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,113,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.48" y="47.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (1,044 samples, 2.07%)</title><rect x="1165.5" y="501" width="24.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,4,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.53" y="511.5" >/..</text>
<g >
<title>itable stub (622 samples, 1.23%)</title><rect x="715.1" y="181" width="14.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,206,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="718.06" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>futex_wake (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,81,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.30" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_slow_exit_work (10 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,135,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.48" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream.$anonfun$take$2 (17,744 samples, 35.21%)</title><rect x="736.5" y="165" width="415.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,9,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="739.53" y="175.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream.$anonfun$take$2</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/GenTraversableFactory$GenericCanBuildFrom.apply (3,099 samples, 6.15%)</title><rect x="493.8" y="213" width="72.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,99,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.84" y="223.5" >scala/co..</text>
<g >
<title>futex_wait (15 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,72,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$$Lambda$9/428362883.apply (5,533 samples, 10.98%)</title><rect x="981.4" y="117" width="129.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,25,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="984.35" y="127.5" >scala/collection..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (16,003 samples, 31.75%)</title><rect x="741.8" y="149" width="374.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,141,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="744.85" y="159.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (142 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="1185.4" y="373" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,80,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.41" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>futex_wake (72 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="1163.7" y="469" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,160,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.71" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream.$anonfun$take$2 (115 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="213" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,36,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.90" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (1,049 samples, 2.08%)</title><rect x="1165.4" y="517" width="24.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,36,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.41" y="527.5" >/..</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (204 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="1184.0" y="453" width="4.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,125,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.01" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger (3,532 samples, 7.01%)</title><rect x="1028.2" y="69" width="82.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,152,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1031.21" y="79.5" >scala/run..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$13/1785410984.get$Lambda (747 samples, 1.48%)</title><rect x="476.3" y="181" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,160,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.30" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.&lt;init&gt; (114 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1025.5" y="69" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,72,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1028.54" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tailDefined (262 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="1152.0" y="181" width="6.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,174,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.00" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt (115 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="473.6" y="181" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,125,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.61" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$10/229084538.apply (115 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="229" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,11,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.90" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (16,003 samples, 31.75%)</title><rect x="741.8" y="133" width="374.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,129,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="744.85" y="143.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail</text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_futex (72 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="1163.7" y="501" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,171,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.71" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>itable stub (533 samples, 1.06%)</title><rect x="189.0" y="245" width="12.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,81,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.98" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/Shrinkable.$init$ (378 samples, 0.75%)</title><rect x="526.3" y="53" width="8.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,209,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="529.27" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (47,406 samples, 94.07%)</title><rect x="53.2" y="277" width="1110.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,218,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.22" y="287.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail</text>
<g >
<title>do_futex (72 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="1163.7" y="485" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,59,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.71" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sun/reflect/DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="405" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,221,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="415.5" >sun/reflect/DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (115 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="181" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,0,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.90" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (49,160 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="517" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,147,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="527.5" >java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/GenericTraversableTemplate.genericBuilder (3,099 samples, 6.15%)</title><rect x="493.8" y="149" width="72.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,29,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.84" y="159.5" >scala/co..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$.newBuilder (2,975 samples, 5.90%)</title><rect x="496.7" y="133" width="69.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,115,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.74" y="143.5" >scala/c..</text>
<g >
<title>start_thread (1,049 samples, 2.08%)</title><rect x="1165.4" y="549" width="24.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,103,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.41" y="559.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="998.0" y="69" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,216,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.00" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$MH/1820628360.linkToTargetMethod (624 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="1137.4" y="133" width="14.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,216,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.36" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/AbstractBuffer.&lt;init&gt; (2,484 samples, 4.93%)</title><rect x="502.9" y="69" width="58.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,11,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="505.85" y="79.5" >scala/..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/GenTraversableFactory$GenericCanBuildFrom.apply (3,099 samples, 6.15%)</title><rect x="493.8" y="197" width="72.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,170,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.84" y="207.5" >scala/co..</text>
<g >
<title>java/util/concurrent/ (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="501" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,217,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="511.5" >java/util/concurrent/</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$13/1785410984.apply (40,852 samples, 81.06%)</title><rect x="201.6" y="245" width="956.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,126,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.60" y="255.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$13/1785410984.apply</text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_disable_asynccancel (5 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="11.8" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,44,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.76" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (5 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="493.7" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,83,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.65" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$.$anonfun$from$1 (4,933 samples, 9.79%)</title><rect x="995.4" y="101" width="115.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,144,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="998.40" y="111.5" >scala/collecti..</text>
<g >
