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Last active June 6, 2023 18:12
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  • Save MatzeKitt/e9717fe547244ef58b09abea3c300230 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MatzeKitt/e9717fe547244ef58b09abea3c300230 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-gray; icon-glyph: magic;
// Licence: Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), dl-de/by-2-0
// -------------
// Configuration
// -------------
// whether a second graph with old data (-7 days) should be draw for comparison
const drawOldData = true;
// whether to shorten big numbers, e. g. 10.256 becomes 10,2k
const shortenBigNumbers = true;
// ---------------------------
// do not edit after this line
// ---------------------------
const DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS = 86400000;
const lineWeight = 2;
const vertLineWeight = .5;
const accentColor1 = new Color( '#33cc33', 1 );
const accentColor2 = Color.lightGray();
const widgetHeight = 338;
const widgetWidth = 720;
const graphLow = 280;
const graphHeight = 160;
const spaceBetweenDays = ( shortenBigNumbers ? 56 : 77 );
let drawContext = new DrawContext();
drawContext.size = new Size( widgetWidth, widgetHeight );
drawContext.opaque = false;
let widget = await createWidget();
widget.setPadding( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
widget.backgroundImage = ( drawContext.getImage() );
await widget.presentMedium();
Script.setWidget( widget );
async function createWidget( items ) {
const list = new ListWidget();
const date = new Date();
date.setTime( ( date.getTime() - ( shortenBigNumbers ? 20 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS : 17 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS ) ) );
const minDate = ( '0' + ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) ).slice( -2 ) + '-' + ( '0' + date.getDate() ).slice( -2 ) + '-' + date.getFullYear();
const apiUrlData = `${ encodeURIComponent( minDate ) }%27&objectIds=&time=&resultType=none&outFields=*&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=Meldedatum&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&sqlFormat=none&f=json&token=`;
date.setTime( ( date.getTime() + 7 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS ) );
const cityData = await new Request( apiUrlData ).loadJSON();
if ( ! cityData || ! cityData.features || ! cityData.features.length ) {
const errorList = new ListWidget();
errorList.backgroundColor = new Color( '#191a1d', 1 );
errorList.addText( 'Keine Statistik gefunden.' );
return errorList;
list.backgroundColor = new Color( '#191a1d', 1 );
drawContext.setTextColor( Color.white() );
drawContext.setFont( Font.mediumSystemFont( 26 ) );
drawContext.drawText( '🦠 Statistik'.toUpperCase() + ' deutschlandweit', new Point( 25, 25 ) );
let data = {};
let oldData = {};
for ( const dataset of cityData.features ) {
if ( drawOldData && dataset.attributes.Meldedatum < date.getTime() ) {
// get old data
if ( typeof oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] === 'undefined' ) {
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] = {
Meldedatum: dataset.attributes.Meldedatum,
AnzahlFall: 0,
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ].AnzahlFall += parseInt( dataset.attributes.AnzahlFall );
else if ( dataset.attributes.Meldedatum >= date.getTime() ) {
// get old data
if ( drawOldData && dataset.attributes.Meldedatum < date.getTime() + 5 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS ) {
if ( typeof oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] === 'undefined' ) {
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] = {
Meldedatum: dataset.attributes.Meldedatum,
AnzahlFall: 0,
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ].AnzahlFall += parseInt( dataset.attributes.AnzahlFall );
// get current data
if ( typeof data[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] === 'undefined' ) {
data[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] = {
Meldedatum: dataset.attributes.Meldedatum,
AnzahlFall: 0,
data[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ].AnzahlFall += parseInt( dataset.attributes.AnzahlFall );
// get minimal value of current and old data
const currentDataData = Object.values( data );
const oldDataData = Object.values( oldData );
let currentMin, currentMax, oldMin, oldMax;
for ( let i = 0; i < currentDataData.length; i++ ) {
