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Last active February 5, 2018 18:54
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ERP page_ Highlight order info for review team.user
// ==UserScript==
// @name ERP page: Highlight order info for review team
// @namespace
// @version 0.2
// @description Highlight order info for review team
// @author Matt
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @include*
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// prove this can automatically update
var improveOrderScreen = function() {
var total_box, bill_state_box, ship_state_box, ship_method_box, bill_country_box, bill_first_name_box, ship_first_name_box, bill_last_name_box, ship_last_name_box, bill_address_one_box, ship_address_one_box, bill_address_two_box, ship_address_two_box, bill_city_box, ship_city_box, email_box, bill_phone_box, ship_phone_box;
var order_number, total, bill_state, ship_state, ship_method, bill_country, bill_first_name, ship_first_name, bill_last_name, ship_last_name, name, bill_address_one, ship_address_one, bill_address_two, ship_address_two, bill_city, ship_city, email, emaillocal, email_domain, bill_phone, ship_phone, bill_zip, ship_zip, ship_country;
var main_table, ip, bin, bin_url, pay_methods, credit_card, auth_code, signifyd, notes_tab, invoices_tab, payments_tab, risk_tab, number_of_invoices, returns_tab, number_of_returns, tax_tab, promo_tab, info_tab, signifyd_link, chk_select_all, select_status, nodeAdded;
var number_of_products = 0;
var pay_methods_list = [];
var safe, maybe, warning;
safe = {'background-color': '#c1ffdf', 'border-color': '#00b256'};
warning = {'background-color': '#faffba', 'border-color': '#b8bc7a'};
maybe = {'background-color': '#ffbea0', 'border-color': '#ff5000'};
// Collect all the data we need from the page.
order_number = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblEcomOrderNumberOut').text();
total_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblOrderTotalOut");
total = total_box.text();
bill_state_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillStateOut");
bill_state = bill_state_box.text();
ship_state_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipState");
ship_state = ship_state_box.val();
ship_method_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblOriginalShipMethodOut");
ship_method = ship_method_box.text();
bill_country_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCountryOut");
bill_country = bill_country_box.text();
ship_country = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_ddlShipCountry").val();
main_table = $(".editOrderTableStyles tr:last");
ip = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbReviewStatus_lblFormatRemoteIP").text();
bin = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbPaymentInfo_dgPaymentInfo .DGItem td:nth-child(4)").text();
bill_first_name_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCustomerFirstOut");
bill_first_name = bill_first_name_box.text();
ship_first_name_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipCustomerFirst");
ship_first_name = ship_first_name_box.val();
bill_last_name_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCustomerLastOut");
bill_last_name = bill_last_name_box.text();
ship_last_name_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipCustomerLast");
ship_last_name = ship_last_name_box.val();
name = bill_first_name + ' ' + bill_last_name;
bill_address_one_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillAddress1Out");
bill_address_one = bill_address_one_box.text().replace(/\./g,'');
ship_address_one_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipAddress1");
ship_address_one = ship_address_one_box.val().replace(/\./g,'');
bill_address_two_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillAddress2Out");
bill_address_two = bill_address_two_box.text().replace(/\./g,'');
ship_address_two_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipAddress2");
ship_address_two = ship_address_two_box.val().replace(/\./g,'');
bill_city_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCityOut");
bill_city = bill_city_box.text();
ship_city_box = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipCity");
ship_city = ship_city_box.val();
email_box = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblCustomerEmailOut');
email = email_box.text();
emaillocal = email.split('@')[0];
email_domain = email.split('@')[1].split('.')[0];
bill_phone_box = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillPhoneOut');
bill_phone = bill_phone_box.text();
bill_zip = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillZipOut").text();
ship_zip = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipZip").val();
ship_phone_box = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblPhoneNumberOut');
ship_phone = ship_phone_box.text();
chk_select_all = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_gvOrderDetails_ctl01_chkSelectAll");
select_status = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_ddlODStatus");
pay_methods = $('table#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbPaymentInfo_dgPaymentInfo tbody tr td:nth-child(2)').map(function () {
return this.innerText;
auth_code = $('table#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbPaymentInfo_dgPaymentInfo tbody tr td:nth-child(8)').map(function () {
if ( /[A-Z0-9]{6}/.test(this.innerText) ) {
return this.innerText;
signifyd = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbReviewStatus_lblFormatStatus').text().replace('Signifyd: ', '');
notes_tab = $('#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tpNotes');
returns_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tpReturns");
number_of_returns = 0;
invoices_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tpInvoices");
number_of_invoices = 0;
payments_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbPaymentInfo");
tax_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbTaxInfo");
promo_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbPromotionInfo");
info_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tpOtherInfo");
risk_tab = $("#__tab_ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbReviewStatus");
signifyd_link = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbReviewStatus_hlReviewStatus");
// Display info on the browser window's tab
document.title = order_number + ' ' + name + ' ';
// // Scroll the tab contents like a marquee
//setInterval(function() {
// var movedchar = title.slice(0,1);
// title = title.slice(1) + movedchar;
// document.title = title;
//}, 700);
// Check the money amount of the order.
