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Last active February 5, 2018 19:04
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Add White Pages Pro Identity Check To Order Screen
// ==UserScript==
// @name Add White Pages Pro Identity Check To Order Screen
// @namespace
// @version 0.2
// @description Add White Pages Pro Identity Check To Order Screen
// @author Matt
// @include*
// @match*
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var output = document.createElement('div');
output.className += " DGItem"; = "0px 0px 1rem 0px";
var order_number = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblEcomOrderNumberOut').text();
// Collect the info White Pages Pro needs to perform their Identity Check API. Put it into a string to go on the end of a URL.
var buildWppRequest = function() {
var bill_first_name = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCustomerFirstOut").text();
var bill_last_name = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCustomerLastOut").text();
var bill_name = (bill_first_name || bill_last_name) ? "" + bill_first_name + "+" + bill_last_name : "";
bill_name.replace(/\s'/g + '+');
var email = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblCustomerEmailOut').text();
var bill_phone = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillPhoneOut').text();
var bill_address_one = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillAddress1Out").text().replace(/\./g, '');
var bill_address_two = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillAddress2Out").text().replace(/\./g, '');
var bill_city = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCityOut").text();
var bill_state = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillStateOut").text();
var bill_zip = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillZipOut").text();
var bill_country = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblBillCountryOut").text();
var ship_first_name = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipCustomerFirst").val();
var ship_last_name = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipCustomerLast").val();
var ship_phone = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_lblPhoneNumberOut').text();
var ship_address_one = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipAddress1").val().replace(/\./g, '');
var ship_address_two = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipAddress2").val().replace(/\./g, '');
var ship_city = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipCity").val();
var ship_state = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipState").val();
var ship_zip = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_txtShipZip").val();
var ship_country = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_ddlShipCountry").val();
var ip = $("#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbReviewStatus_lblFormatRemoteIP").text();
// Each piece of info which doesn't exist on the screen is left as a blank "", so it is not submitted in the request.
var wpp_bill_name = (bill_first_name || bill_last_name) ? "" + bill_first_name + "+" + bill_last_name : "";
wpp_bill_name = wpp_bill_name.replace(/\s'/g + '+');
var wpp_bill_phone = (bill_phone) ? "&" + bill_phone : "";
var wpp_bill_address_one = (bill_address_one) ? "&primary.address.street_line_1=" + bill_address_one.replace(/\s'/g, '+').replace(/#/, '') : "";
var wpp_bill_city = (bill_city) ? "&" + bill_city.replace(/\s'/g + '+') : "";
var wpp_bill_state = (bill_state) ? "&primary.address.state_code=" + bill_state : "";
var wpp_bill_zip = (bill_zip) ? "&primary.address.postal_code=" + bill_zip : "";
var wpp_bill_country = (bill_country) ? "&primary.address.country_code=" + bill_country : "";
var wpp_ship_name = (ship_first_name || ship_last_name) ? "&" + ship_first_name + "+" + ship_last_name : "";
wpp_ship_name = wpp_ship_name.replace(/\s'/g + '+');
var wpp_ship_phone = (ship_phone) ? "&" + ship_phone : "";
var wpp_ship_address_one = (ship_address_one) ? "&secondary.address.street_line_1=" + ship_address_one.replace(/\s'/g, '+').replace(/#/, '') : "";
var wpp_ship_city = (ship_city) ? "&" + ship_city.replace(/\s'/g + '+') : "";
var wpp_ship_state = (ship_state) ? "&secondary.address.state_code=" + ship_state : "";
var wpp_ship_zip = (ship_zip) ? "&secondary.address.postal_code=" + ship_zip : "";
var wpp_ship_country = (ship_country) ? "&secondary.address.country_code=" + ship_country : "";
var wpp_email = (email) ? "&email_address=" + email : "";
var wpp_ip = (ip) ? "&ip_address=" + ip : "";
return wpp_bill_name + wpp_bill_phone + wpp_bill_address_one + wpp_bill_city + wpp_bill_state + wpp_bill_zip + wpp_ship_name + wpp_ship_phone + wpp_ship_address_one + wpp_ship_city + wpp_ship_state + wpp_ship_zip + wpp_ship_country + wpp_email + wpp_ip;
var request = buildWppRequest();
// Take the info we got back from White Pages Pro Identity Check and make a paragraph to appear on our order page.