let aux = currentDataData[ i ].AnzahlFall;
currentMin = ( aux < currentMin || currentMin == undefined ? aux : currentMin );
currentMax = ( aux > currentMax || currentMax == undefined ? aux : currentMax );
for ( let i = 0; i < oldDataData.length; i++ ) {
let aux = oldDataData[ i ].AnzahlFall;
oldMin = ( aux < oldMin || oldMin == undefined ? aux : oldMin );
oldMax = ( aux > oldMax || oldMax == undefined ? aux : oldMax );
const min = currentMin <= oldMin ? currentMin : oldMin;
const max = currentMax >= oldMax ? currentMax : oldMax;
if ( drawOldData ) {
drawChart( oldDataData, 'old', min, max );
drawChart( currentDataData, 'current', min, max );
return list;
function drawChart( dataArray, chartType, min, max ) {
let diff = max - min;
const highestIndex = dataArray.length - 1;
for ( let i = 0, j = highestIndex; i < dataArray.length; i++, j-- ) {
const day = ( new Date( dataArray[ i ].Meldedatum ) ).getDate();
const dayOfWeek = ( new Date( dataArray[ i ].Meldedatum ) ).getDay();
const cases = dataArray[ i ].AnzahlFall;
const delta = ( cases - min ) / diff;
if ( i < highestIndex ) {
const nextCases = dataArray[ i + 1 ].AnzahlFall;
const nextDelta = ( nextCases - min ) / diff;
const point1 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * i + 50, graphLow - ( graphHeight * delta ) );
const point2 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * ( i + 1 ) + 50, graphLow - ( graphHeight * nextDelta ) );
if ( chartType === 'current' ) {
drawLine( point1, point2, lineWeight, accentColor1 );
else {
drawLine( point1, point2, 1, accentColor2 );
// Vertical Line
if ( chartType === 'current' ) {
const point1 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * i + 50, graphLow - ( graphHeight * delta ) );
const point2 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * i + 50, graphLow );
drawLine( point1, point2, vertLineWeight, accentColor2 );
let dayColor;
if ( dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6 ) {
dayColor = accentColor2;
else {
dayColor = Color.white();
const casesRect = new Rect( spaceBetweenDays * i, ( graphLow - 40 ) - ( graphHeight * delta ), 100, 23 );
const dayRect = new Rect( spaceBetweenDays * i + 27, graphLow + 10, 50, 23 );
drawTextR( formatNumber( cases ), casesRect, dayColor, Font.systemFont( 22 ) );
drawTextR( day, dayRect, dayColor, Font.systemFont( 22 ) );
return min;
function drawTextR( text, rect, color, font ) {
drawContext.setFont( font );
drawContext.setTextColor( color );
drawContext.drawTextInRect( new String( text ).toString(), rect );
function drawLine( point1, point2, width, color ) {
const path = new Path();
path.move( point1 );
path.addLine( point2 );
drawContext.addPath( path );
drawContext.setStrokeColor( color );
drawContext.setLineWidth( width );
function formatNumber( number ) {
let tooBig = false;
if ( shortenBigNumbers && number > 999 ) {
tooBig = true;
// replace dot by comma
number = number.toString().replace( '.', ',' );
// add thousands separator
number = number.replace( /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '.' );
if ( tooBig ) {
const thousandsSeparatorPosition = number.indexOf( '.' );
number = number.replace( '.', ',' );
number = number.substring( 0, thousandsSeparatorPosition + 2 ) + 'k';
return number;
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dennerforen commented Nov 17, 2020

Habe ich oben geschrieben. Einmal mit Nachmeldungen der Vortage und einmal nur die Tageszahlen.

Ist egal, weil die graphic ja auf der gleichen Datenbasis fußt und so der Trend korrekt ist.


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Ich habe den Code eben aktualisiert. Neben einer Korrektur bei der Datumsberechnung wird nun eine zweite Linie gezeichnet, die immer die jeweils vorangegangene Woche darstellt. Das ist über const drawOldData = false; in Zeile 12 deaktivierbar, falls jemand es nicht möchte.

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Danke, gefällt mir gut.

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Ich habe die Berechnung des Minimalwerts angepasst, sodass nun für beide Diagramme derselbe Minimalwert verwendet wird, sodass die Höhe der einzelnen Linien stimmt.

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Ich habe die Berechnung der Minimal- und Maximalwerte korrigiert, sodass nun sowohl die Daten der jeweils vorangegangenen Woche und der aktuellen Woche beachtet werden.

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