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  • Save MattOstgard/37717fd33461e8c4392493d3e491805f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Orient to Movement Direction - Rotation Script Controller (3ds max, MaxScript)
-- Orient to Movement Direction - Rotation Script Controller
-- What it does:
-- - Orients a target object to a source object's movement direction and blends rotation between the source object's rotation and its
-- movement direction.
-- To use:
-- - Create the source object that you will animate position and rotation.
-- - Add some keyframes of the source object moving in different directions.
-- - Create the target object that will be controlled by the script.
-- - With the target object selected, go to the Motion tab in the Command Panel and assign Rotation to 'Rotation Script'
-- - The 'Script Controller' dialog should open, if not then right click on the 'Rotation controller' and click 'Properties'
-- - Create `o` variable:
-- - In the dialog in the 'Create Variable' section set the 'Name' text field to `o` and click 'Create'
-- - Click 'Assign Node' at the bottom of the dialog and a dialog will open. Find your source object under the 'Objects' section.
-- - Paste this script into the 'Expression' field and press evaluate.
-- - Change the `lerpMaxSpeed` variable in the script to a value that makes sense for your animations speed in units per second.
-- - Drag the time slider to see the target rotate.
-- Notes:
-- - Output axis is Maya/Unity which is: x = right, y = up, z = forward.
-- At what speed per second should the target object be fully rotating toward the movement direction.
lerpMaxSpeed = 200.0
-- Source object axis indexes to use for each direction
-- These will be remapped to unity style:
-- right = x, y = up, fwd = z
oFwd = 1
oLeft = 2
oUp = 3
vel = (at time F o.pos) - (at time (F - 1) o.pos)
speed = (length vel) * (framerate as float)
temp_x = (in coordsys world o.transform[oLeft])
if (speed < lerpMaxSpeed) then
-- Speed is low so lerp between
-- velocity and target's forward vec
o_dir = (in coordsys world o.transform[oFwd])
lerpTerm = speed / lerpMaxSpeed
vel = (vel - o_dir) * lerpTerm + o_dir
z_fwd = normalize vel
y_up = normalize (cross z_fwd temp_x)
x_left = normalize (cross y_up z_fwd)
o_pos = (in coordsys world o.pos)
tm = matrix3 x_left y_up z_fwd o_pos
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