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Created February 26, 2015 15:38
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Provides simplified Gherkin style syntax for Mocha tests by extending the functions in the standard 'BDD' interface.
/*global define, Mocha*/
Provides simplified Gherkin style syntax for Mocha tests by extending the functions in the standard 'BDD' interface.
** See {@link} for Mocha documentation.
** Feature and Scenario act as a wrapper for 'describe'
** Given, When, Then, But & And act as a wrapper for 'it'
** Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, But & And functions are capitalised as otherwise some of them would conflict with CoffeeScript keywords.
@module bdd-feature
@author Matt Barker
@requires mocha
@example <caption>Writing tests</caption>
Feature('Barbarian life goals', function () {
Scenario('What is best in life?', function () {
var barbarian,
Given('Conan the barbarian', function () {
barbarian = new Barbarian('Conan');
And('many enemies', function () {
enemies = new Army(100);
When('crush your enemies', function () {
Then('see them driven before you', function () {;
And('hear the lamentations of their women', function () {;
@example <caption>Running tests</caption>
var should = chai.should();
require(['spec/my-test'], function () {;
define(['mocha'], function (mocha) {
'use strict';
var Suite = Mocha.Suite,
Test = Mocha.Test;
// Existing functionality from the 'bdd' interface
function escapeRe(text) {
var matchOperators = /[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g;
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string');
return text.replace(matchOperators, '\\$&');
function bddFeature(suite) {
var suites = [suite];
suite.on('pre-require', function (context, file, mocha) {
// New functionality for 'bdd-feature'
Create a step function.
@param {string} prefix - The text that the step should start with
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} base - Base function from the 'bdd' interface
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@return {object} The suite if base=describe, the test if base=it
@memberof module:bdd-feature
function createStep(prefix, title, base, callback) {
if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase()) !== 0) {
title = prefix + title;
return base.apply(this, [title, callback]);
Describe a feature.
The title will be prefixed with 'Feature: ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Feature = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Feature: ', title, context.describe, callback);
By appending .only() you may tell Mocha to run only the specified feature.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@see #context.Feature
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Feature.only = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Feature: ', title, context.describe.only, callback);
By appending .skip() you may tell Mocha to ignore the feature.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@see #context.Feature
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Feature.skip = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Feature: ', title, context.describe.skip, callback);
Describe a scenario.
The title will be prefixed with 'Scenario: ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Scenario = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Scenario: ', title, context.describe, callback);
By appending .only() you may tell Mocha to run only the specified scenario.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@see #context.Scenario
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Scenario.only = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Scenario: ', title, context.describe.only, callback);
By appending .skip() you may tell Mocha to ignore the scenario.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@see #context.Scenario
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Scenario.skip = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Scenario: ', title, context.describe.skip, callback);
Describe a 'given' step.
The title will be prefixed with 'Given ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Given = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Given ', title,, callback);
Describe a 'when' step.
The title will be prefixed with 'When ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.When = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('When ', title,, callback);
Describe a 'then' step.
The title will be prefixed with 'Then ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.Then = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('Then ', title,, callback);
Describe a 'but' step.
The title will be prefixed with 'But ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.But = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('But ', title,, callback);
By appending .skip() you may tell Mocha to ignore this step.
This only applies to 'and' & 'but' steps as 'given', 'when' & 'then' are required.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@see #context.But
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.But.skip = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('But ', title,, callback);
Describe an 'and' step.
The title will be prefixed with 'And ' if it doesn't already start with it.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.And = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('And ', title,, callback);
By appending .skip() you may tell Mocha to ignore this step.
This only applies to 'and' & 'but' steps as 'given', 'when' & 'then' are required.
@param {string} title - Descriptive text
@param {function} callback - Callback function
@see #context.And
@memberof module:bdd-feature
context.And.skip = function (title, callback) {
return createStep('And ', title,, callback);
// Existing functionality from the 'bdd' interface
function runWithSuite(suite) {
return function run() {;
} = mocha.options.delay && runWithSuite(suite);
context.before = function (title, callback) {
suites[0].beforeAll(title, callback);
context.after = function (title, callback) {
suites[0].afterAll(title, callback);
context.beforeEach = function (title, callback) {
suites[0].beforeEach(title, callback);
context.afterEach = function (title, callback) {
suites[0].afterEach(title, callback);
context.describe = context.context = function (title, callback) {
var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], title);
suite.file = file;
return suite;
context.describe.only = function (title, callback) {
var suite = context.describe(title, callback);
return suite;
context.xdescribe = context.xcontext = context.describe.skip = function (title, callback) {
var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], title);
suite.pending = true;
}; = function (title, callback) {
var suite = suites[0],
if (suite.pending) {
callback = null;
test = new Test(title, callback);
test.file = file;
return test;
}; = function (title, callback) {
var test =, callback),
reString = '^' + escapeRe(test.fullTitle()) + '$';
mocha.grep(new RegExp(reString));
return test;
context.xit = context.xspecify = = function (title) {;
Mocha.interfaces['bdd-feature'] = bddFeature;
return mocha;
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