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Created June 2, 2013 12:58
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# spacegoo game engine tweaked to allow future predictions on the game client
from copy import deepcopy
from math import ceil, sqrt
def distance(self, other):
xdiff = self.x-other.x
ydiff = self.y-other.y
return int(ceil(sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff)))
def combine_fleets(fleet1, fleet2):
fleet1.ships = map(lambda f1,f2: f1+f2, fleet1.ships, fleet2.ships)
def battle_round(attacker,defender):
#nur eine asymmetrische runde. das hier muss mal also zweimal aufrufen.
numships = len(attacker)
defender = defender[::]
for def_type in range(0,numships):
for att_type in range(0,numships):
multiplier = 0.1
absolute = 1
if (def_type-att_type)%numships == 1:
multiplier = 0.25
absolute = 2
if (def_type-att_type)%numships == numships-1:
multiplier = 0.01
defender[def_type] -= (attacker[att_type]*multiplier) + (attacker[att_type] > 0) * absolute
defender[def_type] = max(0,defender[def_type])
return defender
def battle(s1,s2):
ships1 = s1[::]
ships2 = s2[::]
while sum(ships1) > 0 and sum(ships2) >0:
new1 = battle_round(ships2,ships1)
ships2 = battle_round(ships1,ships2)
ships1 = new1
ships1 = map(int,ships1)
ships2 = map(int,ships2)
return ships1, ships2
def win(s1,s2):
n1,n2 = battle(s1,s2)
return sum(n1) > 0 and sum(n2)==0
def fleet_land(state, self):
global planet_map
target = planet_map[]
# print "fleet landing"
if target.owner_id == self.owner_id:
target.ships = map(lambda infleet,onplanet: infleet+onplanet, self.ships,target.ships)
attacker,defender = battle(self.ships,target.ships)
if sum(defender) > 0:
target.ships = defender
target.ships = attacker
target.owner_id = self.owner_id
def calc_next_enemy(state):
own_id = state.player_id
other_id = state.other_id
for p in state.planets:
p.nearest_enemy = None
for p0 in state.planets:
nearest_dist = 1000000
if p0.nearest_enemy != None:
nearest_dist = distance(p0, p0.nearest_enemy)
if p0.owner_id == other_id:
p0_id = p0.owner_id
for p1 in state.planets:
if p1.owner_id != other_id:
pdist = distance(p0, p1)
if pdist < nearest_dist:
nearest_dist = pdist
p0.nearest_enemy = p1
p1.nearest_enemy = p0
def sim(fromstate, to_round):
state = deepcopy(fromstate)
global planet_map
for planet in state.planets:
planet_map[] = planet
res = dict()
for round in range(state.round+1, to_round):
for planet in state.planets:
if planet.owner_id == 0:
planet.ships = map(lambda s,p: s+p, planet.ships, planet.production)
land_on_planet = {}
for fleet in state.fleets:
if fleet.eta != round:
# combine fleets
target =
if target not in land_on_planet:
land_on_planet[target] = []
highest_owner = 2
for planet,fleets in land_on_planet.iteritems():
fleets_of_players = [[] for _ in range(highest_owner + 1)]
for fleet in fleets:
for playerfleets in fleets_of_players:
if len(playerfleets) > 1:
for other in playerfleets[1:]:
combine_fleets(playerfleets[0], other)
if playerfleets:
fleet_land(state, playerfleets[0])
roundresult = deepcopy(state)
res[round] = roundresult
return res
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import socket, json
import random, sys
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from math import ceil, sqrt
from sim import distance, sim, win
from random import randint
lastlog = open("lastlog.txt", "w")
def send(state, data, show=True):
if show:
# display some statistics
ships = [0,0,0]
prod = [0,0,0]
for planet in state.planets:
ships[planet.owner_id] += sum(planet.ships)
prod[planet.owner_id] += sum(planet.production)
for fleet in state.fleets:
ships[fleet.owner_id] += sum(fleet.ships)
print "%s: %4s:%4s [%4s:%4s] %s" % (state.round, prod[state.player_id], prod[state.other_id], ships[state.player_id], ships[state.other_id], data)
io.write('%s\n' % (data,))
def safe(state, future, our, neutral):
d_on = distance(our, neutral)
predicition = None
for p in future[state.round + d_on].planets:
if ==
predicition = p
if predicition == None:
print "No predicition?!?"
