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Created June 7, 2013 23:54
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Save MattFaus/5733210 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Based on by Juan Pablo Guereca with additional modifications
for thread safety and simplified to reduce time spent in critical areas.
Module which implements a per GAE instance data cache, similar to what
you can achieve with APC in PHP instances.
Each GAE instance caches the global scope, keeping the state of every
variable on the global scope.
You can go farther and cache other things, creating a caching layer
for each GAE instance, and it's really fast because there is no
network transfer like in memcache. Moreover GAE doesn't charge for
using it and it can save you many memcache and db requests.
Not everything are upsides. You can not use it on every case because:
- There's no way to know if you have set or deleted a key in all the
GAE instances that your app is using. Everything you do with Cachepy
happens in the instance of the current request and you have N
instances, be aware of that.
- The only way to be sure you have flushed all the GAE instances
caches is doing a code upload, no code change required.
- The memory available depends on each GAE instance and your app. I've
been able to set a 60 millions characters string which is like 57 MB
at least. You can cache somethings but not everything.
# TODO(chris): implement an LRU cache. currently we store all sorts of
# things in instance memory by default via layer_cache, and these
# things might never be reaped.
import time
import logging
import os
import threading
except ImportError:
import dummy_threading as threading
_CACHE = {}
_CACHE_LOCK = threading.RLock()
""" Flag to deactivate it on local environment. """
ACTIVE = (not os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Devel') or
None means forever.
Value in seconds.
# TODO(csilvers): change the API to be consistent with the memcache API.
def get(key):
""" Gets the data associated to the key or a None """
if ACTIVE is False:
return None
entry = _CACHE.get(key, None)
if entry is None:
return None
value, expiry = entry
if expiry == None:
return value
current_timestamp = time.time()
if current_timestamp < expiry:
return value
del _CACHE[key]
return None
def get_all_with_prefix(prefix):
""" Return a map of key->data for all keys starting with prefix """
if ACTIVE is False:
return {}
retval = {}
current_timestamp = time.time()
for key in _CACHE:
if key.startswith(prefix):
value, expiry = _CACHE[key]
if expiry is not None:
if current_timestamp >= expiry:
del _CACHE[key]
retval[key] = value
return retval
def set(key, value, expiry=DEFAULT_CACHING_TIME):
Sets a key in the current instance
key, value, expiry seconds till it expires
if ACTIVE is False:
return None
if expiry == 0:
# To conform to memcache's expiration behavior, an expiry value of 0
# means "never expire."
expiry = None
if expiry != None:
expiry = time.time() + int(expiry)
_CACHE[key] = (value, expiry)
except MemoryError:
# It doesn't seems to catch the exception, something in the
# GAE's python runtime probably."%s memory error setting key '%s'" % (__name__, key))
def increment(key, expiry=DEFAULT_CACHING_TIME):
Increments key (setting the result to 1 if key isn't present).
Also resets the expiry for this key.
if ACTIVE is False:
return None
if expiry == 0:
# To conform to memcache's expiration behavior, an expiry value of 0
# means "never expire."
expiry = None
if expiry != None:
expiry = time.time() + int(expiry)
(old_value, _) = _CACHE.get(key, (0, None))
_CACHE[key] = (old_value + 1, expiry)
except TypeError:
logging.error("Cannot increment instance-cache key '%s': value '%s' "
"is not an integer" % (key, old_value))
except MemoryError:
# It doesn't seems to catch the exception, something in the
# GAE's python runtime probably."%s memory error setting key '%s'" % (__name__, key))
def delete(key):
""" Deletes the key stored in the cache of the current instance,
not all the instances. There's no reason to use it except for
debugging when developing (or reclaiming space using a policy other
than time), use expiry when setting a value instead.
_CACHE.pop(key, None)
def dump():
Returns the cache dictionary with all the data of the current
instance, not all the instances. There's no reason to use it
except for debugging when developing.
return _CACHE
def flush():
Resets the cache of the current instance, not all the instances.
There's no reason to use it except for debugging when developing.
global _CACHE
_CACHE = {}
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