<title>mprotect (5 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,158,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.79" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (47,406 samples, 94.07%)</title><rect x="53.2" y="261" width="1110.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,53,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.22" y="271.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail</text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,86,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.14" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/util/concurrent/Executors$ (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="485" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,23,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="495.5" >java/util/concurrent/Executors$</text>
<g >
<title>example/generated/FizzBuzzBenchmark_run_jmhTest.run_AverageTime (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="357" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,199,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="367.5" >example/generated/FizzBuzzBenchmark_run_jmhTest.run_AverageTime</text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (65 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1163.9" y="437" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>example/FizzBuzz$$Lambda$11/459636526.apply (6,326 samples, 12.55%)</title><rect x="328.2" y="213" width="148.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,102,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.18" y="223.5" >example/FizzBuzz$$..</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (5 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1137.2" y="101" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,147,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.25" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/Buffer.$init$ (230 samples, 0.46%)</title><rect x="561.0" y="69" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,168,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.01" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.toString (5,142 samples, 10.20%)</title><rect x="344.5" y="165" width="120.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,190,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="347.45" y="175.5" >java/lang/Integ..</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1137.2" y="117" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,87,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.22" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/ (49,160 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="549" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,162,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="559.5" >java/lang/</text>
<g >
<title>do_futex (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,60,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.27" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$MH/1302192825.linkToTargetMethod (515 samples, 1.02%)</title><rect x="1013.5" y="69" width="12.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,119,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.48" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>example/ (49,158 samples, 97.54%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="325" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,29,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.25" y="335.5" >example/</text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.intValue (109 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="473.7" y="165" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,19,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.75" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream.foreach (49,156 samples, 97.54%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="293" width="1151.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,129,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.25" y="303.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream.foreach</text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (77 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1163.6" y="533" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,130,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.61" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/Buffer.$init$ (106 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="550.2" y="53" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,12,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="553.15" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_cond_wait (63 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="10.3" y="533" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,123,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.28" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1013.3" y="69" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,67,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.31" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>futex_wait_setup (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.2" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,19,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.22" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_futex (16 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,75,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.10" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (1,027 samples, 2.04%)</title><rect x="1165.9" y="485" width="24.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,19,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.86" y="495.5" >/..</text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (18 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1189.1" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,152,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.11" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (18 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1189.1" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,162,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.11" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (88 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="549" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,65,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.02" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_futex (16 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,115,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.10" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.stringSize (312 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="457.5" y="133" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,82,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="460.55" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sun/reflect/NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="389" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,97,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="399.5" >sun/reflect/NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke</text>
<g >
<title>pthread_cond_signal@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (88 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="1163.4" y="549" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,225,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.35" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (1,049 samples, 2.08%)</title><rect x="1165.4" y="533" width="24.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,125,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.41" y="543.5" >/..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (115 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="217.9" y="197" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,195,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.90" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.toString (5,008 samples, 9.94%)</title><rect x="347.6" y="149" width="117.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,49,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.59" y="159.5" >java/lang/Inte..</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (156 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="1185.1" y="405" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,56,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.11" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/BufferLike.$init$ (358 samples, 0.71%)</title><rect x="552.6" y="53" width="8.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,115,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.63" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger (374 samples, 0.74%)</title><rect x="464.9" y="165" width="8.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,26,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.85" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vsnprintf_internal (8 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,70,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.90" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.getChars (2,413 samples, 4.79%)</title><rect x="401.0" y="133" width="56.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,81,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="404.05" y="143.5" >java/..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail (25,269 samples, 50.14%)</title><rect x="566.5" y="213" width="591.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,203,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="569.47" y="223.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tail</text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt (25 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,189,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.95" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sun/reflect/NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="373" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,88,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="383.5" >sun/reflect/NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (5 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="400.9" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,5,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="403.93" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor$ (49,160 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="533" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,145,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="543.5" >java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor$</text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (64 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1163.9" y="421" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,80,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.87" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mprotect (5 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.5" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,74,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.valueOf (297 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="466.7" y="149" width="6.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,13,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="469.65" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (8 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,214,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.52" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (149 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="1185.2" y="389" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,182,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.25" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>example/ (49,158 samples, 97.54%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="309" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,107,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.25" y="319.5" >example/</text>
