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Last active June 20, 2023 07:19
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AWS IoT Protobuf decoding

Creating descriptor file

protoc --descriptor_set_out=issue.desc --proto_path=src/sensor --include_imports issue.proto

Running the decode locally using protoc:

echo 0a0f0a0470315f31100018a0c1d7c5fb300a0f0a0470325f3110001888c9d7c5fb300a0f0a0470315f31100018a8e8d7c5fb300a0f0a0470325f3110001890f0d7c5fb300a0f0a0470315f31100018b08fd8c5fb300a0f0a0470325f311000189897d8c5fb300a0f0a0470315f31100018b8b6d8c5fb300a0f0a0470325f31100018a0bed8c5fb3010c0ddd8c5fb30 | xxd -r -p | protoc --decode protos.input.Packet issue.proto

Expected output:

values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431140000
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431141000
values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431145000
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431146000
values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431150000
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431151000
values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431155000
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: 1682431156000
timestamp: 1682431160000

Output using SELECT VALUE decode(*, 'proto', 'MyS3Bucket', 'issue.desc', 'issue', 'Packet') FROM '+/input/+/proto'

values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431140000"
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431141000"
values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431145000"
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431146000"
values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431150000"
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431151000"
values {
  id: "p1_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431155000"
values {
  id: "p2_1"
  v: 0
  t: "1682431156000"
timestamp: "1682431160000"

Same result happens when using every type of 64 bit values (uint64, int64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64). Works as expected with 32 bit sizes, except for the obvious limitation on number sizes.

syntax = "proto3";
package protos.input;
message Sample {
string id = 1;
optional uint32 v = 2;
uint64 t = 3;
optional bool q = 4;
message Packet {
repeated Sample values = 1;
uint64 timestamp = 2;
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