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Last active July 25, 2020 10:51
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  • Save MateuszNad/9d2b7df764b1126fb6c65dfec9df5eb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Actions $0.000025
Standard Connector $0.000125
Enterprise Connector $0.001
Get-LogicAppEstimatedCost -Path C:\Temp\logicapp.json
Object Name Type Cost
------ ---- ---- ----
connector azureblob_1 0,000125
connector azureeventgrid_1 0,000125
connector azuretables_1 0,000125
connector cognitiveservicescomputervision_1 0,000125
action Copy_blob ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action Create_SAS_for_photo ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action Create_SAS_for_thumbnail ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action Delay Wait 2,5E-05
action Get_Blob_Metadata ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action Until Until 2,5E-05
action Check_contentLength If 2,5E-05
action Compose Compose 2,5E-05
action Delete_blob_from_temp ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action Delete_blob_from_thumbnail ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action HTTP Http 2,5E-05
action Insert_Entity ApiConnection 2,5E-05
action Parse_DataObject_from_Event ParseJson 2,5E-05
action Append_to_array_variable AppendToArrayVariable 2,5E-05
action SplitedTags_-_add_value Foreach 2,5E-05
action SplitedTags_-_variable InitializeVariable 2,5E-05
action Tag_Image ApiConnection 2,5E-05
Get-LogicAppEstimatedCost -Path C:\Temp\logicapp.json -CountOfActionCycle 20
Object Name Type Cost
----- ---- ---- ----
action SplitedTags_-_variable InitializeVariable 2,5E-05
action Tag_Image ApiConnection 2,5E-05
actionCycle actionCycle * 20 0,0005
For actions that run inside loops, Azure Logic Apps counts each action for each cycle in the loop. For example, suppose you have a "for each" loop that processes a list. Logic Apps meters an action in that loop by multiplying the number of list items with the number of actions in the loop, and adds the action that starts the loop. So, the calculation for a 10-item list is (10 * 1) + 1, which results in 11 action executions.
Get-LogicAppEstimatedCost -Path C:\Temp\logicapp.json | Measure-Object -Property Cost -Sum
Count : 21
Average :
Sum : 0,000924999999999999
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property : Cost
(Get-LogicAppEstimatedCost -Path C:\Temp\logicapp.json | Measure-Object -Property Cost -Sum).Sum * 100000
The estimated cost of the "Logic App" if will be run 10000 times.
function Get-LogicAppEstimatedCost
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
function Get-LogicAppConnection
$ConnectionsName = ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name
foreach ($ConnectionName in $ConnectionsName)
# $InputObject.$ConnectionName | fl
Write-Verbose "Logic App Connector Name`:$ConnectionName"
Object = 'connector'
Name = $ConnectionName
Type = ''
Cost = 0.000125
function Get-LogicAppAction
$ActionsName = ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name
foreach ($ActionName in $ActionsName)
Write-Verbose "Logic App Action Name`:$ActionName"
if ($InputObject.$ActionName.actions)
Get-Action -InputObject $InputObject.$ActionName.actions
Object = 'action'
Name = $ActionName
Type = $InputObject.$ActionName.Type
Cost = 0.000025
Write-Warning "The function can't recognize the difference between Standard and Enterprise connector therefore cost of Logic App can be not accurate."
$LogicAppCode = Get-Content -Path $Path | ConvertFrom-Json
$Actions = $LogicAppCode.Definition.actions
$Connection = $LogicAppCode.parameters.'$connections'.value
Get-Connection -InputObject $Connection
Get-Action -InputObject $Actions
if ($CountOfActionCycle -gt 0)
Object = 'actionCycle'
Name = "actionCycle * $CountOfActionCycle"
Type = ''
Cost = (0.000025 * $CountOfActionCycle)
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