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Last active May 15, 2018 17:28
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Tentative code for the Status Hazard meta
'use strict';
exports.Formats = [
name: "[Gen 7] Status Hazard",
desc: [
`Status moves in a Pokemon's first and second move slots can become hazard-setting moves.`,
`&bullet; <a href="">Status Hazard</a>`,
mod: 'statushazard',
ruleset: ['[Gen 7] OU'],
restrictedMoves: [
'Block', 'Mean Look', 'Spider Web',
'Roar', 'Whirlwind',
maxHazards: 2,
onStart: function() {
this.add('-message', "Remember, status moves in your first two move slots can become status hazards!");
let maxHazards = this.getFormat().maxHazards;
if (maxHazards) {
this.add('-message', `Only ${maxHazards} may be set at once per side.`);
onModifyMovePriority: -999,
onModifyMove: function(move, pokemon, target) {
if (move.category === 'Status'
&& ["normal","allAdjacentFoes","allAdjacent","adjacentFoe"].includes(
&& pokemon.moves.indexOf( < 2
&& !this.getFormat()
move.statusHazard = true; = "foeSide";
move.flags['reflectable'] = true;
//anything else?
onTryHitSidePriority: -999,
onTryHitSide: function(target, source, move) {
if (move.statusHazard) {
let s = target.side.sideConditions['statushazard'];
let currentHazards = =>;
if (currentHazards.includes( return false;
//accuracy check time!
let boostTable = [1, 4 / 3, 5 / 3, 2, 7 / 3, 8 / 3, 3];
let accuracy = move.accuracy;
let boosts, boost;
if (accuracy !== true) {
if (!move.ignoreAccuracy) {
boosts = this.runEvent('ModifyBoost', source, null, null, Object.assign({}, source.boosts));
boost = this.clampIntRange(boosts['accuracy'], -6, 6);
if (boost > 0) {
accuracy *= boostTable[boost];
} else {
accuracy /= boostTable[-boost];
//run accuracy modifiers! but we don't have a target...
//The hack is to run the ModifyAccuracy event with no target (global modifiers like Gravity)
//and then pretend SourceModifyAccuracy is an event in its own right (source modifiers like CompoundEyes).
//There are many ways this could go wrong, like if the user's ally had an onAllyModifyAccuracy,
//or if a foe sideCondition had a ModifyAccuracy. We would want to account for both of these.
//Thankfully, I don't believe these cases exist.
accuracy = this.runEvent('ModifyAccuracy', null, null, move, accuracy);
accuracy = this.runEvent('SourceModifyAccuracy', source, null, move, accuracy);
if (move.alwaysHit || source.hasAbility('noguard') || ( === 'toxic' && source.hasType('Poison'))) {
accuracy = true;
} else {
//i dont think either of these do anything
accuracy = this.runEvent('Accuracy', null, null, move, accuracy);
accuracy = this.runEvent('SourceAccuracy', source, null, move, accuracy);
if (accuracy !== true && this.random(100) >= accuracy) {
this.add('-miss', source, target);
return false;
//---hit line--- = 'normal';
if (move.selfdestruct === 'ifHit') { //Memento case
delete move.selfdestruct;
if (move.selfSwitch) { //Parting Shot case
source.switchFlag = move.fullname;
delete move.selfSwitch;
if (['defog', 'curse'].includes( { //super-special cases
this.singleEvent('Hit', move, null, target, source, move);
delete move.onHit;
let maxHazards = this.getFormat().maxHazards;
if (maxHazards && s.hazards.length === maxHazards) {
let removedHazard = s.hazards.shift();
this.add('-message', `The ${} hazard vanished!`);
this.add('-sideend', target.side, `hazard:${}`, '[silent]');
this.add('-message', `A ${} hazard was set!`);
this.add('-sidestart', target.side, `hazard:${}`, '[silent]');
return null;
'use strict';
exports.BattleMovedex = {
'defog': {
inherit: true,
boosts: {evasion: -1},
onHit: function (target, source, move) {
let removeTarget = ['reflect', 'lightscreen', 'auroraveil', 'safeguard', 'mist', 'spikes', 'toxicspikes', 'stealthrock', 'stickyweb'];
let removeAll = ['spikes', 'toxicspikes', 'stealthrock', 'stickyweb'];
for (let targetCondition of removeTarget) {
if (target.side.removeSideCondition(targetCondition)) {
if (!removeAll.includes(targetCondition)) continue;
this.add('-sideend', target.side, this.getEffect(targetCondition).name, '[from] move: Defog', '[of] ' + target);
for (let sideCondition of removeAll) {
if (source.side.removeSideCondition(sideCondition)) {
this.add('-sideend', source.side, this.getEffect(sideCondition).name, '[from] move: Defog', '[of] ' + source);
'rapidspin': {
inherit: true,
self: {
onHit: function (pokemon) {
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.removeVolatile('leechseed')) {
this.add('-end', pokemon, 'Leech Seed', '[from] move: Rapid Spin', '[of] ' + pokemon);
let sideConditions = ['spikes', 'toxicspikes', 'stealthrock', 'stickyweb'];
for (const condition of sideConditions) {
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.side.removeSideCondition(condition)) {
this.add('-sideend', pokemon.side, this.getEffect(condition).name, '[from] move: Rapid Spin', '[of] ' + pokemon);
if (pokemon.hp && pokemon.volatiles['partiallytrapped']) {
if (pokemon.hp) pokemon.side.removeSideCondition('statushazard');
'use strict';
exports.BattleStatuses = {
'statushazard': {
onStart: function(side, source, sourceEffect) {
this.effectData.hazards = [];
this.effectData.sources = [];
onSwitchInPriority: -999, //run after other SwitchIn events
onSwitchIn: function(pokemon) {
for (let i = this.effectData.hazards.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//Status hazards take effect in order from newest to oldest.
let hazard = this.effectData.hazards[i];
let removed = [];
if (hazard.status && !this.getImmunity(hazard.status, pokemon) && !pokemon.hasType('Steel')) {
//Remember, we only remove hazards if the type of the target is naturally immune to a major status, Steel types excepted.
this.add('-message', `The ${} hazard vanished!`);
this.add('-sideend', `hazard:${}`, '[silent]');
} else {
this.add('-message', `The Pokemon was affected by the ${} hazard!`);
this.moveHit(pokemon, this.effectData.sources[i], hazard); //i doubt we need isSelf or isSecondary flags
this.effectData.hazards = this.effectData.hazards.filter((v, i) => !removed.includes(i));
this.effectData.sources = this.effectData.hazards.filter((v, i) => !removed.includes(i));
onEnd: function(side) {
this.add('-message', 'The status hazards vanished from the battlefield!');
for (let hazard of this.effectData.hazards) {
this.add('-sideend', side, `hazard:${}`, '[silent]');
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The alpha release of Status Hazard is finished as of March 4. This code is untested, therefore there are no known bugs yet. Some bugs I predict will happen, however:

  • Moves that call another move (Metronome, Assist, etc) will not have their moves upgraded to Status Hazards even if they are eligible
  • Misc. weird behavior when the Pokemon that set a hazard is not active when the hazard triggers

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Wow, Status Hazard is suddenly playable on R.O.M.! I do not know how long it has been there, but I was alerted to this last week.

Actually, this worries me a bit. I have neither changed nor tested the code since early March, and nobody has given me feedback, either. If my code had errors, I would have liked to know about them so that either 1. I could try to fix them myself, or 2. someone else could fix them and I could learn from them. Because I can't find the server source for ROM, I have no way of telling if my code or someone else's was used.

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