<g >
<title>example/FizzBuzz.$anonfun$run$1 (6,211 samples, 12.32%)</title><rect x="328.2" y="181" width="145.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,85,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.18" y="191.5" >example/FizzBuzz.$..</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tailDefined (241 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="1110.9" y="117" width="5.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,43,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.91" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (345 samples, 0.68%)</title><rect x="1181.6" y="469" width="8.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,144,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.59" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$MH/1147891823.linkToTargetMethod (747 samples, 1.48%)</title><rect x="476.3" y="213" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,142,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.30" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_futex (8 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.3" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,91,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.25" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="998.0" y="85" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,87,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1000.98" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$10/229084538.apply (18,039 samples, 35.79%)</title><rect x="729.6" y="181" width="422.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,175,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="732.62" y="191.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$10/229084538.ap..</text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$DMH/872904575.invokeStatic_LI_L (624 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="1137.4" y="117" width="14.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,153,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.36" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>example/FizzBuzz.$anonfun$run$1$adapted (6,326 samples, 12.55%)</title><rect x="328.2" y="197" width="148.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,156,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.18" y="207.5" >example/FizzBuzz.$..</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1013.3" y="53" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,73,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.34" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_futex_value_locked (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="11.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,220,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.31" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/AbstractTraversable.genericBuilder (3,099 samples, 6.15%)</title><rect x="493.8" y="181" width="72.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,39,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.84" y="191.5" >scala/co..</text>
<g >
<title>org/openjdk/jmh/runner/BenchmarkHandler$ (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="437" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,224,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="447.5" >org/openjdk/jmh/runner/BenchmarkHandler$</text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.valueOf (3,530 samples, 7.00%)</title><rect x="1028.3" y="53" width="82.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,167,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1031.25" y="63.5" >java/lang..</text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (30 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,58,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.05" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,177,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.14" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$.from (4,815 samples, 9.55%)</title><rect x="998.2" y="85" width="112.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,183,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.16" y="95.5" >scala/collect..</text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (77 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1163.6" y="517" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,88,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.61" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>all (50,396 samples, 100%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="565" width="1180.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,97,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.00" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_q (65 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1163.9" y="453" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,59,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1166.87" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$DMH/1020371697.invokeStatic_LL_L (747 samples, 1.48%)</title><rect x="476.3" y="197" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,150,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.30" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$Cons.tailDefined (217 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="1158.1" y="245" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,12,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1161.13" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/GenericTraversableTemplate.genericBuilder$ (3,099 samples, 6.15%)</title><rect x="493.8" y="165" width="72.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,214,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.84" y="175.5" >scala/co..</text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (30 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,224,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.05" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (15 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,170,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.36" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_cond_timedwait (8 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,153,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.09" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (170 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="1184.8" y="437" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,139,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.80" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream.$anonfun$map$1 (40,041 samples, 79.45%)</title><rect x="220.6" y="229" width="937.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,100,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.59" y="239.5" >scala/collection/immutable/Stream.$anonfun$map$1</text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.toString (60 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="216.5" y="229" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,160,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.49" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/generic/Growable.$init$ (331 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="518.5" y="53" width="7.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,163,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.52" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$DMH/1471070082.invokeStatic_II_L (515 samples, 1.02%)</title><rect x="1013.5" y="53" width="12.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,167,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.48" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/AbstractSeq.&lt;init&gt; (282 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="543.5" y="53" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,56,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="546.55" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/immutable/Stream$$Lambda$10/229084538.get$Lambda (624 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="1137.4" y="101" width="14.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,61,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.36" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfprintf_internal (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,110,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.92" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="421" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,64,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="431.5" >java/lang/reflect/Method.invoke</text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1137.2" y="133" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,152,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.20" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/ (6 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="493.6" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,115,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.63" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>java/lang/Integer.getChars (60 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="216.5" y="213" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,144,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.49" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>org/openjdk/jmh/runner/BenchmarkHandler$ (49,159 samples, 97.55%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="453" width="1151.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,154,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.22" y="463.5" >org/openjdk/jmh/runner/BenchmarkHandler$</text>
<g >
<title>scala/collection/mutable/LazyBuilder.&lt;init&gt; (2,975 samples, 5.90%)</title><rect x="496.7" y="101" width="69.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,98,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.74" y="111.5" >scala/c..</text>
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