total = total.replace(/\$/g, '');
total = total.replace(/\,/g, '');
total = parseInt(total, 10);
if (total < 300) {
} else if (total > 500) {
} else {
// Check the billing state.
if (bill_state == 'OR' || bill_state == 'DE' || bill_state == 'NJ') {
// Check the shipping state.
if (ship_state == 'OR' || ship_state == 'DE' || ship_state == 'NJ') {
// Check the shipping method.
if (ship_method == 'Next Day Air Saver') {
} else if (ship_method == '2nd Day Air') {
// Check the billing country.
if ( bill_country == 'CN' || bill_country == 'HK' || bill_country == 'JP' || bill_country == 'KR' || bill_country == 'TW' ) {
// Check order status.
$("table#ctl00_cphMainContent_gvOrderDetails tbody tr td table.DGItem tbody tr:nth-child(1):not(.DGHeader) td:nth-child(10)").each(function () {
var status = $(this).text();
if (status == "shipped" || status == "DROPship" || status == "Auto-Filled from Internet") {
} else if (status == "WAITING" || status == "WTV" || status == "ITV" || status == "Reprocess Flagged Order") {
// Check brands prohibited for reselling, and check key fraud brands.
$("table#ctl00_cphMainContent_gvOrderDetails tbody tr td table.DGItem tbody tr:nth-child(1):not(.DGHeader) td:nth-child(5)").each(function () {
var product = $(this).text();
if (product.indexOf("Canada Goose") != -1 || product.indexOf("Moosejaw Gift Card") != -1) {
} else if (product.indexOf("Ugg") != -1 || product.indexOf("Garmin") != -1 || product.indexOf("GoPro") != -1 || product.indexOf("Birkenstock") != -1 || product.indexOf("Reef") != -1) {
// When user adds a status, and there is only one product,
// it is a waste of time to pop up an alert asking them to select some products.
// Therefore, check the "check all" checkbox (if it is not already checked).
if (number_of_products == 1) {
select_status.on('change', function() {
if (chk_select_all.prop('checked') === false) {
// Flag differences between billing address and shipping address.
if (bill_first_name.toUpperCase() != ship_first_name.toUpperCase()) {
if (bill_last_name.toUpperCase() != ship_last_name.toUpperCase()) {
bill_address_one = bill_address_one.replace('Road', 'Rd');
ship_address_one = ship_address_one.replace('Road', 'Rd');
bill_address_one = bill_address_one.replace('Drive', 'Dr');
ship_address_one = ship_address_one.replace('Drive', 'Dr');
bill_address_one = bill_address_one.replace('Avenue', 'Ave');
ship_address_one = ship_address_one.replace('Avenue', 'Ave');
// No need to flag mismatches in punctuation, so, remove all of it from the comparison
bill_address_one = bill_address_one.replace(/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g, '');
ship_address_one = ship_address_one.replace(/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g, '');
if (bill_address_one.toUpperCase() != ship_address_one.toUpperCase()) {
if (bill_address_two.toUpperCase() != ship_address_two.toUpperCase()) {
if (bill_city.toUpperCase() != ship_city.toUpperCase()) {
// Get the list of all known reshipper addresses
//shippers = localStorage.getItem('shippers');
//ship_address = {
// "street": ship_address_one,
// "city": ship_city,
// "state": ship_state
// Create an "Add to reshipper list" button
// .html("Reshipper? <button id='addToshippers'>Add</button>")
// .click(function() {
// localStorage.setItem('shippers', shippers + ship_address);
//if (shippers) {
// for (var k = 0, len = shippers.length; k < len; k++) {
// if (shippers[k].street == ship_address.street && shippers[k].city == && shippers[k].state == ship_address.state) {
// $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblCommentOut").text('This is a reshipper').css(safe);
// }
// }
