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Last active October 4, 2022 10:06
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Curriculum Vitae

Name/Surname: Mateusz Bagiński
West Pomeranian District, Kolobrzeg County, Poland

Skills(with level)

  • Large Node Single Page App creation and maintenance(React / Lerna monorepos)
  • Coffee Script, TypeScript, Javascript ES8(with many T39 useful proposals implemented in Babel) - Advanced
  • GraphQL / Subscriptions - Advanced
  • Functional Programming(using Ramda, Ramda Fantasy, RX.js) - Advanced
  • CSS / JSS(css in js, mainly JSS)
  • Webpack / Gulp / Grunt / Rollup - bundlers
  • Jade(Slim - Pug) / HTML5 / Canvas / WebGL(OpenGL 4+)
  • Ruby On Rails (and integration old projects with newest SSR React)
  • Node.JS / Express(with Redis and advanced geolocation integration)
  • React (with SSR related stuff), JQuery, Lodash, Ramda and many other JS NPM libs
  • WebGL 2.x / OpenGL 4.x - medium(for gamedev purposes only)
  • Adserver implementations(GPT, Adocean) / Google Ad Console / Analytics / Google Tags / Ad creations implementations / Prebid Bidders
  • SEO Optimizations(dealing with SSR React stuff and making bots happy to see all JS components)
  • Monorepos repo organisation(Yarn workspaces, Lerna)
  • Linux


  • 01.04.2022 to 30.09.2022 - Frontend developer at Bytamic
    Fulltime cooperation with Liiva startup located in Zurich. Maintain it's website


    • Next.js
    • Cypress
    • React
    • Jest
  • 01.09.2022 to now - (small part-time) Stack:

    • React / Redis / Node


    • Mission impossible: improve Core Vitals
  • 30.12.2021 to now - Fullstack (FE, BE, devopts) developer at Onliwood

    • React / Cypress
    • Java / Spring
    • Ruby / capistrano deployment implementation
    • Docker / docker-compose UAT testing deployment implementation ... and more
  • 01.06.2020 to now - Productz Rails / Node developer (part-time)
    Technologies: Webpack, Ruby on Rails, Node and many many others.

    • Support and refactor legacy RoR code
    • Create internal page mangement panel (SPA, React, Ramda)

    For example: recreate product basket, menu nav, product gallery, SEO lighhouse optimizations, ads implementation, introducing view components etc

  • 28.06.2021 to 30.04.2022 - Senior Frontend Developer at SilkyCoders
    Maintain websites of the largest clothes shops in Poland:



    • Creating advanced multi-step return/complaint product creator used by thousands of users across all LPP markets
    • Meticulous unit testing all created components
    • Integration of React components with Magento
  • 01-05-2019 to 2020 - Fullstack Node developer at / (part-time)

    • Creating SPA app, its api and internal panel using Dockerized Node.JS container + NestJS React / Ramda / TypeORM
    • Rewrite whole front, small backend changes (PHP, SCSS, JS, JQuery)
    • Fixes in e-mail shop creations
  • 01-04-2016 to 01-05-2021 - Frontend / Node fullstack developer at Grupa
    Technologies: React, Nest.js, TypeScript, Webpack, Rails, GraphQL, Angular.js, GPT, Adocean, Node, TypeORM, MikroORM and many many others

    I'm working primarily on 5 "big"(with around 3mln PV per month) e-paper websites as a lead frontend / node fullstack developer:

    • <- large SPA APP with frontend fully created by me

    Except them I was working with:

    • - another e-paper website(I was responsible for integrating written by me e-paper leaflets browser component that is also available on all previous websites)

    • / PolskaPress(such as gk24, etc.) - creation and maintaince Twitter like react embeddable, themeable, SEO indexable leaflets sliders(with around ~30-40mln PV per month)

    ... and around ~10 internal react "admin" pages to maintenance all websites(also written by me in React as a lead front developer).

