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Matt Olson MattJOlson

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This is a litte muse on "continuous refactoring" a la Martin Fowler,
what I've seen as typical OO in an enterprise setting, and the yawning
gulf between them.
So there are a lot of appealing refactoring patterns like "first make
the change easy, then make the easy change" and so on. These often
seem to be out of reach for developers in the field, even those who
are aware of these Best Practices and want to implement them, mostly
because "make the change easy" seems like a daunting amount of work.
Then you get into the typical antipatterns of "asking your manager if
MattJOlson / lotro-early-game.txt
Created July 2, 2020 09:24
LOTRO early-game ideas
LOTRO early game
1. pick a race and class
really this shouldn't matter too much, play what you like. for noobs,
Hunter is your classic DPS monster, Champion is DPSy and survivable
too, and Guardian is DPSy enough to landscape bash and has more
interesting mechanics
what race you pick determines your tutorial environment, assuming the
default four Ered Luin is much more interesting than Archet Dale IMO.
pantry staples:
- yellow onions
- garlic
- brown rice
- red kidney beans
- canned sardines
- olive oil
- white wine vinegar
fridge staples (veg):
MattJOlson /
Last active January 23, 2020 03:12
Notes on "Distributed Systems and the End of the API"

Distributed systems

"A distributed system is one where a machine I've never heard of can cause my program to fail" - Leslie Lamport

Cute, but "my program" is kind of quaint now, isn't it?

"...multiple processes that must communicate to perform work" - hmm, hmm, let me tell you about disk controllers. Oh wait, that's your point... almost, "an air-gapped computer" is considered nondistributed, but well whatever.

MattJOlson /
Last active May 6, 2018 18:43
Notes (Red Beans and Rice)
MattJOlson /
Last active December 2, 2017 23:29
In which Matt wonders about pointfree composition, and is enlightened

Okay, let's look at one of the Haskellbook end-of-chapter exercises from chapter 10.

myAny :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
myAny f xs = foldr (||) False $ map f xs
myAny f = foldr (||) False . map f
myAny = (foldr (||) False .) . map

First one's pretty obvious, right? But we want to go pointfree. (.)