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Created February 28, 2015 21:57
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  • Save MatthewIreland/a8392be57899cd2a9366 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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\tikzstyle{spectline}=[thick,shorten >=1.5,shorten <=1.5, yshift=-2.5]
\tikzstyle{spectgradient}=[left color=red, middle color=green, right color=blue]
\node[] (spectUpperLeft) at (0,6.5) {};
\node[] (spectUpperRight) at (8,6.5) {};
\draw[-stealth, spectline, spectgradient] (spectUpperLeft) -- (spectUpperRight) node[above,midway,yshift=0.5] (toparrowtext) {TOP ARROW TEXT};
\node[] (spectLowerLeft) at (0,3.0) {};
\node[] (spectLowerRight) at (8,3.0) {};
\draw[-stealth, spectline, spectgradient] (spectLowerRight) -- (spectLowerLeft) node[below,midway,yshift=-0.5] (bottomarrowtext) {BOTTOM ARROW TEXT};
\shade[spectgradient] (0,5) rectangle (8,6);
\draw[spectline, xshift=0.1cm, color=red] (0,5) -- (0,4.4);
\draw[spectline, color=green] (4,5) -- (4,4.4);
\draw[spectline, xshift=-0.1cm, color=blue] (8,5) -- (8,4.4);
\node[align=center] (tedx) at (0.1,3.75) {\makecell{TEDx\\talk}};
\node[align=center] (tech) at (4,3.75) {\makecell{Technical\\talk}};
\node[align=center] (lecture) at (7.9,3.75) {\makecell{Lecture/\\tutorial}};
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