// Flag email address if it's outlook, or letters followed by numbers
// Flag it as safe if it's Walmart or Jet
if (email_domain === 'outlook' || /[a-zA-Z]+\d+$/.test(emaillocal) ) {
} else if (email_domain.toUpperCase().indexOf('WALMART') !== -1 || email_domain.toUpperCase() === 'JET') {
// Add dashes to the phone numbers
function addDashes(num, box) {
if (num) {
num = num.slice(-10,-7) + "-" + num.slice(-7,-4) + "-" + num.slice(-4);
addDashes(bill_phone, bill_phone_box);
addDashes(ship_phone, ship_phone_box);
// Display how many returns there are
$('table#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tpReturns_dgReturns tbody tr td:nth-child(1)').map(function() {
if (this.innerText.indexOf('Return Label Printed') != -1) {
returns_tab.prepend(number_of_returns + ' ');
// Display how many invoices there are
$('table#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tpInvoices_dgInvoices tbody tr td:nth-child(1)').map(function() {
if (/\d{8}x\d{9}/.test(this.innerText)) {
invoices_tab.prepend(number_of_invoices + ' ');
// Display payment methods
credit_card = false;
for (var j = 1; j < pay_methods.length; j++){
var separator = (j === 1) ? '' : ', ';
if (pay_methods[j] === 'Credit Card') {
credit_card = true;
pay_methods[j] = 'Credit';
} else if (pay_methods[j] === 'Reward Points') {
pay_methods[j] = 'Points';
if (pay_methods[j] !== '\xa0') {
if (pay_methods[j] !== 'Gift Card' || pay_methods_list.includes('Gift Card') === false) {
pay_methods_list = pay_methods_list + separator + pay_methods[j];
if (pay_methods.length === 0) {
payments_tab.text('No payments.');
} else {
payments_tab.text("Paid with " + pay_methods_list);
payments_tab.css('text-align', '-webkit-left');
if (!credit_card) {
// Display auth code
if (auth_code.length) {
payments_tab.append('. Auth: ' + auth_code[0]);
// Shorten title on several tabs to make it less likely to line-wrap the Risk tab
info_tab.text("Add'l Info");
// Display Signifyd status
risk_tab.text(signifyd + ' ');
if (signifyd.indexOf('Rejected') !== -1) {
risk_tab.css('color', '#c62201');
} else if (signifyd.indexOf('Approved') !== -1) {
risk_tab.css('color', '#01772b');
// Show the link to Signifyd in the risk tab.
// Find out geolocation of IP address.
if (ip.startsWith('172.16')) {
displayGeolocation('Ordered by phone');
} else if (ip.startsWith('192.168')) {
displayGeolocation('Ordered in store');
} else {
$.getJSON(''+ ip +'/json')
displayGeolocation('Placed from an internet connection in ' + + ' ' + json.region + ' ' + + '. ');
.fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error){
displayGeolocation('IP lookup failed');
function displayGeolocation(g) {
//Display geolocation of IP address.
if ( $("#iplookup").length ) {
} else {
main_table.append('<td id="iplookup" colspan=2 class="Label">' + g + '</td>');
// Find out bank and display it.
if (credit_card) {
bin_url = '' + bin.substr(0,6);
.done( function(json){ = ? + ', ' : '';
json.brand = json.brand ? json.brand + ', ' : '';
displayBank('Card issuer is ' + json.brand + + + '. ');
.fail (function(json){
displayBank('Bank lookup failed');
} else {
displayBank('No card');
function displayBank(b) {
if ( $("#banklookup").length ) {
} else {
main_table.append('<td id="banklookup" colspan=2 class="Label">' + b + '</td>');
}; // End improveOrderScreen
$(document).ready(function() {
var refresh_btn_div = document.createElement('div'); = 'refresh-btn-div'; = "fixed"; = "1rem";
var refresh_btn = document.createElement('button'); = 'refresh-btn';
refresh_btn.innerHTML = "Refresh";
refresh_btn.class = "button_small radius";
refresh_btn.onClick = improveOrderScreen;
}); // End documentready function
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