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Last active July 12, 2016 18:34
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[ServiceConfiguration(typeof(ContentAreaRenderer), Lifecycle = ServiceInstanceScope.Singleton)]
public class ContainerAndRowContentAreaRenderer : ContentAreaRenderer
// Number of columns in site grid
protected const int NumberOfGridColumns = 12;
// TagBuilder for the current container div.
protected TagBuilder CurrentContainer;
// TagBuilder for the current row div.
protected TagBuilder CurrentRow;
// To keep track of the current container.
protected bool IsContainerOpen;
// To keep track of the current row.
protected bool IsRowOpen;
// Current column counter for each row
protected int CurrentColumn;
public ContainerAndRowContentAreaRenderer(IContentRenderer contentRenderer, TemplateResolver templateResolver, ContentFragmentAttributeAssembler attributeAssembler, IContentRepository contentRepository, IContentAreaLoader contentAreaLoader) : base(contentRenderer, templateResolver, attributeAssembler, contentRepository, contentAreaLoader)
protected virtual string GetContentAreaItemCssClass(HtmlHelper html, ContentAreaItem contentAreaItem, string templateTag)
var baseClass = base.GetContentAreaItemCssClass(html, contentAreaItem);
// Allow developer to override by passing ChildrenCssClass in ViewData.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseClass) == false)
return baseClass;
return string.Format("block {0}", GetDisplayOptionCssClass(templateTag));
protected override string GetContentAreaItemTemplateTag(HtmlHelper html, ContentAreaItem contentAreaItem)
var templateTag = base.GetContentAreaItemTemplateTag(html, contentAreaItem);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(templateTag))
// Default to full width.
return SiteDisplayOptions.FullWidth;
return templateTag;
protected virtual string GetDisplayOptionCssClass(string templateTag)
switch (templateTag)
case SiteDisplayOptions.FullWidth:
return "full";
case SiteDisplayOptions.TwoThirdsWidth:
return "two-thirds";
case SiteDisplayOptions.HalfWidth:
return "one-half";
case SiteDisplayOptions.OneThirdWidth:
return "one-third";
case SiteDisplayOptions.Hero:
return "hero";
return templateTag;
protected virtual int GetNumberOfGridColumns(string templateTag)
switch (templateTag)
case SiteDisplayOptions.TwoThirdsWidth:
return 8;
case SiteDisplayOptions.HalfWidth:
return 6;
case SiteDisplayOptions.OneThirdWidth:
return 4;
return 12;
protected override void RenderContentAreaItems(HtmlHelper html, IEnumerable<ContentAreaItem> contentAreaItems)
CurrentColumn = 0;
IsContainerOpen = false;
IsRowOpen = false;
foreach (ContentAreaItem contentAreaItem in contentAreaItems)
string templateTag = this.GetContentAreaItemTemplateTag(html, contentAreaItem);
bool isHeroContentAreaItem = this.IsHeroTag(templateTag);
if (isHeroContentAreaItem)
this.BeforeRenderHeroContentAreaItem(html, contentAreaItem);
this.BeforeRenderNormalContentAreaItem(html, contentAreaItem, templateTag);
using (html.BeginRenderingTag(templateTag))
this.RenderContentAreaItem(html, contentAreaItem, templateTag, this.GetContentAreaItemHtmlTag(html, contentAreaItem), this.GetContentAreaItemCssClass(html, contentAreaItem, templateTag));
// Close last row if open.
if (IsRowOpen)
// Close last container if open.
if (IsContainerOpen)
protected virtual void BeforeRenderHeroContentAreaItem(HtmlHelper html, ContentAreaItem contentAreaItem)
// Make sure to close row and container if open. We don't want to wrap hero blocks.
if (IsRowOpen)
if (IsContainerOpen)
protected virtual void BeforeRenderNormalContentAreaItem(HtmlHelper html, ContentAreaItem contentAreaItem, string templateTag)
int itemColumns = this.GetNumberOfGridColumns(templateTag);
CurrentColumn += itemColumns;
bool fitsInRow = CurrentColumn <= NumberOfGridColumns;
// Open container if not already open.
if (IsContainerOpen == false)
if (fitsInRow == false || IsRowOpen == false)
// Make sure to close row if open.
if (IsRowOpen)
// Start on a new row.
// Set current column
CurrentColumn = itemColumns;
protected virtual void StartContainer(HtmlHelper html)
CurrentContainer = new TagBuilder("div");
IsContainerOpen = true;
protected virtual void EndContainer(HtmlHelper html)
IsContainerOpen = false;
protected virtual void StartRow(HtmlHelper html)
CurrentRow = new TagBuilder("div");
IsRowOpen = true;
protected virtual void EndRow(HtmlHelper html)
IsRowOpen = false;
protected virtual bool IsHeroTag(string templateTag)
return templateTag == SiteDisplayOptions.Hero;
public static class SiteDisplayOptions
public const string Hero = "Hero";
public const string FullWidth = "FullWidth";
public const string TwoThirdsWidth = "TwoThirdsWidth";
public const string HalfWidth = "HalfWidth";
public const string OneThirdWidth = "OneThirdWidth";
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