return None
price = sum(map(lambda x:x/5, predicition.ships)) * 3
# no nearest enemy, assume it is safe
if our.nearest_enemy is None:
return d_on*3 - sum(neutral.production)
if predicition.nearest_enemy is None:
return d_on*3 - sum(neutral.production)
o_t = our.nearest_enemy
n_t = predicition.nearest_enemy
d_ot = distance(our, o_t)
d_nt = distance(neutral, n_t)
# enemy nearer than neutral, don't even start
if d_ot < d_nt:
return None
gain = (min(d_ot, d_nt) - d_on) * sum(neutral.production)
return d_on*3 - sum(neutral.production)
def get_attack_fleet(our, dest):
need = [
min(our[0], dest[1]),
min(our[1], dest[2]),
min(our[2], dest[0])
for i in range(0,3):
if need[i] - our[(i+2) % 3] > 0:
need[i] += min(need[i]-our[(i+2)%3], our[i])
steps = 0
while not win(need, dest):
need[randint(0,2)] += 1
steps += 1
if steps > 20:
# no win
return None
if need[0] > our[0] or need[1] > our[1] or need[2] > our[2]:
# not enough ships
return None
return need
# helper foo for more convenient json access
class Empty(object):
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
# helper foo for convenient json access (I don't use namedtuple as then the
# fields can't be changed later)
def make_object(d):
res = Empty()
for key,value in d.iteritems():
setattr(res, key, value)
return res
def make_move(data):
state = json.loads(data, object_hook=lambda d: make_object(d))
lastlog.write("%s: %s\n" % (state.round, data))
winner = state.winner
own_id = state.player_id
if own_id == 1:
other_id = 2
other_id = 1
state.other_id = other_id
if winner:
if winner == own_id:
print "WON!"
print "LOST!"
future = sim(state, state.round+70)
lastlog.write("round %s:\n" % state.round)
best_own = None
best_other = None
bestvalue = 10000
neutrals = []
takeovers = []
for ourplanet in state.planets:
if ourplanet.owner_id != own_id:
for planet in state.planets:
if planet == ourplanet:
# get predicition for time of flight arrival
eta = state.round + distance(ourplanet, planet)
predicted = None
predicted2 = None
for p in future[eta].planets:
if ==
predicted = p
if predicted == None:
print "No prediction?!?"
for p in future[eta+1].planets:
if ==
predicted2 = p
if predicted2 == None:
print "No prediction?!?"
if predicted2.owner_id == 0:
# Neutral planet see if it safe
price = safe(state, future, ourplanet, planet)
if price is not None:
neutrals.append( (price, ourplanet, planet) )
# No need to do anything if we will take the planet anyway
if predicted2.owner_id == own_id:
value = sum(predicted.ships) + distance(ourplanet, planet)*3
if value < bestvalue:
best_other = planet
bestvalue = value
best_own = ourplanet
# can we send enough ships?
need = get_attack_fleet(ourplanet.ships, predicted.ships)
if need is not None:
takeovers.append( (ourplanet, planet, need) )
if len(takeovers) > 0:
takeovers = sorted(takeovers, key=lambda (fromp,top,_): distance(fromp, top)*3 - sum(top.production))
dest = takeovers[0]
(ourplanet, planet, need) = dest
lastlog.write("takeover %s -> %s (pred %s) need %s have %s\n" % (ourplanet, planet, predicted, need, ourplanet.ships))
cmd = "send %s %s %s %s %s" % (,, need[0], need[1], need[2])
lastlog.write("%s\n" % (cmd,))
send(state, cmd)
if len(neutrals) > 0:
neutrals = sorted(neutrals, key=lambda x:x[0])
best = neutrals[0]
for (price,fromp,top) in neutrals:
if fromp.ships[0] == 0 or fromp.ships[1] == 0 or fromp.ships[1] == 0:
lastlog.write("stichel neutral %s -> %s\n" % (fromp, top))
cmd = "send %s %s %s %s %s" % (,, 1, 1, 1)
send(state, cmd)
if best_other != None:
# sticheln
lastlog.write("stichel enemy %s -> %s\n" % (best_own, best_other))
cmd = "send %s %s %s %s %s" % (,, 1, 1, 1)
send(state, cmd)
lastlog.write("%s: Nothing to do\n" % (state.round,))
send(state, "nop")
if "test" in sys.argv:
data = open("sampledata.txt").read()
io = sys.stdout
USERNAME = "snak3"
PASSWORD = "not_in_the_gist"
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
dest = ("", 6000)
if "real" in sys.argv:
dest = ("", 6000)
print "Connecting to (%s,%s)" % dest
io = s.makefile('rw')
io.write('login %s %s\n' % (USERNAME, PASSWORD))
print "logged in"
while 1:
data = io.readline()
if not data:
if data[0] == "{":
start = time.time()
print "took %2fs" % (time.time()-start,)
print "done"
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