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Created July 18, 2023 00:41
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Output AWS hosted zones


  1. AWS CLI Installed (for Debian based linux with apt: sudo apt install awscli)
  2. Credentials for a user that has Route53 read access:
  • Log into AWS Console
  • Create API credentials
  • Store credentials in ~/.aws/credentials (put it in a [default] block or create a new block to use if you have many accounts in there)


With a local json file

To cache the hosted zone json to your local machine (for other purposes or to run some tests prior to executing, run first to get the JSON from AWS first. Once you have the file lcaolly, you can run to create the zone files.

Directly from AWS CLI

To run the command in one go, calling the AWS CLI in real time, run

aws route53 list-hosted-zones | jq -c '.HostedZones | .[]' | while read i; do
name=$(echo $i | jq -r .Name)
id=$(echo $i | jq -r .Id)
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "${id}" | jq -r '.ResourceRecordSets[] | [.Name, .Type, (.ResourceRecords[]? | .Value), .AliasTarget.DNSName?] | @csv' > "${name//./_}DNS_Zone.csv"
jq -c '.HostedZones | .[]' hosted_zones.json | while read i; do
name=$(echo $i | jq -r .Name)
id=$(echo $i | jq -r .Id)
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "${id}" | jq -r '.ResourceRecordSets[] | [.Name, .Type, (.ResourceRecords[]? | .Value), .AliasTarget.DNSName?] | @csv' > "${name//./_}DNS_Zone.csv"
aws route53 list-hosted-zones > hosted_zones.json
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