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Created May 15, 2020 16:31
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(A subset of) the two-sided linear logic sequent calculus
delete :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete _ [] = error "delete: element not present"
delete x (y:ys) = if x == y then ys else y : delete x ys
data Atom
= Var String
| Constant String
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Exp
= Atom Atom
| Perp Exp
| Bot
| Zero
| Plus Exp Exp
| Lolli Exp Exp
| Bang Exp
| Quest Exp
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
dual :: Exp -> Exp
dual a@(Atom _) = Perp a
dual (Perp a) = a
dual (Bang e) = Quest (dual e)
dual (Quest e) = Bang (dual e)
dual (Lolli x Bot) = x
dual (Lolli x y) = Lolli (dual y) (dual x)
dual x = Perp x
async Bot = True
async (Lolli _ _) = True
async (Quest _) = True
async (Perp a) = not (async a)
async _ = False
data Seq = Seq [Exp] [Exp]
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
par a b = Lolli (Perp a) b
tensor a b = Perp (Lolli a (Perp b))
with a b = Perp (Plus (Perp a) (Perp b))
unit = Perp Bot
top = Perp Zero
data Rule
= Identity Exp
| Cut Exp Seq Seq
| PerpL Exp Seq
| PerpR Exp Seq
| PlusL Exp Exp Seq Seq
| PlusR Exp Exp Seq Seq
| BotR Seq
| BotL
| ZeroL Seq
| ImplR Exp Exp Seq
| ImplL Exp Exp Seq Seq
| WeakenL Exp Seq
| WeakenR Exp Seq
| ContractL Exp Seq
| ContractR Exp Seq
| BangL Exp Seq
| QuestR Exp Seq
| BangR Exp Seq
| QuestL Exp Seq
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
rule (Identity a) = Seq [a] [a]
rule (Cut a (Seq w x) (Seq y z)) = Seq (w ++ delete a y) (delete a x ++ z)
rule (PerpL a (Seq x y)) = Seq (x ++ [Perp a]) (delete a y)
rule (PerpR a (Seq x y)) = Seq (delete a x) ([Perp a] ++ y)
rule (PlusL a b (Seq w x) (Seq y z))
| delete a w == delete b y && x == z
= Seq (delete a w ++ [Plus a b]) z
rule (PlusR a b (Seq w x) (Seq y z))
| delete a x == delete b z && w == y
= Seq w (delete a x ++ [Plus a b])
rule (BotR (Seq x y)) = Seq x (y ++ [Bot])
rule BotL = Seq [Bot] []
rule (ZeroL (Seq x y)) = Seq (x ++ [Zero]) y
rule (ImplR a b (Seq x y))
= Seq (delete a x) (delete b y ++ [Lolli a b])
rule (ImplL a b (Seq w x) (Seq y z))
= Seq ([Lolli a b] ++ w ++ delete b y) (delete a x ++ z)
rule (WeakenL a (Seq x y)) = Seq (x ++ [Bang a]) y
rule (WeakenR a (Seq x y)) = Seq x (y ++ [Quest a])
rule (ContractL a (Seq x y)) =
let aa = Bang a
xx = [aa] ++ delete aa (delete aa x)
in Seq xx y
rule (ContractR a (Seq x y)) =
let aa = Quest a
yy = [aa] ++ delete aa (delete aa y)
in Seq x yy
rule (BangL a (Seq x y)) = Seq ([Bang a] ++ delete a x) y
rule (QuestR a (Seq x y)) = Seq x ([Quest a] ++ delete a y)
rule (BangR a (Seq x y)) = Seq x ([Bang a] ++ delete a y) -- assert: x is all Bang's, delete a y is all Quest's
rule (QuestL a (Seq x y)) = Seq ([Quest a] ++ delete a x) y -- assert: delete a x is all Bang's, y is all Quest's
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