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Created April 1, 2024 17:43
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NodeRed flow for the Bosch XMPP application
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"name": "Create URL for local bridge",
"func": "const host = \"\";\n\nmsg.url = host + \"/heatingCircuits/hc1/roomtemperature\";\nmsg.topic = \"Indoor temperature °C\";\nnode.send(msg);\n\nmsg.url = host + \"/heatingCircuits/hc1/currentRoomSetpoint\";\nmsg.topic = \"Indoor setpoint temperature °C\";\nnode.send(msg);\n\nmsg.url = host + \"/heatSources/actualSupplyTemperature\";\nmsg.topic = \"Flow temperature °C\";\nnode.send(msg);\n\nmsg.url = host + \"/heatSources/returnTemperature\";\nmsg.topic = \"Return temperature °C\";\nnode.send(msg);\n\nmsg.url = host + \"/heatSources/actualModulation\";\nmsg.topic = \"Actual modulation %\";\nnode.send(msg);\n\nmsg.url = host + \"/system/sensors/temperatures/outdoor_t1\";\nmsg.topic = \"Outdoor temperature °C\";\n\nreturn msg;",
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"finalize": "",
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"name": "Create URL for local bridge",
"func": "const host = \"\"\n// const value = \"/heatingCircuits/hc1/roomtemperature\"\nconst value = \"/application\"\nmsg.url = host + value\n\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "Testing various URL",
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