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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Measure updater for new version of HQCMeas.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from shutil import copyfile
from configobj import ConfigObj
# This dictionary specifies tasks whose name has simply changed but are
# otherwise untouched and can be simply renamed.
UPDATED_TASK_NAMES = {'PrintTask': 'LogTask',
'RFSourceSetFrequencyTask': 'SetRFFrequencyTask',
'RFSourceSetPowerTask': 'SetRFPowerTask',
'RFSourceSetOnOffTask': 'SetRFOnOffTask'}
# The following functions are used to specify more complex transformation than
# a simple renaming. They will be passed the Section object for which the task
# class macth an entry of the CUSTOM_TASK_UPDATERS dict.
def update_loop_task(section):
section['interface'] = {}
section['task_class'] = 'LoopTask'
i_section = section['interface']
i_section['interface_class'] = 'LinspaceLoopInterface'
i_section['start'] = section['task_start']
del section['task_start']
i_section['stop'] = section['task_stop']
del section['task_stop']
i_section['step'] = section['task_step']
del section['task_step']
def update_pna_set_freq_task(section):
section['interface'] = {}
i_section = section['interface']
i_section['interface_class'] = 'PNASetRFFrequencyInterface'
i_section['channel'] = section['channel']
del section['channel']
section['task_class'] = 'SetRFFrequencyTask'
section['frequency_unti'] = 'Hz'
def update_pna_set_power_task(section):
section['interface'] = {}
i_section = section['interface']
i_section['interface_class'] = 'PNASetRFPowerInterface'
i_section['channel'] = section['channel']
del section['channel']
section['task_class'] = 'SetRFPowerTask'
CUSTOM_TASK_UPDATERS = {'LoopTask': update_loop_task,
'SimpleLoopTask': update_loop_task,
'PNASetFreqTask': update_pna_set_freq_task,
'PNASetPowerTask': update_pna_set_power_task}
def update_subsections(root):
for s_name in root.sections:
section = root[s_name]
if 'task_class' in section:
t_class = section['task_class']
if t_class in UPDATED_TASK_NAMES:
section['task_class'] = UPDATED_TASK_NAMES[t_class]
elif t_class in CUSTOM_TASK_UPDATERS:
def update_ini_files(file_paths, copy=True):
if copy:
for path in file_paths:
if not os.path.isfile(path[:-4]+'_old.ini'):
copyfile(path, path[:-4]+'_old.ini')
for path in file_paths:
config = root = ConfigObj(path)
if 'root_task' in config:
root = config['root_task']
if __name__ == '__main__':
PATHS = []
from enaml.qt.qt_application import QtApplication
app = QtApplication()
import enaml
with enaml.imports():
from measure_updater_view import Main
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from enaml.widgets.api import (Window, Container, Label, PushButton,
FileDialogEx, CheckBox, MultilineField)
from enaml.core.api import Looper
from enaml.layout.api import hbox, vbox
enamldef Main(Window): main:
attr paths : list = []
constraints = [vbox(files, hbox(sel, cop, con), log)]
Container: files:
iterable << paths[:]
text = loop_item.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1]
PushButton: sel:
text = 'Select files'
clicked ::
main.paths = FileDialogEx.get_open_file_names(self,
CheckBox: cop:
text = 'Keep copies'
checked = True
PushButton: con:
text = 'Convert'
clicked ::
from measure_updater import update_ini_files
update_ini_files(paths, cop.checked)
log.text += 'Files converted\n'
MultilineField: log:
read_only = True
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