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Created September 28, 2023 14:43
This script searches for top-level node_modules directories within a specified directory (or the entire filesystem by default). It calculates and displays the size of each found node_modules directory and provides a total size at the end.
# ANSI color codes
# Set the starting directory for the search. Default is root if no argument is provided.
# Find top-level node_modules directories directly under a project within the specified directory
# and exclude those inside the .cache directory
directories=$(find "$START_DIR" -type d -name "node_modules" -not -path "*/node_modules/*/*" -not -path "*/.cache/*" 2>/dev/null)
# Loop through each directory and calculate its size
for dir in $directories; do
# Check if the parent directory of node_modules is not another node_modules (to avoid nested ones)
parent_dir=$(dirname "$dir")
if [[ $(basename "$parent_dir") != "node_modules" ]]; then
size=$(du -sh "$dir" | cut -f1)
echo -e "${YELLOW}Size of $dir: ${GREEN}$size${RESET}"
# Convert size to bytes for summation
bytes=$(du -sb "$dir" | cut -f1)
total_size=$((total_size + bytes))
# Convert total size back to human-readable format
human_readable_total=$(numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B $total_size)
echo -e "${RED}Total size of all top-level node_modules within $START_DIR: ${GREEN}$human_readable_total${RESET}"
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