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Created July 14, 2016 12:46
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calculation of expected time on random walk
functions {
real expected_time(int I, int J, int[,] can_goal, int[] di, int[] dj, vector p) {
matrix[I*J,I*J] A;
vector[I*J] b;
vector[I*J] res;
for (k1 in 1:(I*J)) {
b[k1] = 0;
for (k2 in 1:(I*J)) A[k1,k2] = 0;
for (i in 1:I) {
for (j in 1:J) {
if (i == I && j == J || can_goal[i,j] == 0) {
A[(i-1)*J+j, (i-1)*J+j] = 1;
} else {
real move;
move = 0;
for (k in 1:4) {
int i_next;
int j_next;
i_next = i + di[k];
j_next = j + dj[k];
if (1 <= i_next && i_next <= I && 1 <= j_next && j_next <= J && can_goal[i_next, j_next] == 1) {
A[(i-1)*J+j, (i_next-1)*J+j_next] = -p[k];
move = move + p[k];
A[(i-1)*J+j, (i-1)*J+j] = move;
b[(i-1)*J+j] = move;
res = A \ b;
return res[1];
data {
int I;
int J;
int Can_Goal[I,J];
int N;
vector[N] Y;
transformed data {
int Di[4];
int Dj[4];
Di[1] = -1; Di[2] = 1; Di[3] = 0; Di[4] = 0;
Dj[1] = 0; Dj[2] = 0; Dj[3] = -1; Dj[4] = 1;
parameters {
simplex[4] p;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters {
real mu;
mu = expected_time(I, J, Can_Goal, Di, Dj, p);
model {
Y ~ normal(mu, sigma);
I <- 3
J <- 10
Grid <- matrix(c(c(T, F, T, T, T, F, T, T, T, F),
c(T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F),
c(T, T, T, F, T, T, T, F, T, T)), I, J, byrow=TRUE)
can_goal <- matrix(FALSE, I, J)
di <- c(-1, 1, 0, 0)
dj <- c(0, 0, -1, 1)
dfs <- function(i, j) {
can_goal[i, j] <<- TRUE
for (k in 1:4) {
i_next <- i + di[k]
j_next <- j + dj[k]
if (1 <= i_next && i_next <= I && 1 <= j_next && j_next <= J && !can_goal[i_next, j_next] && Grid[i_next, j_next]) {
dfs(i_next, j_next)
dfs(I, J)
stanmodel <- stan_model(file='model.stan')
I <- 3
J <- 10
Can_Goal <- matrix(c(c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0),
c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0),
c(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)), I, J, byrow=TRUE)
N <- 10
Y <- round(rnorm(N, mean=80, sd=10), 1)
data <- list(I=I, J=J, Can_Goal=Can_Goal, N=N, Y=Y)
fit <- sampling(stanmodel, data=data, seed=123)
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