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Created May 3, 2012 22:22
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Save MathieuDuponchelle/2589972 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a design document for the upcoming GESController.
| Controller |
| Summary |
1. First thoughts
2. Problems
3. Solutions
4. Use-cases
5. API draft
The purpose of this proposal is to design a high level interface
to GstController and GstInterpolationControlSource, suited for
video-editing and keeping all the necessary flexibility and power
of these elements.
| 1. First thoughts |
* GESController is the only interface we'll propose, all
the Interpolation sources management will be done "under
the hood"
* We want to be able to propose either keyframe or LFO
controlling, without troubling the user about the inner
workings of these elements.
* We want to propose to set and get multiple timed values at
the same time, for the purpose of saving/loading projects.
* We want to expose all the properties of the control sources.
* No two keyframes can exist for the same timestamp and the
same property in the same object. We can therefore use a
(timestamp / property) combination to uniquely identify a
* A controllable value will always have a numeric value,
so we can always pass a gint64 for the value, implying overhead but
greater simplification.
| 2. Problems |
* How can we let the user move, remove and change the values
of specific keyframes ?
* How can we, with the sole controller object, let the user
specify which property he wants to set a keyframe on ?
* Do we want to give an API to send back a duplicate of the
keyframe list to the user, and let him apply it to another
effect ?
| 3. Solutions |
* Abstract GstController so that the user only says :
Set this value to this timestamp of this property,
remove it, move it, change its value.
* Abstract GstControlSources so that the user only says :
I want an LFO interpolation now instead of that keyframe
controlled interpolation, and vice-versa.
* Add helper functions to quickly set a set of keyframes of
an effect to another one, *even if they're not the same duration*
| 4. Use-cases |
UC-1 The user wants to start controlling an object (typically
an effect).
UC-2 The user wants to add a keyframe for a given property.
UC-3 The user wants to move it, remove it or change its value.
UC-4 The user wants to switch to an LFO interpolation.
UC-5 The user wants to set some properties on an LFO
interpolation (amplitude, offset ...)
UC-5 The user wants to let another object follow the same waveform.
UC-6 The user wants to reset all interpolation for a given property.
UC-7 The user wants to stop controlling the object altogether.
| 5. API draft |
enum GESKeyframeDuplicatingMode
* ges_controller_new:
* @object: The #GESTrackObject to control
* Returns: a newly created #GESController or %NULL if
* something went wrong.
GESController *
ges_controller_new (GESTrackObject *object);
* ges_controller_add_keyframe_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController to which the user wants to add a keyframe.
* @param : the property to set the keyframe on.
* @timestamp : the timestamp in nanoseconds in the controlled #GESTrackObject.
* @value : the numeric value for this keyframe.
* Returns: %TRUE if a keyframe was added, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_add_keyframe_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, guint64 timestamp, gint64 value);
* ges_controller_move_keyframe_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController to which the user wants to move a keyframe.
* @param : the property to move the keyframe on.
* @timestamp_src : the source timestamp in nanoseconds in the controlled
* #GESTrackObject.
* @timestamp_dest : the destination timestamp in nanoseconds in the controlled
* #GESTrackObject.
* Returns: %TRUE if the keyframe was moved, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_move_keyframe_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, guint64 timestamp_src,
guint64 timestamp_dest);
* ges_controller_remove_keyframe_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController from which the user wants to remove a keyframe.
* @param : the property to remove the keyframe from.
* @timestamp : the timestamp in nanoseconds in the controlled
* #GESTrackObject.
* Returns: %TRUE if the keyframe was removed, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_move_keyframe_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, guint64 timestamp);
* ges_controller_add_keyframes_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController to set the keyframes on.
* @param : the property to set.
* @timestamp : the timestamp at which to set the following value.
* @value : the value to set for the previous timestamp.
* Returns: %TRUE if the keyframes were all set, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_add_keyframes_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, guint64 timestamp,
gint64 value, .., ..);
* ges_controller_get_keyframes_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController to get the keyframes from.
* @param : the property to get.
* Returns: A #GList consisting of alternated timestamp and values, or %NULL
* if something went wrong.
GList *
ges_controller_get_keyframes_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param);
* ges_controller_get_keyframe_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController to get the keyframe from.
* @param : the property to get.
* @timestamp : the timestamp in nanoseconds in the keyframe.
* Returns: a #gint64 representing the value.
ges_controller_get_keyframes_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, guint64 timestamp);
* ges_controller_remove_keyframes_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController from which the user wants to remove keyframes.
* @param : the property to remove the keyframes from.
* @timestamp_from : the timestamp in nanoseconds in the controlled
* #GESTrackObject from where the user wants to remove keyframes. If 0, from the
* beginning.
* @timestamp_to : the timestamp in nanoseconds in the controlled
* #GESTrackObject up to where the user wants to remove keyframes. If 0, to the
* end.
* Returns: %TRUE if the keyframes were removed, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_move_keyframe_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, guint64 timestamp_from,
guint64 timestamp_to);
* ges_controller_set_interpolation_mode_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController on which to change the mode.
* @param : the property to change the mode for.
* @mode : the #GstInterpolateMode of interpolation (ex: quadratic, linear).
* Returns: %TRUE if the keyframes were removed, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_set_interpolation_mode_for_property (GESController *self, gchar *param,
GstInterpolateMode mode);
* ges_controller_set_lfo_on_property:
* @self : the #GESController on which to set lfo.
* @param : the property to set lfo on.
* LFO will let the user define waveforms for the controlling, instead of manually
* positioning keyframes
* Returns: %TRUE if the lfo was set, %FALSE otherwise
ges_controller_set_lfo_on_property (GESController *self, gchar *param);
* ges_controller_set_lfo_waveform_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController on which to set the lfo waveform.
* @param : the property to set the lfo waveform
* This is how one can control the waveform of the LFO interpolation
* Returns: %TRUE if the property was set, %FALSE otherwise
ges_controller_set_lfo_on_property (GESController *self, gchar *param, gchar *waveform);
<--- Here we will also expose other properties (amplitude, offset) --->
* ges_controller_remove_lfo_for_property:
* @self : the #GESController on which to remove the lfo.
* @param : the property to remove the lfo from
* This is how one can remove the lfo.
* Returns: %TRUE if the lfo was removed, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_set_lfo_on_property (GESController *self, gchar *param);
* ges_controller_apply_keyframes_to_controller:
* @self : the #GESController from which to copy the keyframes.
* @param_src : the property to take the keyframes from.
* @target : the #GESController to copy the keyframes on.
* @param_dest : the propert to set the keyframes on
* @mode : the #GESKeyframeDuplicatingMode
* This is how one can set the controlling of an object to another object.
* This applying will be either proportionnal or linear, which means if
* the second object is shorter, the keyframes will be "shrinked" to fit the size,
* or applied as is and possibly dropped if their timestamp is superior to the
* duration of the second one.
* Returns: %TRUE if the keyframes were applied, %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_apply_keyframes_to_controller (GESController *self, gchar *param_src,
GESController *target, gchar *param_dest, GESKeyframeDuplicatingMode mode);
* ges_controller_stop_controlling:
* @self : the #GESController on which to remove the lfo.
* This is how one can unset all controlling on an object, removing all
* keyframes and lfos.
* Returns: %TRUE if the uncontrolling succeeded %FALSE otherwise.
ges_controller_stop_controlling (GESController *self);
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