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# Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax

Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax

4 years after after the release of Rust 1.0, it seems like Rust is now finally getting close to getting support for async/await - a language feature which aims to make it easier to write programs in an asynchronous fashion (where multiple logical tasks get multiplexed on a lower number of OS threads).

One of the last steps before the feature is stabilized is choosing the best possible syntax. The discussions around syntax have triggered an enormous amount of feedback and follow-up proposals. Resolving the syntax question is certainly important - however there also exist a couple of other interesting design decisions which will have a big impact on how we will be able to utilize async/await in practice. Those partially received a lot less attention.

This article series describes a few of those, with the goal of highlighting some areas which deserve further thoughts and work besides finalizing syntax.


Most examples and discussions around async/await focus on "concrete" implementations: Freestanding async functions and async methods on structs.

However in order to make our code more generic, reusable and testable we also need abstractions. Rust uses traits for this purpose - other languages utilize interfaces. This chapter describes the current state of how async/await interacts with traits based on some examples:

Let's say we want to model an asynchronous calculator API. The calculator is somewhat weird - it might be connected via some very high latency RPC system or just has a very-very-very slow CPU - therefore the model contains a timer in order to make it respond slower. Since we can not block the thread in async/await code, we utilize an awaitable timer system.

Based on this description, the concrete implementation might be:

struct Calculator {

impl Calculator {
    async fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

Now we want to derive an abstraction for it, which potential users of the Calculator can depend upon. The first assumption for someone new to Rusts async/await system might be that it is possible to write something along those lines:

trait CalculatorLike {
    async fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32;

Unfortunately this is not [yet] possible. Async functions are not supported in traits. The workaround is to desugar the async function signature manually: An async function is equivalent to to a synchronous function that returns a Future type. Therefore the trait can be modelled in the following fashion:

trait CalculatorLike {
    type AddResult: Future<Output=i32>;
    fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> Self::AddResult;

After we have a created this trait, we want to implement it for the existing calculator. The good news is that the Rust compiler understands that async blocks are equivalent to blocks with return a Future. Therefore we can use an async block in the implementation of this method. The block mimics the original implementation, and thereby allows us to implement the method body using async/await syntax.

However we will encounter another challenge during implementation:
async blocks and functions both return unnameable Future types, which means we can't specify AddResult. That leads us to the following code snippet:

impl CalculatorLike for Calculator {
    type AddResult = ?; // What belongs here?
    fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> Self::AddResult {
        async move {
            a + b

Unfortunately this issue will prevent us from implementing async interfaces using async/await with the current state of Rusts async ecosystem. In order to perform this task, we require the ability to name the generated Futures. This is something that the existential type feature aims to resolve.

Replacing the line with the question mark for

existential type AddResult: Future<Output=i32>;

will actually allow us to compile the given example if the experimental existential_type feature is enabled using the respective feature flag. However the existential type is not yet on the road to stabilization, and the current implementation exhibits a few bugs that will lead to compiler errors when used with more complex APIs.


In order to mitigate the situation, there exist a couple of workarounds:

Manual implementation

We can implement the Future manually using combinators or a hand-written state machine. Unfortunately that removes the benefit of async/await and does not permit to call any async function inside the path.

Type erasure

We can utilize type erasure via boxing and dynamic dispatch in order to obtain a nameable future type:

impl CalculatorLike for Calculator {
    type AddResult = BoxFuture<'static, i32>
    fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> Self::AddResult {
        async move {
            a + b

This approach allows to retain the benefit of the async/await syntax.
However in this case a mandatory allocation is introduced, which means we are leaving the zero-cost abstractions road.

Async interfaces with lifetimes

The calculator example represented up to now a very simple API:

  • The async method actually represented a freestanding function, due to the lack of a self parameter.
  • There were no lifetimes involved.

Let's say we want to model a more sophisticated calculator, which also stores the result of the last calculation in order to make it retrievable via other methods.

The concrete implementation would be:

impl Calculator {
    async fn add(&mut self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        self.last_result = a + b;

While this implementation is easy to understand and does not introduce a lot more complexity compared to the stateless implementation, representing the method in a trait introduces a new challenge:

The new method returns a Future which borrows mut self. It thereby obtains a lifetime which associates it to the Calculator struct. We now also need to model this aspect in the interface. In order to do this we need yet another feature which is only on the horizon: Generic Associated Types (GATs).

If GATs get implemented as described we will be able to define the trait as:

trait CalculatorLike {
    type AddResult<'a>: Future<Output=i32> + 'a;
    fn add<'a>(&'a mut self, a: i32, b: i32) -> Self::AddResult<'a>;

The zero-cost implementation would again also require the existential-type feature and follow the previous example.


The best workaround for the moment seems to be to avoid interfaces and Futures with an associated lifetime. This can for example be achieved by implementing types that store their actual state in a reference-counted object (Arc), which then can be shared with the returned Futures. Since the Future stores an Arc instead of a direct reference, it doesn't require a lifetime in this case.

struct CalculatorInner {

struct Calculator {
    // The generated Future can clone and capture the following Arc
    inner: Arc<CalculatorInner>,

Potential next steps

As described in the previous sections, the most viable way to improve this situation seems to be stabilizing the existential type and generic associated types features in order to regain the ability to use abstractions within async code.

