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Last active May 4, 2017 17:20
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  • Save MattDahEpic/7bc5b51668a330fbaae56ad6ad798ffb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MattDahEpic/7bc5b51668a330fbaae56ad6ad798ffb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Overwatch Asset Exporter
Requires the latest OverTool toolset from
Requires the "Required Needed" from
Place all these files and the ExportConvertOverwatch.bat file in the same folder
Change the OW_DIR variable to the folder within which your Overwatch is installed
Change the EXPORT_DIR variable to the folder you want all the assets exported to and converted in
Run the ExportConvertOverwatch.bat file and wait for a long time.
@echo off
set OW_DIR="C:/Program Files (x86)/Overwatch"
set EXPORT_DIR="C:/Users/Matt/Desktop/ow"
set ALL_HEROES_NAMES="Genji+McCree+Pharah+Reaper+"Soldier: 76"+Mercy+Sombra+Tracer+Bastion+Hanzo+Junkrat+Mei+Torbjörn+Widowmaker+D.Va+Reinhardt+Roadhog+Winston+Zarya+Ana+Lúcio+Symmetra+Zenyatta"
echo ==Export & Convert Overwatch v1.1 by MattDahEpic==
echo Exporting all data...
overtool %OW_DIR% x %EXPORT_DIR% skin+spray+icon %ALL_HEROES_NAMES%
echo Converting all sound files to .ogg and removing the lefotover .wem files...
for /r %EXPORT_DIR% %%f in (*.wem) do (ww2ogg.exe --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin "%%f")
for /r %EXPORT_DIR% %%f in (*.ogg) do echo Finalizing "%%f" & revorb.exe "%%f"
for /r %EXPORT_DIR% %%f in (*.wem) do echo Deleting "%%f" & del "%%f"
echo Converting all models to .obj and removing all leftover .00C files...
for /r %EXPORT_DIR% %%f in (*.00C) do (ModelTool.exe "%%f" o "%%f.obj")
for /r %EXPORT_DIR% %%f in (*.00C) do echo Deleting "%%f" & del "%%f"
echo Process complete! Keep watching over them.
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