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Last active November 7, 2018 21:06
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2018 Election Results for Minnesota
# Election Results --------------------------------------------------------
column_names <- c("State",
urls <- list()
urls$results <- ""
urls$county <- ""
urls$wiki <- ""
urls$xlsx <- ""
results <- read.csv(urls$results,
sep = ";",
stringsAsFactors = F,
header = F)
names(results) <- column_names
# County Information ------------------------------------------------------
webpage <- read_html(urls$county)
tbls <- html_nodes(webpage, "table")
# Shows all tables
# Select Table
counties <- html_table(tbls[1],fill = T)[[1]]
names(counties) <- c("County_ID","County_Name")
# County Area Information -------------------------------------------
webpage <- read_html(urls$wiki)
tbls <- html_nodes(webpage, "table")
# Shows all tables
# Select Table
wiki <- html_table(tbls[1],fill = T)[[1]]
names(wiki) <- gsub("\\[.*$","",names(wiki))
wiki$Population <- wiki$Population %>%
gsub("^.*♠","",.) %>%
gsub("[^0-9\\.]","",.) %>%
wiki$Area <- wiki$Area %>%
gsub("^[0-9]+♠","",.) %>%
gsub("sq.*$","",.) %>%
gsub("[^0-9\\.]","",.) %>%
wiki$Map <- NULL
wiki$County <- gsub(" County","",wiki$County)
names(wiki)[1] <- "County_Name"
# Population Estimates for 2017 -------------------------------------------
estimates <- read.xlsx(urls$xlsx)
# Fix Names (comma + period OR period get replaced with underscore)
names(estimates) <- gsub("(\\,?\\.)","_",names(estimates))
# County IDs are not state codes for the county?
names(estimates)[1] <- "County_ID"
estimates$County_ID <- NULL
# Append County Information to Election Results ---------------------------
counties <- merge(counties, estimates, by = "County_Name", all.x = T) %>%
merge(wiki, by = "County_Name", all.x = T)
results <- merge(results, counties, by = "County_ID", all.x = T)
results$Density <- results$Total_Population_2017 / results$Area
fix <- which($Density))
results$Density[fix] <- results$Population[fix] / results$Area[fix]
results$Percent_Area <- round((results$Votes_for_Candidate / results$Total_number_of_votes_for_Office_in_area) * 100,digits = 2)
# Senate Results ----------------------------------------------------------
senate <- filter(results, Office_Name == "U.S. Senator" & Party_Abbreviation %in% c("DFL","R"))
senate.hennepin <- filter(senate, County_Name == "Hennepin")
sample <- senate[which($Density)),]
# Plot Results ------------------------------------------------------------
p1 <- ggplot(senate, aes(x = Density,
y = Percent_Area,
color = Party_Abbreviation,
group = Party_Abbreviation,
text = County_Name)) +
geom_point() + theme_fivethirtyeight() +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(20,80)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#2f99ea","#ea2f2f")) +
scale_x_log10() +
geom_density_2d() + facet_wrap(~Party_Abbreviation) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(),
legend.position = "right",
legend.justification = "top", = "vertical",
legend.direction = "vertical") +
labs(x = "\nPeople Per Square Mile (base-10 log scale)",
caption = "@appupio",
y = "Percent of Vote\n",
color = "Party") +
ggtitle("2018 Election Results for Minnesota")
p1 + geom_smooth()
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