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Created April 2, 2016 12:46
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Save MathieuWhite/e303ace603a6327368b049d556fae671 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Facebook user management for login and logout in Swift.
// FacebookManager.swift
// Created by Mathieu White on 2016-02-07.
// Copyright © 2016 Mathieu White. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import FBSDKCoreKit
import FBSDKLoginKit
let kFacebookLoggedOutNotification: String = "kFacebookLoggedOutNotification"
let kFacebookLoginSuccessNotification: String = "kFacebookLoginSuccessNotification"
* Structure that holds the properties on the current Facebook user.
struct FacebookUser
var id: String = ""
var firstName: String = ""
var lastName: String = ""
var email: String = ""
var pictureURL: String = ""
/// Singleton class that handles all of Facebook's API calls in the app.
class FacebookManager: NSObject
// MARK: - Constants
/// The shared instance of the FacebookManager.
static let sharedInstance: FacebookManager = FacebookManager()
// The permissions to request from the Facebook API
private let readPermissions: [AnyObject] = [
/// The parameters for fetching users.
private let userParameters: [NSObject : AnyObject] = [
"fields" : "id,first_name,last_name,email,picture{url}"
/// The Facebook login manager for the application.
private let loginManager: FBSDKLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
// MARK: - API Routes
/// The API route to access the current user.
private let currentUserPath: String = "me"
// MARK: - Variables
/// The current user logged in through Facebook.
var currentUser: FacebookUser?
// MARK: - Initializers
private override init()
// MARK: - User Access Methods
This method checks if the app has access to the user's Facebook account.
- returns: true if the app is connected to Facebook, false otherwise
func hasUserAccess() -> Bool
if let _ = FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken()
return true
return false
This method handles the user's access inside the app.
It will either ask the user to connect with Facebook,
or logout, depending on the current status of the app.
func handleUserAccess()
// If the user is already connected, confirm the logout
if (self.hasUserAccess())
// Notify observers that the user logged out of their Facebook account
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(kFacebookLoggedOutNotification, object: nil)
// Present the user with the Facebook login screen
fromViewController: nil,
handler: { [weak self] (result: FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
// Check if the app received access to the Facebook account
if (self?.hasUserAccess() == true)
// Notify observers that the Facebook login was successful
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(kFacebookLoginSuccessNotification, object: nil)
// Fetch the current user
if (self?.currentUser == nil)
// MARK: - User Methods
private func fetchCurrentUser()
// Initialize the request for the current user
let request: FBSDKGraphRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: self.currentUserPath, parameters: self.userParameters)
// Request the current user
request.startWithCompletionHandler({ [weak self] (connection, result, error) -> Void in
// Logged an error if we have one
if let error = error
print("Error fetching Facebook user: \(error.localizedDescription)")
// Initialize the new facebook user info
var currentUser: FacebookUser = FacebookUser()
// Get the result as a dictionary
if let result = result as? [NSObject : AnyObject]
// Get the facebook user's id
if let id = result["id"] as? String
{ = id
// Get the facebook user's first name
if let firstName = result["first_name"] as? String
currentUser.firstName = firstName
// Get the facebook user's last name
if let lastName = result["last_name"] as? String
currentUser.lastName = lastName
// Get the facebook user's email
if let email = result["email"] as? String
{ = email
// Get the facebook user's picture URL
let picture = result["picture"] as? [NSObject : AnyObject],
let data = picture["data"] as? [NSObject : AnyObject],
let url = data["url"] as? String
currentUser.pictureURL = url
// Set the current user
self?.currentUser = currentUser
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