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Created July 26, 2019 14:37
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(require 'usocket)
(defun end-string (string how-many)
(let ((str-length (length string)))
(if (or (< str-length how-many)
(not string))
(subseq string (- str-length how-many) str-length))))
(defun read-lines (connection)
(let ((body nil)
(temp "some"))
(loop while temp
(format t "BODY:~%~a~%" body)
(if (string= (end-string body 4) "\r\n\r\n")
(format t "Equal~%---------------------~%")
(format t "Not equal~%------------------------~%")
(setq temp (read-line (usocket:socket-stream connection) nil '(\#Return\#linefeed)))
(setq body (concatenate 'string body temp '(#\Newline))))))
(format t "Final Body: ~a~%" body)))
(defun start-simple-server (port)
"Listening on a port for a message, and print the received message."
(usocket:with-socket-listener (socket "" port :reuse-address t)
(usocket:wait-for-input socket)
(usocket:with-connected-socket (connection (usocket:socket-accept socket))
(read-lines connection)
(format (usocket:socket-stream connection) "OK"))))
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