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Created July 24, 2013 02:14
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An overview of the generic helper classes that could make the pipeline library much easier and more powerful to use while running on pristine production data.
class DataWriter(object):
"""Used by the QueryDrainerPipeline to coalesce intermediate results
into their final resting place.
def write_metadata(self, metadata):
raise NotImplemented()
def write_result(self, data):
"""Writes all data."""
raise NotImplemented()
def finalize(self):
"""Returns the final result. Maybe a blob_key, maybe something else."""
raise NotImplemented()
class QueryPipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):
"""Extend this class to run queries over small subsets of data."""
outputs = ['query_result']
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Runs the query, writes it to query_result."""
result = self.query(args, kwargs)
self.fill(self.query_result, result)
except Exception, e:
yield common.Return(self.pipeline_id)
def handle_exception(self):
"""Raises the first 2 exceptions, gracefully fails on the 3rd. Overridable."""
# TODO(mattfaus): Raise for retries
self.fill(self.query_result, {'errors_sheet': e})
def query(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a dict that our DataWriter understands."""
raise NotImplemented("Implement in sub-class.")
def task_name():
"""Override in base classes for easier debugging."""
return 'unknown'
class CoordinatedQueryPipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):
def get_data_writer(self, query_config):
"""Given query_config, gets the DataWriter."""
raise NotImplemented()
def get_query_pipelines(self, query_config):
"""Given query_config, gets the QueryPipelines.
An array of QueryPipelines
# Parse query_config to instantiate QueryPipelines, return
raise NotImplemented()
def run(self, query_config):
"""Starts the producer and consumer pipelines."""
num_query_results = yield QueryLauncherPipeline(query_config)
yield QueryDrainerPipeline(query_config, num_queued_query_results)
class QueryLauncherPipeline(CoordinatedQueryPipeline):
def run(self, query_config):
enqueue_results = []
for query_pipeline in self.get_query_pipelines(query_config):
yield EnqueuePipeline(query_pipeline, tag=self.root_pipeline_id,
yield common.Sum(*enqueue_results)
class QueryDrainerPipeline(CoordinatedQueryPipeline):
def run(query_config, num_queued):
data_writer = self.get_data_writer(query_config)
dequeued_count = 0
while dequeued_count < num_queued:
# Lease task from pull-queue
# Task payload is simply a pipeline_id (thanks to QueryPipeline)
query_pipeline = QueryPipeline.from_id(task.payload)
dequeued_count += 1
yield common.Return(data_writer.finalize())
# Example 1 - A simple segmentation and query example
class ExampleQueryPipeline(QueryPipeline):
def query(self, example_id):
# TODO(mattfaus): Issue datastore queries, fill in dict, return
class ExampleCoordinatedQueryPipeline(CoordinatedQueryPipeline):
def get_data_writer(self, query_config):
return CsvWriter() # or a DataStoreWriter(), perhaps?
def get_query_pipelines(self, query_config):
for example_id in query_config['ids']:
yield ExampleQueryPipeline(example_id)
def run_my_query(query_config):
stage = ExampleCoordinatedQueryPipeline(query_config)
# Output the result of DataWriter.finalize()
print stage.outputs.default.value
# Example 2 - A more complex segmentation and query example
class NewSriCoordinatedQueryPipeline(CoordinatedQueryPipeline):
def get_data_writer(self, query_config):
return CsvWriter()
def get_query_pipelines(self, query_config):
for coach_id in query_config['coach_ids']:
yield NewCoachPipeline(coach_id)
for student_id in get_students(coach_id):
date_segments = get_date_segments(student_id)
for start_dt, end_dt in date_segments:
yield NewStudentPipeline(student_id, start_dt, end_dt)
class NewCoachPipeline(QueryPipeline):
def query(self, coach_id):
# Query for all coach-related data, return as a dict
class NewStudentPipeline(QueryPipeline):
def query(self, student_id, start_dt, end_dt):
# Query for all student-related data, return as a dict
def generate_sri_data(query_config):
stage = NewSriCoordinatedQueryPipeline(query_config)
print stage.outputs.default.value
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