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Created May 3, 2012 04:19
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PHP:CI:lib HexWheel
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@author: /
A hex-based colour converter.
Currently only supports altering brightness and saturation.
class HexWheel{
public $colour = ''; // The colour set using set_colour
public $errors = array();
private $exploded_colour; // hex values as array(rr,gg,bb)
public function __construct( ){
// Nope, don't need to do anything here
Set the main colour. This must be called before any adjustments are made.
Requires a 3 or 6 character hex colour value.
Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
public function set_colour( $hex_colour ){
$colour = $this->validateHex($hex_colour);
$this->exploded_colour = $this->explodeHex($colour);
$this->colour = $colour;
catch(Exception $e){
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Validate and sanitize the hex code.
Requires a 3 or 6 digit hex colour value
Returns a 6-char hex value
public function validateHex( $hex_colour ){
// Sanitize input to filter out any nasties, and trim any whitespace
$hex_colour = filter_var(trim($hex_colour), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// Validate hex code. Make sure it's either 3 or digits, and valid hex.
// Needs some regex. Joy.
// "(^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$)|(^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$)" match either 6 single hex characters, or 3. Try 3 last to prevent matching 3 chars in a 4/5 char string.
if( preg_match('/(^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$)|(^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}$)/', $hex_colour) < 1 ){
$this->errors[] = "Invalid hex colour (#$hex_colour). Must be 3 or 6 hex characters (eg. 123, a12, a12345).";
throw new Exception();
// Convert the hex to 6 chars.
if(strlen($hex_colour) === 3){
$hex_colour = $this->explodeHex($hex_colour);
$hex_colour = $this->implodeHex($hex_colour);
return $hex_colour;
Adjust the lightness of $this->colour
Requires a 'percentage' int.
Negative numbers reduce brightness, positive increases brightness.
public function brightness( $step )
if( ! is_numeric($step) ){
$this->errors[] = 'Step must be a number';
return FALSE;
$rgb = $this->exploded_colour; //ff,00,00
$rgb = $this->hexdecArr($rgb); //255,0,0
$hsl = $this->rgbhsl($rgb);
$hsl['l'] = $hsl['l'] * ($step / 100);
$rgb = $this->hslrgb($hsl);
$rgb = $this->dechexArr($rgb);
$rgb = $this->implodeHex($rgb);
return $rgb;
Adjust the lightness of $this->colour
Requires a 'percentage' int.
Negative numbers reduce brightness, positive increases brightness.
public function saturation( $step )
if( ! is_numeric($step) ){
$this->errors[] = 'Step must be a number';
return FALSE;
$rgb = $this->exploded_colour; //ff,00,00
$rgb = $this->hexdecArr($rgb); //255,0,0
$hsl = $this->rgbhsl($rgb);
$hsl['s'] = $hsl['s'] * ($step / 100);
$rgb = $this->hslrgb($hsl);
$rgb = $this->dechexArr($rgb);
$rgb = $this->implodeHex($rgb);
return $rgb;
Convert an rgb array (r,g,b) to an hsl array (h,s,l).
