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Last active October 29, 2016 20:35
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Automatic Differentiation in C
/* Test for Automatic differentiation in C */
/* MIT License - Ragni Matteo 2016 */
#include <math.h>
typedef double number;
// Math constants
#define AD_PI 3.141592653589793
#define AD_E 2.718281828459045
// Basic leaves
#define AD_VARIABLE(x, k) number x[2] = {k, 1.0};
#define AD_CONSTANT(x, k) number x[2] = {k, 0.0};
#define AD_TEMP_VAR(x) number x[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
#define AD_COPY(r, x) { \
r[0] = x[0]; \
r[1] = x[1]; \
// Base functions
#define AD_SUM(r, x, y) { \
r[0] = x[0] + y[0]; \
r[1] = x[1] + y[1]; \
#define AD_PROD(r, x, y) { \
r[0] = x[0] * x[1]; \
r[1] = x[0] * y[1] + y[0] * x[1]; \
#define AD_DIFF(r, x, y) { \
r[0] = x[0] - y[0]; \
r[1] = x[1] - y[1]; \
#define AD_DIVIDE(r, x, y) { \
r[0] = x[0] / y[0]; \
r[1] = (x[0] * y[1] - x[1] * y[0]) / (pow(y[0], 2.0)); \
#define AD_NEGATIVE(r, x) { \
r[0] = -x[0]; \
r[1] = -x[1]; \
#define AD_ABS(r, x) { \
r[0] = (x[0] > 0 ? x[0] : -x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] * (x[0] > 0 ? 1.0 : -1.0); \
// Trascendent functions
#define AD_POW_XK(r, x, k) { \
r[0] = pow(x[0], k[0]); \
r[1] = k[0] * x[1] * pow(x[0], (k[0] - 1.0)); \
#define AD_POW_KX(r, k, x) { \
r[0] = pow(x[0], k[0]); \
r[1] = pow(k[0], x[0]) * log(k[0]) * x[1]; \
#define AD_POW_XY(r, x, y) { \
r[0] = pow(x[0], y[0]); \
r[1] = pow(x[0], y[0] - 1.0) * (x[1] * y[0] + x[0] * log(x[0]) * y[1]); \
#define AD_SQRT(r, x) { \
r[0] = pow(x[0], 0.5); \
r[1] = 0.5 * x[1] * pow(x[0], -0.5); \
#define AD_EXP(r, x) { \
r[0] = exp(x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] * exp(x[0]); \
#define AD_LOG(r, x) { \
r[0] = log(x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] / x[0]; \
// Trigonometric functions
#define AD_SIN(r, x) { \
r[0] = sin(x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] * cos(x[0]); \
#define AD_COS(r, x) { \
r[0] = cos(x[0]); \
r[1] = -x[1] * sin(x[0]); \
#define AD_TAN(r, x) { \
r[0] = tan(x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] / pow(cos(x[0]), 2.0); \
#define AD_ASIN(r, x){ \
r[0] = asin(x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] / sqrt(1.0 - pow(x[0], 2.0)); \
#define AD_ACOS(r, x){ \
r[0] = acos(x[0]); \
r[1] = -x[1] / sqrt(1.0 + pow(x[0], 2.0));; \
#define AD_ATAN(r, x){ \
r[0] = atan(x[0]); \
r[1] = x[1] / (1.0 + pow(x[0], 2.0)); \
/* Automatic differentiation in C - Test file */
* We will test the following function:
* f(x) = x² + cos( tan ( x² ))
* df
* --(x) = 2x * ( 1 - sin( tan ( x² )) / cos²( x² ) )
* dx
* To use the automatic differentiation we must define an intermediate
* variable for each binary operation. As for now, I don't have a way to implement
* it without this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ad.h"
// Atomaticaly differentiated function.
number * test_function(double *ret, double _x) {
AD_CONSTANT(c2, 2.0);
AD_POW_XK(t_0, x, c2);
AD_TAN(t_1, t_0);
AD_COS(t_2, t_1);
AD_SUM(ret, t_0, t_2);
return ret;
// Exact function
double func(double x) {
return pow(x, 2) + cos(tan(pow(x, 2)));
// Exact derivative
double dfunc(double x) {
return (2 * x) * (1 - sin(tan(pow(x, 2))) / (pow(cos(pow(x, 2)),2)));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
double ret_A[2];
double x = 0;
while (x < 1) {
test_function(ret_A, x);
double t_1 = func(x);
double t_2 = dfunc(x);
printf("%3.3f\t%3.3f\t%3.3f\t%3.3f\t%3.3f\n", \
x, t_1, ret_A[0], t_2, ret_A[1]);
x += 0.025;
return 0;
0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
0.025 1.001 1.001 0.050 0.050
0.050 1.002 1.002 0.100 0.100
0.075 1.006 1.006 0.149 0.149
0.100 1.010 1.010 0.198 0.198
0.125 1.016 1.016 0.246 0.246
0.150 1.022 1.022 0.293 0.293
0.175 1.030 1.030 0.339 0.339
0.200 1.039 1.039 0.384 0.384
0.225 1.049 1.049 0.427 0.427
0.250 1.061 1.061 0.469 0.469
0.275 1.073 1.073 0.508 0.508
0.300 1.086 1.086 0.545 0.545
0.325 1.100 1.100 0.580 0.580
0.350 1.115 1.115 0.613 0.613
0.375 1.131 1.131 0.642 0.642
0.400 1.147 1.147 0.668 0.668
0.425 1.164 1.164 0.690 0.690
0.450 1.181 1.181 0.709 0.709
0.475 1.199 1.199 0.722 0.722
0.500 1.218 1.218 0.731 0.731
0.525 1.236 1.236 0.734 0.734
0.550 1.254 1.254 0.729 0.729
0.575 1.272 1.272 0.717 0.717
0.600 1.290 1.290 0.696 0.696
0.625 1.307 1.307 0.665 0.665
0.650 1.323 1.323 0.621 0.621
0.675 1.338 1.338 0.562 0.562
0.700 1.351 1.351 0.486 0.486
0.725 1.362 1.362 0.388 0.388
0.750 1.370 1.370 0.264 0.264
0.775 1.375 1.375 0.109 0.109
0.800 1.375 1.375 -0.085 -0.085
0.825 1.370 1.370 -0.328 -0.328
0.850 1.358 1.358 -0.631 -0.631
0.875 1.338 1.338 -1.010 -1.010
0.900 1.307 1.307 -1.485 -1.485
0.925 1.263 1.263 -2.079 -2.079
0.950 1.202 1.202 -2.821 -2.821
0.975 1.120 1.120 -3.739 -3.739
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