However it seems like there might also exist the alternative of directly supporting async fn in traits - without an exact definition what those desugar too. This solution might have the downside that it doesn't yet fit into the general type/trait strategy and might not support trait objects. However it seems like it could also have the upside that it would be a lot easier to understand and use newcomers to async/await, since those are then no longer required to understand what async fns desugar too.

Streams/Sinks/ByteStreams and other interfaces

There exist a couple of very common interfaces in software:

  • Streams - which provide the ability to read values of a specific type (and to wait for them if not yet available)
  • Sinks - which provide the ability to write values of a specific type (and which will wait/block if the no values can be written at this point of time since the transport channel might be congested)
  • Readable and Writable ByteStreams - which provide the ability to send and receive bytes in a more optimzed fashion than trying to handle each byte individually. These are e.g. often used for represented TCP streams, TLS streams, file access, etc.

A number of synchronous traits already exists to describe those concepts, e.g. the Iterator, Read and Write traits. However in order to utilize the concepts in asynchronous code, we also need asynchronous versions of the interfaces.

The futures-rs crate provides traits which aim to model these concepts in the asynchronous world:

As can be observed from the linked documentation, those types all define one or multiple poll() methods, but none of them refers to Future. This means those types are quite similar to the raw Future trait, but they are not exactly Futures.

This property unfortunately makes them only oneway interoperable with async/await (which is based on the concrete Future type):

await can await the result of operations on these interfaces [correction later]. This is possible through adaptor Futures that sit on top of the trait (e.g. created via StreamExt::next()). Those adaptors handle the polling underneath. Or otherwise said: The methods on those interfaces can be naturally integrated into the async/await world. Users of the interface don't have to manually poll() and retry if no result is available, but will just utilize calls like;

However there exists no interoperability in the other direction: We can't implement those types on top of async functions or Futures, since there is no place to perform the .await operation - the _poll() methods are synchronous methods and don't return Futures. This hurts the composition aspect of those types: They can't be constructed using async/await operations right now.

As an example, we might think about a Tee implementation of the Sink trait, which needs to write all data to two internal Sinks.

It would be great if we could write the implementation for this type as:

struct Tee<S, S2, Item> {
    sink1: S1,
    sink2: S2,

impl<S1, S2, Item> Sink<Item> for Tee<S1, S2, Item>
where S1: Sink<Item>, S2: Sink<Item> {
    async fn send(&mut self, item: Item) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // Wait a bit - just because we can

This looks pretty clean, and adding more layers (e.g. for wrapping each Sink in a Sink which asynchronously logs the sent item) is very easy.

However this approach is at the current point of time not possible, since send produces a stateful Future which needs to get stored outside of the Tee type - whereas for Sink only a poll method is expected which does not store any further temporary object outside of the Sink/Tee type.

This means those traits can only be implemented "manually" by implementing the required poll() functions in a state-machine like form.

This might currently be one of the most important and most unique challenges for Rusts async/await support at this point of time:

  • The interfaces are super important for interoperable software.
  • There has not yet been a clean and universally good solution proposed which improves on the current gap between Streams and Futures.
  • Other languages (like JS, C# and Kotlin) naturally compose Stream-like types on top of Futures. However those also typically use boxed and type-erased types for interfaces and async/await in general. Therefore they experience different tradeoffs by building stream-like types from individual Futures than Rust does.

If Rust sticks to the current implementation of those highly prominent data types, we might experience an ecosystem fragmentation:

  • People who do not want to manually implement those types might introduce their own abstractions, which are not compatible with the ones from the de-facto-standard library futures-rs.

  • If another mechanism gets designed to implement those types in an async/await like fashion (e.g. on top of Generators), that mechanism might still be incompatible with normal Futures and thereby introduce an ecosystem split into 3 different worlds of types:

    • Synchronous types
    • Asynchronous (Future-compatible) types
    • Asynchronous (Stream-compatible) types

    This is would certainly not be a desirable outcome.


This section mentioned that Streams and Co would only be oneway compatible with Futures, in the sense that async fns can read from a Stream, but not the other way around. However this also applies only if the Stream implements the Unpin trait, as indicated by StreamExt::next(). In the more general case Streams can be only manually polled.

Potential next steps

Before the mentioned traits get stabilized there should be a clear path forward in order to guarantee bi-directional compatibility with Futures and async fns. In order to achieve that compatibility, a variety of paths could be explored:

One idea had been to to redefine the relevant traits on top of Futures. However it was pointed out that this would introduce another downside of no longer being able to use those types as trait objects. In addition to that, this redefinition also introduces a dependency on generic associated types being available. Therefore this also isn't an ideal solution at this point of time.

Another idea might be getting to a common understanding on how those traits can be implemented on top of Futures and async fns. This could be possible by storing the relevant futures inside the Stream/... struct, polling it inline there, and by providing more seamless conversion methods from async fns to Streams. However at this point of time it has not been proven out that something like this will work.

There also exist a few efforts that try to define Streams directly on top of [unstable] generators, e.g. here as a futures-rs pull-request. However those yet also don't point out how the Stream implementations can .await futures. If this path is further persued care must also be taken that generators stay an implementation detail, and that the fact that async fn is implemented on top of generators doesn't accidentally get exposed.

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