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Created April 15, 2021 03:08
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Virtual list component that renders react components as items
import React, {
} from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { useMatchMedia, useWindowDimensions, useValueRef } from 'utils/hooks'
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { desktop } from 'styles/responsive'
import { scrollParent } from 'utils/dom'
export const VirtualList = memo(_VirtualList) as typeof _VirtualList
type Props<T> = {
length: number
children: (props: T) => JSX.Element | null
itemProps?: (index: number) => T
function _VirtualList<T>({ length, itemProps, children: item }: Props<T>) {
const [, height] = useWindowDimensions()
const isDesktop = useMatchMedia(desktop)
const itemHeight = isDesktop ? ITEM_HEIGHT_DESKTOP : ITEM_HEIGHT_MOBILE
const ihRef = useRef(itemHeight)
ihRef.current = itemHeight
const numVisible = Math.ceil((height / itemHeight) * 3)
const total = useValueRef(length)
const [ol, setOl] = useState<HTMLOListElement | null>(null)
const offTop = useValueRef(
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
useMemo(() => ol?.offsetTop! / itemHeight + numVisible / 4, [ol, isDesktop])
const createChild = useCallback(i => createElement(item, itemProps?.(i)), [
const slots = useRef(new WeakMap<HTMLElement, [number, JSX.Element]>())
useEffect(() => {
if (!ol) return
while (ol.childElementCount > numVisible) {
for (let i = ol.childElementCount; i < numVisible; i++) {
const child = document.createElement('li') = `translateY(${i * ihRef.current}px)`
child.innerHTML = `test ${i}`
const comp = createChild(i)
ReactDOM.render(comp, child)
slots.current.set(child, [i, comp])
}, [ol, numVisible, createChild])
useEffect(() => {
if (!ol) return
const screen = scrollParent(ol)
let lastY = screen.scrollTop / ihRef.current
const onScroll = () => {
const y = screen.scrollTop / ihRef.current
if ((y | 0) !== (lastY | 0)) {
const n = ol.childElementCount
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const item = ol.children[i] as HTMLElement
const slot = indexSlot(i, n, y, offTop.current)
if (slot >= total.current) continue
const [curSlot, el] = slots.current.get(item)!
if (curSlot !== slot) { = `translateY(${slot * ihRef.current}px)`
const newEl = cloneElement(el, { index: slot })
ReactDOM.render(newEl, item)
slots.current.set(item, [slot, newEl])
lastY = y
screen.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, { passive: true })
return () => screen.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll)
}, [ol, offTop, total])
return <List items={length} ref={setOl} />
function indexSlot(
index: number,
slots: number,
offset: number,
frontOffset: number
) {
offset -= Math.min(frontOffset, offset)
let page = (offset / slots) | 0
if ((offset % slots | 0) >= index + 1) page++
return page * slots + index
const ITEM_HEIGHT_DESKTOP = Math.round(3.8 * 16)
const ITEM_HEIGHT_MOBILE = Math.round(4.8 * 16)
const backSvg = (cl: string) =>
`<svg xmlns="" width="10" height="30"><line x1="0" y1="0" x2="10" y2="0" stroke="${cl}" stroke-width="1"></line></svg>`
type ListAttrs = { items: number }
const List = styled.ol.attrs<ListAttrs>(({ items }) => ({
style: { height: `calc(var(--item-height) * ${items})` },
--item-height: ${ITEM_HEIGHT_MOBILE}px;
@media ${desktop} {
--item-height: ${ITEM_HEIGHT_DESKTOP}px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
overflow: clip;
background-image: ${backSvg('#0002')};
background-size: 100% var(--item-height);
html[data-theme='dark'] & {
background-image: ${backSvg('#fff3')};
li {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: var(--item-height);
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