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Last active August 1, 2023 10:11
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Run X4 Foundations in debug mode with timestamped file names so you don't lose them.

Run X4 Foundations in debug mode.

The handy script below (x4-debug.bat) can be used as a shortcut to start x4 in debug mode. You get:

  • All debug messages turned on
  • All debug logs sent to a timestamped file, so you dont lose anything


Copy paste the code in the file below, then update the value for X4_EXE_PATH - change it to wherever X4.exe is located. Your debug logs will be available in the Documents\Egosoft\X4 Foundations\ folder.

Advanced Usage

Consider using a log analysis tool like glogg which can help you sort, filter, and find data in the logs.

@echo off
rem !!--- please change this to where your game is installed. do not add any spacing aroud the equals operator
rem !!--- set X4_EXE_PATH="Location of your X4.exe"
set X4_EXE_PATH="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\X4 Foundations\X4.exe"
rem !!--- set the date and time for logfile year-month-day__hh-mm-ss
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /format:list') do set datetime=%%I
set datetime=%datetime:~0,4%-%datetime:~4,2%-%datetime:~6,2%__%datetime:~8,2%-%datetime:~10,2%-%datetime:~12,2%
echo "Date & Time test = %datetime% year-month-day__hh-mm-ss"
rem stores a value like `x4-game-2018-12-10__11-04-11.log` - to be passed in -logfile
set LOG_FILE_NAME=x4-game-%datetime%.log
rem stores a value like `x4-script-2018-12-10__11-04-11.log` - to be passed in -scriptlogfile
set SCRIPT_LOG_FILE_NAME=x4-script-%datetime%.log
set "exec=%X4_EXE_PATH% -logfile %LOG_FILE_NAME% -scriptlogfile %SCRIPT_LOG_FILE_NAME%"
rem execution phase, first we log out the command, if any of the variables are blank, make sure you dont have whitespace around any of the variables
echo "Executing %X4_EXE_PATH% -debug all -logfile %LOG_FILE_NAME% -scriptlogfile %SCRIPT_LOG_FILE_NAME%"
start "" %X4_EXE_PATH% -showfps -debug all -logfile %LOG_FILE_NAME% -scriptlogfile %SCRIPT_LOG_FILE_NAME%
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Scriptlogfiles are named and put in a subfolder within the Script. The Command is
<debug_to_file name="'FILENAME'" directory="'DIRECTORYNAME'" text="'Line to be logged'"/>
you can omit the Directory to put it directly in the logs, but its not a single file you can name via startup parameter, its possibly lots of them.

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kuertee commented Jun 28, 2022

What are the debug outputs, besides "all"?

according to this wiki entry ( the other filters are:
error, general, scripts, scripts_verbose, economy_verbose, combat, and savegame

replied so that i don't have to keep looking for the list. :D

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I've made a fork of this functionality into Powershell, with some minor enhancements, it is available here:

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