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Last active April 4, 2020 22:50
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COVID-19: estimate total number of positive persons in Japan
Age10 Y.sym Y.asy Y.unk
1 19 6 7
2 20 12 18
3 256 30 81
4 212 23 104
5 296 32 94
6 334 20 58
7 280 21 45
8 212 19 55
9 114 17 21
10 20 6 4
Age10 N Y
1 1 0
2 5 2
3 28 25
4 34 27
5 27 19
6 59 28
7 177 76
8 234 95
9 52 27
10 2 2
mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff
n.pos[1] 571.3027 159.276253154546 389 463 528 633.24985203207 995 1.00273359464946 1400
n.pos[2] 646.54735 180.40521489152 442 524 597 718 1128 1.00280045249263 1300
n.pos[3] 788.81355 202.366841412625 563 651 732 868 1328 1.00266226760728 1400
n.pos[4] 847.64955 229.340902364302 592 691 783 938 1459 1.00267799682899 1400
n.pos[5] 1112.34675 296.987740993383 782 909 1029 1230 1905.02499360457 1.00270136266963 1400
n.pos[6] 988.9982 260.827368660906 699 811 915 1089 1690 1.00265209090134 1400
n.pos[7] 979.2296 259.509483916199 690 801 906 1081 1677 1.00278489415782 1300
n.pos[8] 943.2969 254.664178561851 660 769 871 1042 1618.02499247061 1.00267407148837 1400
n.pos[9] 528.11235 144.136180709102 364 430 489 585 911 1.00255621322743 1500
n.pos[10] 133.87285 37.5079554923187 88 108 125 149 234 1.00247803364773 1600
n.pos.sum 7540.1698 2010.14756242647 5345 6159 6963.99999999999 8319.99999999999 12933.1499660855 1.002724989488 1400
p.obs.asy 0.0462820189650233 0.0106371673964274 0.0249479044213861 0.0390468723561322 0.0467567974872957 0.0538146206566749 0.065973207967604 1.00256260563806 1500
p.obs.sym 0.731551421252528 0.149115496892973 0.406139527877314 0.631397971320101 0.753212794884425 0.849299316258468 0.958274541057583 1.00260743556801 1500
p.pos 0.0000597917406823182 0.0000159545997699604 0.0000423301153237783 0.0000488289060364238 0.0000552550203854312 0.0000660167601435308 0.000102447045958762 1.00275434384743 1400
q[1] 0.0638171116737871 0.0130368120212076 0.0409365927091878 0.0547055590843862 0.0629007434340131 0.0718747862452483 0.0922218566108755 1.00094340668855 20000
q[2] 0.0978514667313718 0.0157685607362956 0.0694697191165102 0.0868346238082514 0.0969061499115658 0.107940089403318 0.130931353227933 1.00127138890485 6700
q[3] 0.612663477703154 0.0360474418781044 0.542908700445883 0.588298893426953 0.612671574930056 0.636865874972209 0.683919508331088 1.00112138438452 11000
q[4] 0.556647738516761 0.0359573121573898 0.48782819876908 0.531921618190929 0.555981533417973 0.580743698485345 0.627679011526143 1.00094499280894 20000
q[5] 0.512964933900214 0.0322005449037579 0.451576030784536 0.491012656967577 0.512429210450138 0.534339023243265 0.578394497353506 1.00100000446474 20000
q[6] 0.559810425760402 0.0318546207652959 0.497800941613316 0.537972499282999 0.559783137745123 0.581225167956847 0.62299267042623 1.00100756756489 20000
q[7] 0.467753253141322 0.0253789012920255 0.418286653630966 0.450526451046241 0.467581382402763 0.484883620731577 0.517193106302658 1.00099492000193 20000
q[8] 0.409483681415604 0.0228188916634046 0.365658682907407 0.394176123092705 0.409003522101692 0.424840495650802 0.455343825123253 1.00118551930463 8700
q[9] 0.388747519361643 0.0321716946415977 0.328574619722074 0.366525406414358 0.387432313404832 0.409703518073575 0.454240612835382 1.00107984629458 14000
q[10] 0.279136724983478 0.0540495626286248 0.182315210175756 0.241238547979342 0.275819744497811 0.313424045532416 0.395513301469468 1.00093811682452 20000
model {
for (a in 1:A) {
n.pos[a] ~ dbinom(p.pos, N[a])