var buildOutput = function(r) {
var pp_warnings = "";
if (r.primary_phone_checks) {
var pp = r.primary_phone_checks;
var pp_subscriber_name = pp.subscriber_name;
var pp_is = "Billing phone is: ";
pp_warnings += (pp.phone_to_name === "No match") ? "Billing phone subscriber name '" + pp_subscriber_name + "' does not match name on billing address. " : "";
pp_warnings += (pp.phone_to_address === "No match") ? "Address of the billing phone does not match billing address. " : "";
pp_warnings += (pp.phone_to_address === "Zip+4 match") ? "Address of the billing phone only matches zip+4 of billing address. " : "";
pp_warnings += (pp.phone_to_address === "City/State match") ? "Address of the billing phone only matches city & state of billing address. " : "";
pp_is += (pp.is_valid === true) ? "" : "Not real. ";
pp_is += (pp.country_code === "US") ? "" : "Outside U.S. ";
pp_is += (pp.line_type === "Non-fixed VOIP" || pp.line_type === "Tollfree") ? pp.line_type + ". " : "";
pp_is += (pp.is_prepaid === true) ? "Prepaid. " : "";
pp_warnings += (pp_is !== "Billing phone is: ") ? pp_is : "";
var sp_warnings = "";
if (r.primary_phone_checks) {
var sp = r.secondary_phone_checks;
var sp_subscriber_name = sp.subscriber_name;
var sp_is = "Shipping phone is: ";
sp_warnings += (sp.phone_to_name === "No match") ? "Shipping phone subscriber name '" + sp_subscriber_name + "' does not match name on billing address. " : "";
sp_warnings += (sp.phone_to_address === "No match") ? "Address of the shipping phone does not match shipping address. " : "";
sp_warnings += (sp.phone_to_address === "Zip+4 match") ? "Address of the shipping phone only matches zip+4 of shipping address. " : "";
sp_warnings += (sp.phone_to_address === "City/State match") ? "Address of the shipping phone only matches city & state of shipping address. " : "";
sp_is += (sp.is_valid === true) ? "" : "Not real. ";
sp_is += (sp.country_code === "US") ? "" : "Outside U.S. ";
sp_is += (sp.line_type === "Non-fixed VOIP" || sp.line_type === "Tollfree") ? sp.line_type + ". " : "";
sp_is += (sp.is_prepaid === true) ? "Prepaid. " : "";
sp_warnings += (sp_is !== "Shipping phone is: ") ? sp_is : "";
var pa_warnings = "";
if (r.primary_address_checks) {
var pa = r.primary_address_checks;
var pa_resident_name = pa.resident_name;
var pa_is = "Billing address is: ";
pa_warnings += (pa.address_to_name === "No match") ? "Billing address resident name '" + pa_resident_name + "' does not match name on order. " : "";
pa_warnings += (pa.diagnostics.includes("Validated only Postcode, City, Country")) ? "Only validated postcode, city, country of billing address. " : "";
pa_warnings += (pa.diagnostics.includes("Validated only City, Country")) ? "Only validated city & country of billing address. " : "";
pa_warnings += (pa.diagnostics.includes("Validated only Country")) ? "Only validated country of billing address. " : "";
pa_is += (pa.is_valid === true) ? "" : "Not real. ";
pa_is += (pa.is_active === true) ? "" : "Not receiving mail. ";
pa_is += (pa.type === "Commercial mail drop" || pa.line_type === "PO box" || pa.line_type === "PO box throwback") ? pa.type + ". " : "";
pa_is += (pa.is_forwarder === true) ? "Freight forwarding company. " : "";
pa_warnings += (pa_is !== "Billing address is: ") ? pa_is : "";
var sa_warnings = "";
if (r.secondary_address_checks) {
var sa = r.secondary_address_checks;
var sa_resident_name = sa.resident_name;
var sa_is = "Shipping address is: ";
sa_warnings += (sa.address_to_name === "No match") ? "Shipping address resident name '" + sa_resident_name + "' does not match name on billing address. " : "";
sa_warnings += (sa.diagnostics.includes("Validated only Postcode, City, Country")) ? "Only validated postcode, city, country of shipping address. " : "";
sa_warnings += (sa.diagnostics.includes("Validated only City, Country")) ? "Only validated city & country of shipping address. " : "";
sa_warnings += (sa.diagnostics.includes("Validated only Country")) ? "Only validated country of shipping address. " : "";
sa_is += (sa.is_valid === true) ? "" : "Not real. ";
sa_is += (sa.is_active === true) ? "" : "Not receiving mail. ";
sa_is += (sa.type === "Commercial mail drop" || sa.line_type === "PO box" || sa.line_type === "PO box throwback") ? sa.type + ". " : "";
sa_is += (sa.is_forwarder === true) ? "Freight forwarding company. " : "";
sa_warnings += (sa_is !== "Shipping address is: ") ? sa_is : "";
var e_warnings = "";
if (r.secondary_address_checks) {
var e = r.email_address_checks;
var e_registered_name = e.registered_name;
var e_is = "Email is: ";
e_warnings += (e.email_to_name === "No match") ? "Name '" + e_registered_name + "' registered to email does not match name on order. " : "";
e_is += (e.is_valid) ? "" : "Non existent and undeliverable. ";
e_is += (e.is_autogenerated) ? "Auto-generated. " : "";
e_is += (e.is_disposable) ? "Disposable domain. " : "";
e_warnings += (e_is !== "Email is: ") ? e_is : "";
return "Whitepages Pro provides these warning signs: " + pa_warnings + pp_warnings + sa_warnings + sp_warnings + e_warnings;
var callApi = function(url) {
// Find out the timestamps of cached items
var expiries = Object.keys(localStorage).reduce(function(collection, key) {
var this_timestamp = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)).timestamp;
collection[this_timestamp] = key;
return collection;
}, {});
var expiryDates = Object.keys(expiries);
// Find the oldest (smallest timestamp) order record and delete it, until there are only 300 orders cached (about a week's worth)
while (expiryDates.length > 300) {
var oldestDate = Math.min.apply(null, expiryDates);
$.get(url, function(response) {
var request_and_response = JSON.stringify({
"request": request,
"response": response,
// Cache the response in localstorage so it could be used when visiting the same order again, to save on API calls.
localStorage.setItem(order_number, request_and_response);
output.innerText = buildOutput(response);
output.innerText = "There was an error getting info about this order from Whitepages Pro.";
var displayWPP = function() {
const BASE_URL = "";
const API_KEY = "&api_key=4c024b0f168a49e3aa763013209d6623";
var url = BASE_URL + request + API_KEY;
// If the response is cached in localstorage, use that when visiting the same order again, to save on API calls.
// Otherwise make an API call to get the info for the first time.
var cached = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(order_number));
if (cached) {
if (cached.request == request) {
output.innerText = buildOutput(cached.response);
} else {
} else {
}; // End displayWPP
$(document).ready(function() {
// If Signifyd status is "Approved", we do not need this script to run at all.
var signifyd_status = $('#ctl00_cphMainContent_tcOrders_tbReviewStatus_lblFormatStatus').text().replace('Signifyd: ', '');
if (signifyd_status === "Rejected") {
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