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Last active December 14, 2017 23:19
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// Caminho - Seletiva IOI 2016
// O(n²*α(n²))
// Matheus Leal V
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define N 400
#define f first
#define s second
#define mp make_pair
using namespace std;
vector<pair< pair<int, int>, pair<int, int> > > A;
int peso[N][N], cont = 1, resp = 0, tam[N*N], mapa[N][N], n, pai[N*N], BFS[N][N];
void setpeso(int x, int y)
int id = mapa[x][y];
int a = mapa[x + 1][y], b = mapa[x - 1][y], c = mapa[x][y + 1], d = mapa[x][y - 1];
//cout<<id<<" "<<a<<" "<<b<<" "<<c<<" "<<d<<"\n";
int minia = min(peso[x][y], peso[x + 1][y]), maxa = max(peso[x][y], peso[x + 1][y]);
int minib = min(peso[x][y], peso[x - 1][y]), maxb = max(peso[x][y], peso[x - 1][y]);
int minic = min(peso[x][y], peso[x][y + 1]), maxc = max(peso[x][y], peso[x][y + 1]);
int minid = min(peso[x][y], peso[x][y - 1]), maxd = max(peso[x][y], peso[x][y - 1]);
if(a > 0) A.push_back(mp(mp(maxa, minia), mp(id, a)));
if(b > 0) A.push_back(mp(mp(maxb, minib), mp(id, b)));
if(c > 0) A.push_back(mp(mp(maxc, minic), mp(id, c)));
if(d > 0) A.push_back(mp(mp(maxd, minid), mp(id, d)));
int Find(int x)
if(x == pai[x]) return x;
return pai[x] = Find(pai[x]);
void join(int a, int b)
a = Find(a);
b = Find(b);
if(a == b) return;
if(tam[a] < tam[b]) pai[a] = b;
else if(tam[a] > tam[b]) pai[b] = a;
else pai[a] = b, tam[b]++;
int f()
queue< pair<int, int> > bfs;
bfs.push(mp(1, 1));
BFS[1][1] = 1;
int x = bfs.front().first, y = bfs.front().second;
if(x > n || x < 1 || y > n || y < 1) continue;
if(peso[x + 1][y] <= resp && !BFS[x + 1][y])
BFS[x + 1][y] = BFS[x][y] + 1;
bfs.push(mp(x + 1, y));
if(peso[x - 1][y] <= resp && !BFS[x - 1][y])
BFS[x - 1][y] = BFS[x][y] + 1;
bfs.push(mp(x - 1, y));
if(peso[x][y + 1] <= resp && !BFS[x][y + 1])
BFS[x][y + 1] = BFS[x][y] + 1;
bfs.push(mp(x, y + 1));
if(peso[x][y - 1] <= resp && !BFS[x][y - 1])
BFS[x][y - 1] = BFS[x][y] + 1;
bfs.push(mp(x, y - 1));
return BFS[n][n];
int main()
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0);
for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
for(int j = 1; j<=n; j++) cin>>peso[i][j];
for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
for(int j = 1; j<=n; j++)
mapa[i][j] = cont++;
for(int i = 0; i<= cont; i++) pai[i] = i;
for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
for(int j = 1; j<= n; j++) setpeso(i, j);
sort(A.begin(), A.end());
//cout<<Find(mapa[1][1])<<" "<<Find(mapa[n][n])<<"\n";
for(int i = 0; i< A.size(); i++)
int a = A[i].second.first, b = A[i].second.second;
if(Find(mapa[1][1]) == Find(mapa[n][n])) break;
resp = max(max(A[i].first.first, A[i].first.second), resp);
join(a, b);
cout<<resp<<" ";
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