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Created January 2, 2012 05:34
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Ulam {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
bool[] NotPrimes = new bool[2];
void RecalculatePrimesUpTo( int limit )
var n = limit+1;
NotPrimes = new bool[n];
for ( int i=2 ; i<=n/2 ; ++i ) {
if (!NotPrimes[i]) {
for (int j = 2 * i; j < n; j += i) {
NotPrimes[j] = true;
bool IsPrime( int n )
if ( NotPrimes.Length <= n )
return !NotPrimes[n];
int ToSpiralN( int x, int y )
var ring = Math.Max(Math.Abs(x),Math.Abs(y));
int n = ring * (ring+1) * 4;
if ( y == +ring ) n = n - 0*ring + x - ring;
else if ( x == -ring ) n = n - 2*ring + y - ring;
else if ( y == -ring ) n = n - 4*ring - x + ring;
else if ( x == +ring ) n = n - 6*ring - y + ring;
else Debug.Fail("Impossible... the balls aren't there!");
return n;
long LongestPaint = 0;
unsafe protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs e ) {
var w = ClientSize.Width;
var h = ClientSize.Height;
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
using ( var bitmap = new Bitmap(w,h,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) )
var bits = bitmap.LockBits( ClientRectangle, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb );
for ( int y=0 ; y<h ; ++y )
uint* scanline = (uint*)(bits.Scan0.ToInt64() + y*bits.Stride);
for ( int x=0 ; x<w ; ++x )
scanline[x] = IsPrime( ToSpiralN( x-w/2, h/2-y )+1 ) ? 0xFF0000FFu : 0xFFB0B0B0u;
e.Graphics.DrawImage( bitmap, ClientRectangle );
LongestPaint = Math.Max(LongestPaint, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Text = "Longest paint took "+LongestPaint+" ms";
protected override void OnResize( EventArgs e ) {
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