    My interesting realizations:

    • Creating reusable React Leaflets Browsers that are optimized for SEO indexing, advanced Ad Emission and tracking that handles around 40mln real PV on all hosted websites
    • Creating Leaflets Editor(with products plotter and internal preview)
    • Create fastest and cacheable CSS in JSS library (
    • Design large, scalable and reusable React components(around ~400-500 components) monorepo library that can be shared across multiple both SPA apps and MPA apps with old codebase
    • Design SEO Friendly React Async SSR rendering engine that allows to place embedabble partials from external remote node renderer to old legacy code websites(for SEO indexing). It also prevents style collisions by generating CSS code on demand.
    • Creating GraphQL client that allows to cache data in Redis and client-side store, with optimistic response and SSR rendering support
    • Creating SEO Sitemap React SPA generation engine based on parallel RX.JS workers processing data from GQL with preserved history packed to gzip
    • Creating mass notification mailer(also using RX.JS) that prerender websites using JSS with gzip logger
    • Creating SEO indexable reusable Slider component that allows user to infinity scroll and weights around ~20KB after Gzip(it doesn't use any dependencies) which was later introduced into leaflets browsers
    • Creating Image-Zoom package that allows users to zoom image using mouse scroll and emit HTML on top of zoomed pages
    • Design ad implementations for SPA apps that allows to preserve SRA request model in GPT with Criteo integration
    • Design and fixing Ad website extracting codes

      ... and other weird business (non)logic boring stuff
  • 01-10-2016 to 01-01-2017 - Frontend developer in Umwerk.yo

Maintain in Angular 1.x, JQuery - fixing bugs and adding some features. Simple BMW presentation for self driving car - Angular 1.x with IE 10 support.

  • 01-02-2016 to 01-04-2016 - Fullstack developer in Quantitative Engineering Design

Programming backend and frontend using ES6, JavaScript 1.7, Python Django and Vue.JS. Primarly mapping Africa soil topology.

Hobby projects

Ordered by coolness(in my opinion ofc):

    Website about books that aggregates books prices and news about them written in TypeORM / Nest.JS / ElasticSearch / Rx.JS
    Technology: Nest.JS, Elasticsearch, TypeORM, PSQL

  • i8086.js + C Compiler + Assembler X86/X87
    Technology: React, ES6, Webpack
    i8086.js is a really simple x86 virtual machine and ASM compiler (with macros support) written in plain TS(without any helpers libs). VM supports some 32bit instructions from newer CPUs(intel 8286) and around 70%-80% 16bit instructions(intel 8086). For now I can run on it "simple" operating systems like MikeOS which has thousands of opcodes and does not have IVT support. My mistake was writing BIOS not as embeddable binary blob but as ES6 module because I needed to write many interrupts and port handlers. Writting only port handlers as external devices and using precompiled BIOS would be easier.

  • Kart Racing
    Technology: WebGL 2.0, ES7, Webpack, FP
    3D racing game with homemade isometric engine organised into monorepo structure with neural AI and FP programming techniques.

  • neural-cars
    Technology: React, ES8, Webpack, Canvas
    Link: monorepo
    Neural-Cars is a simple AI base for my new project(kart-racing). It was a school project which demonstrated using neural networks in wild. All collision detection, neural network implementation and others stuff I have written on my own.

  • Asynchronous SSR Blog Example(with ES7 module to handle async backend data in SSR side - in express.js for example) Technology: React, ES8, Webpack
    React has a huge problem related to handle SSR Asynchronous data. In many commercial project which I have been working I learned one - SSR is pain, but content loads faster. I managed to write a simple example for other people to see how large scale apps in my projects handle async promise data. Maybe it will help somebody? It uses one trick: renders whole tree twice, first - generating tree with promises, second - loading cached data. It is much easier and more portable than Redux implementation(because it uses Context). In bigger project I realized that it can be used also with Redis and GraphQL which lead me to write GraphQL client(because Apollo is not suitable for big commercial apps due to mem leaks).

  • reddit-news
    Technology: Vue, CSS, ES6, Gulp
    Reddit client written in Vue.JS created because I'm lazy. I wanted to see reddit without opening new tab in popup. Supports OAuth, notifications, switching tags, multis etc.

  • soccer-js
    Technology: HTML5, Canvas, Gulp,
    Soccer.js was a open source Haxball clone. I wanted to learn how to use to write real time, multiplayer which enjoys me and my friends. I abandoned project - designing UI in HTML5 Canvas is overkill(I wasted 60% time on it).

  • ad-tester
    Technology: React, Chrome Extension API
    In my current company I created many Ads creations that integrates directly with website. It was really hard to debug frame ads so I have written in my free home time tool to help my friends working in Traffic to see ads and debug them "live" on page. After clicking some ads it allows user to replace its html and execute slot.

    ... any many others on


  • IT Engineering in Politechnika Koszalińska - 2016 - 2020
  • Technical school in School Complex No. 1 name of Henryk Sienkiewicz in Kolobrzeg, 2012 - 2016


  • 3102 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Administration
  • 3101 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Fundamentals
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