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Created March 30, 2022 16:35
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Our solver for Google Hash Code qualifier 2022 - 67th place
import json
import random
# Takes a dataset variable and returns a solution variable
def solve(dataset):
for contributor in dataset['contributors'].values():
contributor['availableAt'] = 0
# Since we levelup only in skillsByName, avoid discrepancies
del contributor['skills']
totalScore = 0
lastDay = max(proj['bestBefore'] + proj['score'] for proj in dataset['projects'].values())
solution = {'projects': []}
selectedProjectNames = set()
currentTime = 0
while True:
projectScores = []
projectOrder = []
for project in dataset['projects'].values():
if project['name'] in selectedProjectNames:
continue # don't select a project twice
penalty = max(0, currentTime + project['days'] - project['bestBefore'])
manpower = project['days'] * len(project['roles'])
score = max(0, project['score'] - penalty) / manpower
projectOrder.append((score, project['name']))
for _, projectName in projectOrder:
project = dataset['projects'][projectName]
if project['name'] in selectedProjectNames:
continue # don't select a project twice
penalty = max(0, currentTime + project['days'] - project['bestBefore'])
manpower = project['days'] * len(project['roles'])
score = max(0, project['score'] - penalty) / manpower
realScore = max(0, project['score'] - penalty)
selectedPpl = []
selectedContribs = set()
rolesCanBeMentored = set()
for roleDict in project['roles']:
roleName = roleDict['name']
roleLevel = roleDict['levelRequired']
contribselect = []
ordr = list(dataset['contributors'].values())
for contributor in ordr:
# TODO : include mentorship
# TODO : shuffle iter order
if (contributor['availableAt'] <= currentTime and
contributor['name'] not in selectedContribs):
if (any(dataset['contributors'][nnn]['skillsByName'].get(roleName, 0) >= roleLevel for nnn in selectedPpl)
and contributor['skillsByName'].get(roleName, 0) == roleLevel - 1):
contribselect.append((1000, contributor['name']))
elif contributor['skillsByName'].get(roleName, 0) == roleLevel:
contribselect.append((500, contributor['name']))
elif contributor['skillsByName'].get(roleName, 0) > roleLevel:
contribselect.append((-sum(contributor['skillsByName'].values()), contributor['name']))
if len(contribselect) == 0:
# Did not find a suitable contributor at this date
score = -1
bestContribScore, bestContribName = max(contribselect)
for role in project['roles']:
roleName = role['name']
roleLevel = role['levelRequired']
if dataset['contributors'][bestContribName]['skillsByName'].get(roleName,0) >= roleLevel:
projectScores.append((score, realScore, project['name'], selectedPpl))
if score > 0:
# Found a valid score
# Since we're checking by decreasing expected score, we can break now
bestScore, bestRealScore, bestProjectName, bestAlloc = max(projectScores)
print(f'Best project score: {bestScore:.2f} / {bestRealScore}. Total {totalScore}')
if bestScore > 0:
totalScore += bestRealScore
print(f"{len(dataset['projects']) - len(selectedProjectNames)} projects remaining.")
bestProject = dataset['projects'][bestProjectName]
for name, role in zip(bestAlloc, bestProject['roles'], strict=True):
contributor = dataset['contributors'][name]
contributor['availableAt'] = currentTime + bestProject['days']
# Level up
contributorSkill = contributor['skillsByName'].get(role['name'], 0)
if contributorSkill <= role['levelRequired']:
assert contributorSkill >= role['levelRequired'] - 1
contributor['skillsByName'][role['name']] = contributorSkill + 1
projectSol = {
'name': bestProjectName,
'roles': bestAlloc,
'startTime': currentTime
if bestScore <= 0: # TODO: <= 0 for datasets other than E
# Step forward in time
earliestStep = 99**99
for contributor in dataset['contributors'].values():
if contributor['availableAt'] > currentTime:
earliestStep = min(earliestStep, contributor['availableAt'])
currentTime = earliestStep
print(f'Advancing time to {currentTime}/{lastDay}')
if currentTime >= lastDay:
if random.random() < 0.05:
# 5% chance to save progress
with open(f'debug/save_{lastDay}.json', 'w') as fo:
json.dump(solution, fo)
return solution
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_dataset = {'contributors': {'Anna': {'name': 'Anna', 'skills': [{'name': 'C++', 'level': 2}], 'skillsByName': {'C++': 2}}, 'Bob': {'name': 'Bob', 'skills': [{'name': 'HTML', 'level': 5}, {'name': 'CSS', 'level': 5}], 'skillsByName': {'HTML': 5, 'CSS': 5}}, 'Maria': {'name': 'Maria', 'skills': [{'name': 'Python', 'level': 3}], 'skillsByName': {'Python': 3}}}, 'projects': {'Logging': {'name': 'Logging', 'days': 5, 'score': 10, 'bestBefore': 5, 'roles': [{'name': 'C++', 'levelRequired': 3}], 'rolesByName': {'C++': 3}}, 'WebServer': {'name': 'WebServer', 'days': 7, 'score': 10, 'bestBefore': 7, 'roles': [{'name': 'HTML', 'levelRequired': 3}, {'name': 'C++', 'levelRequired': 2}], 'rolesByName': {'HTML': 3, 'C++': 2}}, 'WebChat': {'name': 'WebChat', 'days': 10, 'score': 20, 'bestBefore': 20, 'roles': [{'name': 'Python', 'levelRequired': 3}, {'name': 'HTML', 'levelRequired': 3}], 'rolesByName': {'Python': 3, 'HTML': 3}}}, 'projectsL': [{'name': 'Logging', 'days': 5, 'score': 10, 'bestBefore': 5, 'roles': [{'name': 'C++', 'levelRequired': 3}], 'rolesByName': {'C++': 3}}, {'name': 'WebServer', 'days': 7, 'score': 10, 'bestBefore': 7, 'roles': [{'name': 'HTML', 'levelRequired': 3}, {'name': 'C++', 'levelRequired': 2}], 'rolesByName': {'HTML': 3, 'C++': 2}}, {'name': 'WebChat', 'days': 10, 'score': 20, 'bestBefore': 20, 'roles': [{'name': 'Python', 'levelRequired': 3}, {'name': 'HTML', 'levelRequired': 3}], 'rolesByName': {'Python': 3, 'HTML': 3}}], 'contributorsL': [{'name': 'Anna', 'skills': [{'name': 'C++', 'level': 2}], 'skillsByName': {'C++': 2}}, {'name': 'Bob', 'skills': [{'name': 'HTML', 'level': 5}, {'name': 'CSS', 'level': 5}], 'skillsByName': {'HTML': 5, 'CSS': 5}}, {'name': 'Maria', 'skills': [{'name': 'Python', 'level': 3}], 'skillsByName': {'Python': 3}}]}
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