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Created July 5, 2018 23:40
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import shutil
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import json
import math
import re
if shutil.which('ffprobe') == None:
sys.exit('Not found ffprobe command.')
def get_file_paths_recursively(path, ext_list):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for ext in ext_list:
# for file in [file for file in files if ext in file]:
# 上記の方法ではmp4とmp4hogeは同じ拡張子とされてしまう
for file in [file for file in files if ext == file.rsplit(".")[1]]:
yield os.path.join(root, file)
# Pythonのroundは偶数への丸めになるので独自四捨五入関数を用いる
def my_round(val, digit=0):
p = 10 ** digit
return (val * p * 2 + 1) // 2 / p
# mp4以外の形式の動画ファイルを扱いたい場合は次のリストで指定しておく
EXT_LIST = ['mp4'] # ['mpg', 'ts', 'mp4']
CMD = 'ffprobe -loglevel quiet -print_format json -show_streams '
KEYS = {
'video': [
'codec_name', 'width', 'height', 'sample_aspect_ratio',
'display_aspect_ratio', 'pix_fmt', 'r_frame_rate', 'duration',
'audio': [
'codec_name', 'sample_rate', 'bit_rate'
# ディレクトリも加えたいときはdirを加えればよい。
#print('dir,file,video codec,width,height,sample aspect,display aspect,pix fmt,'\
print('file,video codec,width,height,sample aspect,display aspect,pix fmt,'\
'frame rate,duration,video bit rate,audio codec,sample rate,audio bit rate')
for file_path in get_file_paths_recursively(sys.argv[1], EXT_LIST):
abs_file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
dir_name = os.path.dirname(abs_file_path)
# パスの末ディレクトリが2018のような西暦を示す4桁の数字ディレクトリだけを
# 対象にしたいときはコメントアウトするとよい。
# if not re.match(r"^\d{4}$", dir_name.rsplit("/",1)[1]):
# continue
base_name = os.path.basename(abs_file_path)
cmd = CMD + '-i "%s"' % abs_file_path
result =, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
streams = json.loads(result.stdout)['streams']
# ディレクトリも加えたいときはdir_nameを加えればよい。
# elements = [dir_name, base_name]
elements = [base_name]
for i in ['video', 'audio']:
for stream in streams:
if stream['codec_type'] == i:
for key in KEYS[stream['codec_type']]:
v = stream[key]
if i == 'video':
if key == 'r_frame_rate':
v = my_round(eval(stream[key]), 3)
elif key == 'duration':
v = int(my_round(float(stream[key])/60.0, 0))
elif key == 'bit_rate':
v = int(my_round(float(stream[key])/1000.0, 1))
elif i == 'audio':
if key == 'sample_rate':
v = my_round(float(stream[key])/1000.0, 2)
if key == 'bit_rate':
v = int(my_round(float(stream[key])/1000.0, 0))
print(','.join(map(lambda i: str(i), elements)))
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