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Created July 13, 2024 17:39
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import RealityKit
import SwiftUI
struct TriangleCountView: View {
let generateSphereEntity = createEntity(resource: .generateSphere(radius: 0.5), material: getMaterial())
let generateSpecificSphereEntity = try! createEntity(resource: .generateSpecificSphere(radius: 0.5, latitudeBands: 15, longitudeBands: 15), material: getMaterial())
@State var numberOfLatitudeBands: Int = 15
@State var numberOfLongitudeBands: Int = 15
@State var sphereRadius: Float = 0.5
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
VStack {
Text("Triangle Count: \(generateSphereEntity.triangleCount)")
.padding(.bottom, 125)
Text("Custom LowLevelMesh Sphere")
Text("Triangle Count: \(generateSpecificSphereEntity.triangleCount)")
RealityView { content in
generateSphereEntity.transform.translation.y = 0.06
generateSpecificSphereEntity.transform.translation.y = -0.06
} update: { content in
let modelComponent = try! ModelComponent(mesh: .generateSpecificSphere(radius: sphereRadius, latitudeBands: numberOfLatitudeBands, longitudeBands: numberOfLongitudeBands), materials: [TriangleCountView.getMaterial()])
let modelComponent2 = ModelComponent(mesh: .generateSphere(radius: sphereRadius), materials: [TriangleCountView.getMaterial()])
.frame(width: 200)
HStack {
Text("Latitude Band Count: \(numberOfLatitudeBands)")
.frame(width: 225)
Slider(value: Binding(
get: {
set: { newValue in
self.numberOfLatitudeBands = Int(newValue)
), in: 2...160, step: 1)
HStack {
Text("Longitude Band Count: \(numberOfLongitudeBands)")
.frame(width: 225)
Slider(value: Binding(
get: {
set: { newValue in
self.numberOfLongitudeBands = Int(newValue)
), in: 5...40, step: 1)
HStack {
Text(String(format: "Sphere Radius: %.2f", sphereRadius))
.frame(width: 225)
Slider(value: Binding(
get: {
set: { newValue in
self.sphereRadius = Float(newValue)
), in: 0.05...0.5)
.frame(width: 600, height: 500, alignment: .center)
static func createEntity(resource: MeshResource, material: RealityFoundation.Material) -> Entity {
let modelComponent = ModelComponent(mesh: resource, materials: [material])
let entity = Entity()
entity.scale *= 0.1
entity.transform.translation.z = -0.2
return entity
static func getMaterial() -> RealityFoundation.Material {
var material = UnlitMaterial()
material.color.tint = .init(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)
material.faceCulling = .none
return material
#Preview {
extension Entity {
var triangleCount: Int {
meshResource?.triangleCount ?? 0
var meshResource: MeshResource? {
components[ModelComponent.self]?.mesh ?? nil
extension MeshResource {
var triangleCount: Int {
for model in contents.models {
for part in {
if let triangleIndices = part.triangleIndices {
let indices = triangleIndices.elements
let indexCount = indices.count
let polygonCount = indexCount / 3
return polygonCount
return 0
struct MyVertex {
var position: SIMD3<Float> = .zero
var color: UInt32 = .zero
static var vertexAttributes: [LowLevelMesh.Attribute] = [
.init(semantic: .position, format: .float3, offset: MemoryLayout<Self>.offset(of: \.position)!),
.init(semantic: .color, format: .uchar4Normalized_bgra, offset: MemoryLayout<Self>.offset(of: \.color)!)
static var vertexLayouts: [LowLevelMesh.Layout] = [
.init(bufferIndex: 0, bufferStride: MemoryLayout<Self>.stride)
static var descriptor: LowLevelMesh.Descriptor {
var desc = LowLevelMesh.Descriptor()
desc.vertexAttributes = MyVertex.vertexAttributes
desc.vertexLayouts = MyVertex.vertexLayouts
desc.indexType = .uint32
return desc
extension MeshResource {
static func generateSpecificSphere(radius: Float, latitudeBands: Int = 10, longitudeBands: Int = 10) throws -> MeshResource {
let vertexCount = (latitudeBands + 1) * (longitudeBands + 1)
let indexCount = latitudeBands * longitudeBands * 6
var desc = MyVertex.descriptor
desc.vertexCapacity = vertexCount
desc.indexCapacity = indexCount
let mesh = try LowLevelMesh(descriptor: desc)
mesh.withUnsafeMutableBytes(bufferIndex: 0) { rawBytes in
let vertices = rawBytes.bindMemory(to: MyVertex.self)
var vertexIndex = 0
for latNumber in 0...latitudeBands {
let theta = Float(latNumber) * Float.pi / Float(latitudeBands)
let sinTheta = sin(theta)
let cosTheta = cos(theta)
for longNumber in 0...longitudeBands {
let phi = Float(longNumber) * 2 * Float.pi / Float(longitudeBands)
let sinPhi = sin(phi)
let cosPhi = cos(phi)
let x = cosPhi * sinTheta
let y = cosTheta
let z = sinPhi * sinTheta
let position = SIMD3<Float>(x, y, z) * radius
let color = 0xFFFFFFFF
vertices[vertexIndex] = MyVertex(position: position, color: UInt32(color))
vertexIndex += 1
mesh.withUnsafeMutableIndices { rawIndices in
let indices = rawIndices.bindMemory(to: UInt32.self)
var index = 0
for latNumber in 0..<latitudeBands {
for longNumber in 0..<longitudeBands {
let first = (latNumber * (longitudeBands + 1)) + longNumber
let second = first + longitudeBands + 1
indices[index] = UInt32(first)
indices[index + 1] = UInt32(second)
indices[index + 2] = UInt32(first + 1)
indices[index + 3] = UInt32(second)
indices[index + 4] = UInt32(second + 1)
indices[index + 5] = UInt32(first + 1)
index += 6
let meshBounds = BoundingBox(min: [-radius, -radius, -radius], max: [radius, radius, radius])[
indexCount: indexCount,
topology: .triangle,
bounds: meshBounds
// Print the number of triangles
let triangleCount = indexCount / 3
print("Number of triangles: \(triangleCount)")
return try MeshResource(from: mesh)
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