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Last active January 17, 2017 23:04
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I was having trouble finding the line segment at a distance "dist" along a LineString using shapely. This is what I came up with.
def bisectLineSearch(dist, line):
Use a bisect approach to get the index of the start of the line segment that contains
the distance specified.
:param dist: The distance along the line
:param line: The line in question
:return: index along the line just before we encounter 'dist' length
arr = list(line.coords)
def _recurse(idx, ss, count=1):
# These are the expensive calls. We want to do them as little as possible.
pt = Point(arr[idx])
# Past a certain point we start decrementing instead of halving
newss = ss / 2 if ss > 3 else ss - 1
proj = line.project(pt)
dir = 1 if proj < dist else -1
# Return if we've run out of steps or we've found the culprit
if proj == dist:
return idx
elif ss <= 0:
return idx if dir > 0 else idx - 1
return _recurse(int(idx + newss * dir), newss, count+1)
maxind = len(arr)-1
lineind = _recurse(maxind, maxind)
# Note: we've got an endpoint condition here. If we're at the end of the line
# just return the last point so we can make a valid line segment out of it.
return lineind if lineind < maxind else lineind -1
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