rgb should be set[0,255]
private function rgbhsl(array $rgb)
// make rgb percetages
foreach($rgb as &$v){
$v /= 255;
// Arrange the rgb values numerically
// To access the values numerically yet maintain an associative array, we need to create another array that maps numeric indexes to the associative keys
$keys = array_keys($rgb);
$hsl = array(
'h' => ($rgb[$keys[2]] + $rgb[$keys[0]]) / 2,
's' => ($rgb[$keys[2]] + $rgb[$keys[0]]) / 2,
'l' => ($rgb[$keys[2]] + $rgb[$keys[0]]) / 2
if($rgb[$keys[2]] == $rgb[$keys[0]]){
$hsl['h'] = 0;
$hsl['s'] = 0; // achromatic
// calculate chroma as $d (chroma = max(rgb) - min(rgb))
$d = $rgb[$keys[2]] - $rgb[$keys[0]];
if( $hsl['l'] > 0.5 )
$hsl['s'] = $d / (2 - $rgb[$keys[2]] - $rgb[$keys[0]]);
$hsl['s'] = $d / ($rgb[$keys[2]] + $rgb[$keys[0]]);
// calculate hue using some mathey stuff (
case $rgb['r']: $hsl['h'] = ($rgb['g'] - $rgb['b']) / $d + ($rgb['g'] < $rgb['b'] ? 6 : 0); break;
case $rgb['g']: $hsl['h'] = ($rgb['b'] - $rgb['r']) / $d + 2; break;
case $rgb['b']: $hsl['h'] = ($rgb['r'] - $rgb['g']) / $d + 4; break;
$hsl['h'] /= 6;
$hsl['h'] *= 360; // express hue as degrees
$hsl['h'] = $hsl['h'] > 360 ? 360 : $hsl['h'];
$hsl['s'] *= 100; // express saturation as percentage
$hsl['s'] = $hsl['s'] > 100 ? 100 : $hsl['s'];
$hsl['l'] *= 100; // express lightness as percentage
$hsl['l'] = $hsl['l'] > 100 ? 100 : $hsl['l'];
return $hsl;
Convert an hsl array (h,s,l) to an rgb array (r,g,b).
hsl should be h:degrees, s:percentage, l:percentage (css hsl)
private function hslrgb($hsl){
$hsl['h'] /= 360; // convert hue from degrees
$hsl['s'] /= 100;
$hsl['l'] /= 100;
$rgb = array('r'=>0,'g'=>0,'b'=>0);
if($hsl['s'] == 0){
$rgb['r'] = $rgb['g'] = $rgb['b'] = $hsl['l']; // achromatic
$q = $hsl['l'] < 0.5 ? $hsl['l'] * (1 + $hsl['s']) : $hsl['l'] + $hsl['s'] - $hsl['l'] * $hsl['s'];
$p = 2 * $hsl['l'] - $q;
$rgb['r'] = $this->hue2rgb($p, $q, $hsl['h'] + 1/3);
$rgb['g'] = $this->hue2rgb($p, $q, $hsl['h']);
$rgb['b'] = $this->hue2rgb($p, $q, $hsl['h'] - 1/3);
return array( 'r'=>$rgb['r'] * 255, 'g'=>$rgb['g'] * 255, 'b'=>$rgb['b'] * 255 );
Convert hue to rgb
private function hue2rgb($p, $q, $t){
if($t < 0) $t += 1;
if($t > 1) $t -= 1;
if($t < 1/6) return $p + ($q - $p) * 6 * $t;
if($t < 1/2) return $q;
if($t < 2/3) return $p + ($q - $p) * (2/3 - $t) * 6;
return $p;
Convert a hex colour value to array(rr, gg, bb)
Requires either a 3-char or 6-char hex value
Returns a 6-char hex value
private function explodeHex($colour){
if(strlen($colour) === 3){
$return = array(
}elseif(strlen($colour) === 6){
$return = array(
$this->error = "Incorrect string length ".strlen($colour);
return FALSE;
return $return;
Convert array(rr,gg,bb) to a 6-char hex value
private function implodeHex(array $colour){
return $colour['r'].$colour['g'].$colour['b'];
Convert a hex array to decimal array
private function hexdecArr(array $hex)
foreach($hex as &$v){
$v = hexdec($v);
return $hex;
Convert decimal array to double value hex array (eg 1 becomes 01, 255 becomes ff)
private function dechexArr(array $dec)
// convert each value to hex, being careful of a few pitfalls.
foreach($dec as &$v){
$v = round($v);
if($v < 1){
$v = '00';
}elseif($v < 10){
$v = str_pad($v, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
}elseif($v < 16){
$v = $v;
}elseif($v > 255){
$v = 'ff';
$v = dechex($v);
if(strlen($v) === 1){
$v .= $v;
return $dec;
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