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Created September 4, 2014 15:14
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Script based off post - Still needs to throw error for failures
function Start-CLR4 {
param ( [string] $cmd )
if ($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major -eq 4)
write-debug 'already running clr 4'
invoke-expression $cmd;
$RunActivationConfigPath = resolve-path ~ | Join-Path -ChildPath .CLR4PowerShell;
write-debug "clr4 config path: $runactivationconfigpath"
if( -not( test-path $runactivationconfigpath ))
New-Item -Path $RunActivationConfigPath -ItemType Container | Out-Null;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>
"@ | Set-Content -Path $RunActivationConfigPath\powershell.exe.activation_config -Encoding UTF8;
$EnvVarName = 'COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath';
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($EnvVarName, $RunActivationConfigPath);
write-debug "current COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath: $env:COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath";
& powershell.exe -nologo -command "$cmd";
function Get-Service(
[string]$serviceName = $(throw "serviceName is required"),
[string]$targetServer = $(throw "targetServer is required"))
$service = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\cimv2" -Class "Win32_Service" `
-ComputerName $targetServer -Filter "Name='$serviceName'" -Impersonation 3
return $service
function Uninstall-Service(
[string]$serviceName = $(throw "serviceName is required"),
[string]$targetServer = $(throw "targetServer is required"))
$service = Get-Service $serviceName $targetServer
if (!($service))
Write-Warning "Failed to find service $serviceName on $targetServer. Nothing to uninstall."
"Found service $serviceName on $targetServer; checking status"
if ($service.Started)
"Stopping service $serviceName on $targetServer"
#could also use Set-Service, net stop, SC, psservice, psexec etc.
$result = $service.StopService()
Test-ServiceResult -operation "Stop service $serviceName on $targetServer" -result $result
"Attempting to uninstall service $serviceName on $targetServer"
$result = $service.Delete()
Test-ServiceResult -operation "Delete service $serviceName on $targetServer" -result $result
function Test-ServiceResult(
[string]$operation = $(throw "operation is required"),
[object]$result = $(throw "result is required"),
[switch]$continueOnError = $false)
$retVal = -1
if ($result.GetType().Name -eq "UInt32") { $retVal = $result } else {$retVal = $result.ReturnValue}
if ($retVal -eq 0) {return}
$errorcode = 'Success,Not Supported,Access Denied,Dependent Services Running,Invalid Service Control'
$errorcode += ',Service Cannot Accept Control, Service Not Active, Service Request Timeout'
$errorcode += ',Unknown Failure, Path Not Found, Service Already Running, Service Database Locked'
$errorcode += ',Service Dependency Deleted, Service Dependency Failure, Service Disabled'
$errorcode += ',Service Logon Failure, Service Marked for Deletion, Service No Thread'
$errorcode += ',Status Circular Dependency, Status Duplicate Name, Status Invalid Name'
$errorcode += ',Status Invalid Parameter, Status Invalid Service Account, Status Service Exists'
$errorcode += ',Service Already Paused'
$desc = $errorcode.Split(',')[$retVal]
$msg = ("{0} failed with code {1}:{2}" -f $operation, $retVal, $desc)
if (!$continueOnError) { Write-Error $msg } else { Write-Warning $msg }
function Install-Service(
[string]$serviceName = $(throw "serviceName is required"),
[string]$targetServer = $(throw "targetServer is required"),
[string]$displayName = $(throw "displayName is required"),
[string]$physicalPath = $(throw "physicalPath is required"),
[string]$userName = $(throw "userName is required"),
[string]$password = "",
[string]$startMode = "Automatic",
[string]$description = "",
[bool]$interactWithDesktop = $false
# can't use installutil; only for installing services locally
#[wmiclass]"Win32_Service" | Get-Member -memberType Method | format-list -property:*
#[wmiclass]"Win32_Service"::Create( ... )
# todo: cleanup this section
$serviceType = 16 # OwnProcess
$serviceErrorControl = 1 # UserNotified
$loadOrderGroup = $null
$loadOrderGroupDepend = $null
$dependencies = $null
# description?
$params = `
$serviceName, `
$displayName, `
$physicalPath, `
$serviceType, `
$serviceErrorControl, `
$startMode, `
$interactWithDesktop, `
$userName, `
$password, `
$loadOrderGroup, `
$loadOrderGroupDepend, `
$dependencies `
$scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope("\\$targetServer\root\cimv2", `
(new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions))
"Connecting to $targetServer"
$mgt = new-object System.Management.ManagementClass($scope, `
(new-object System.Management.ManagementPath("Win32_Service")), `
(new-object System.Management.ObjectGetOptions))
$op = "service $serviceName ($physicalPath) on $targetServer"
"Installing $op"
$result = $mgt.InvokeMethod("Create", $params)
Test-ServiceResult -operation "Install $op" -result $result
"Installed $op"
"Setting $serviceName description to '$description'"
Set-Service -ComputerName $targetServer -Name $serviceName -Description $description
"Service install complete"
function Start-Service(
[string]$serviceName = $(throw "serviceName is required"),
[string]$targetServer = $(throw "targetServer is required"))
"Getting service $serviceName on server $targetServer"
$service = Get-Service $serviceName $targetServer
if (!($service.Started))
"Starting service $serviceName on server $targetServer"
$result = $service.StartService()
Test-ServiceResult -operation "Starting service $serviceName on $targetServer" -result $result
function Publish-Service
[string]$serviceName = $(throw "serviceName is required"),
[string]$targetServer = $(throw "targetServer is required"),
[string]$targetServicesDir = $(throw "targetServicesDir is required"),
[string]$sourceDir = $(throw "sourceDir is required"),
[string]$displayName = $(throw "displayName is required"),
[string]$physicalPath = $(throw "physicalPath is required"),
[string]$userName = $(throw "userName is required"),
[string]$password = "",
[string]$startMode = "Automatic",
[string]$description = "",
[bool]$interactWithDesktop = $false
Uninstall-Service $serviceName $targetServer
"Pausing to avoid potential temporary access denied"
Start-Sleep -s 5 # Yeah I know, don't beat me up over this
"Removing existing files"
Remove-Item $targetServicesDir\* -recurse
Start-Sleep -s 5 # Yeah I know, don't beat me up over this
"Copying over files"
Copy-Item "$sourceDir\**" $targetServicesDir -recurse
"Installing Service"
Install-Service `
-ServiceName $serviceName `
-TargetServer $targetServer `
-DisplayName $displayName `
-PhysicalPath $physicalPath `
-Username $userName `
-Description $description `
-Password $password
Start-Service $serviceName $targetServer
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