n.sym[a] ~ dbinom(q[a], n.pos[a])
n.asy[a] <- n.pos[a] - n.sym[a]
Y.sym[a] ~ dbinom(p.obs.sym, n.sym[a])
Y.asy[a] ~ dbinom(p.obs.asy, n.asy[a])
Y.sym.DP[a] ~ dbinom(q[a], N.pos.DP[a])
logit(q[a]) <- q.x[a]
n.pos.sum <- sum(n.pos)
p.pos ~ dbeta(0.5, 1)
p.obs.sym ~ dbeta(4, 2)
p.obs.asy ~ dbeta(2, 4)
q.x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1e-4)
q.x[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1e-4)
for (a in 3:A) {
q.x[a] ~ dnorm(2*q.x[a-1] - q.x[a-2], tau)
tau <- 1 / (sigma*sigma)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 5)
Age5 Value
0-4 4758
5-9 5101
10-14 5351
15-19 5820
20-24 6388
25-29 6240
30-34 6752
35-39 7551
40-44 8718
45-49 9802
50-54 8567
55-59 7711
60-64 7523
65-69 8709
70-74 8686
75-79 7241
80-84 5328
85-89 3612
90-94 1761
95-99 479
A <- 10
d_pop <- read.csv('pop.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Age10 = rep(1:10, each=2)) %>%
group_by(Age10) %>%
summarise(Value = sum(Value)) %>% ungroup()
d_DP <- read.csv('DP.csv')
d <- read.csv('data_20200402.csv') %>% mutate( = Y.sym + Y.unk)
data <- list(A = A,
N = d_pop$Value*1000,
Y.sym = d$,
Y.asy = d$Y.asy,
N.pos.DP = d_DP$N,
Y.sym.DP = d_DP$Y)
inits <- lapply(1:4, function(i) list(p.pos = 0.0001, q.x = rep(0,A), p.obs.sym = 0.5, p.obs.asy = 0.1, = 'base::Wichmann-Hill', .RNG.seed = i))
m <- jags.model('model.bugs', data, inits, n.chains=4, n.adapt=50000)
update(m, 50000)
post.list <- coda.samples(m, c('n.pos.sum', 'n.pos', 'p.pos', 'p.obs.sym', 'p.obs.asy', 'q'), n.iter=500000, thin=100)
mcmc.list2bugs <- function(mcmc.list){
b1 <- mcmc.list[[1]]
m1 <- as.matrix(b1)
mall <- matrix(numeric(0), 0, ncol(m1))
n.chains <- length(mcmc.list)
for (i in 1:n.chains) {
mall <- rbind(mall, as.matrix(mcmc.list[[i]]))
sims.array <- array(mall, dim = c(nrow(m1), n.chains, ncol(m1)))
dimnames(sims.array) <- list(NULL, NULL, colnames(m1))
mcpar <- attr(b1, "mcpar")
sims.array = sims.array,
model.file = NULL,
program = NULL,
DICOutput = NULL,
n.iter = mcpar[2],
n.burnin = mcpar[1] - mcpar[3],
n.thin = mcpar[3]
post.bugs <- mcmc.list2bugs(post.list)
options(scipen = 10)
write.table(data.frame(post.bugs$summary, check.names = FALSE),
file = 'fit-summary.csv', sep = ',', quote = TRUE, col.names = NA)
# save.image(file = 'result.RData')
post.mcmc <- as.mcmc(post.bugs$sims.matrix)
d.plot <- data.frame(n.pos.sum = as.vector(post.mcmc[,'n.pos.sum']))
p <- ggplot(d.plot, aes(x=n.pos.sum)) +
theme(text=element_text(size=18)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), binwidth=500, fill='white', color='black') +
geom_density(fill='black', alpha=0.3) +
xlim(NA, 20000) +
labs(x='推定総陽性者数 in 日本 (4/2時点)', y='確率密度')
ggsave(p, file = 'fig-positive-persons-total.png', dpi=300, w=7, h=5)
age10 <- c('0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70-79', '80-89', '90-99')
qua <- apply(post.mcmc[, sprintf('n.pos[%d]', 1:A)], 2, quantile, probs=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)) %>% t()
d.qua <- data.frame(Age10=factor(age10, levels=age10), qua, check.names = FALSE)
p <- ggplot() +
theme(text=element_text(size=18), axis.text.x=element_text(angle=40, vjust=1, hjust=1)) +
geom_line(data=d.qua, aes(x=Age10, y=`50%`), group=1) +
geom_point(data=d.qua, aes(x=Age10, y=`50%`), size=2) +
geom_ribbon(data=d.qua, aes(x=Age10, ymin=`2.5%`, ymax=`97.5%`), group=1, fill='black', alpha=0.3) +
labs(x='年代', y='推定陽性者数 in 日本 (4/2時点)')
ggsave(p, file = 'fig-positive-persons-by-age.png', dpi=300, w=7, h=5)
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