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Forked from toddparker/jQm 1.1.1
Created June 28, 2012 13:12
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Key changes 1.1.1
<h2>Key Changes</h2>
<a href="">Slow tap response when clicking items in large listview on mobile devices</a> (<a href="">Issue #4340</a>) - Slow response times and crashing when clicking on a list item (or any navigation element) far down a long page was due to the browser trying to animate a really massively tall page from the scroll position to the top of the screen. The scroll position, not total screen height, is the determining factor for performance so we added another condition to say that if you're either coming FROM or going TO a page where the scroll position is 3x the height of the device's screen, skip the transition (set it to none). This scroll position breakpoint is configurable via the new <code>getMaxScrollForTransition</code> function.
<a href="">White flash/flicker when transitiong between 2 web pages in Phonegap</a> (<a href="">Issue #4024</a>) - We now add a class while the TO page is being set up for show (block display, focus, scrolling, setting height) called <code>ui-page-pre-in</code>. This class sets the opacity of the TO page to 0 during this momentary process, which at least in my testing, prevents fixed toolbars and pages from flickering during transitions when fixed toolbars are used in a web app mode in iOS (not Safari, but native webview). Fade transition is particularly improved.
<a href="">Fix for slide flickering within a ios app webview (i.e. phonegap container)</a> (Also related to <a href="">issue #4024</a>). Thanks alexksso!
<a href="">Standardize widths or all buttons and form elements</a> (Issues: <a href="" class="issue-link" title="button with icon and no text">#3284</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="1.1 RC2 &amp; 1.1 stable: Select buttons are not full or 60% width in header ui-bar">#3983</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="field 60% width">#3301</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Selects in horizontal control group w/ other control types misaligned in FF">#3922</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="size of buttons in controlgroup with iconpos=&quot;notext&quot;">#1998</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Vertically grouped selects displayed with a gap in FF 7.0.1.">#2804</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Select box (maybe not only it) margin bug">#3684</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="data-icon=&quot;false&quot; removes icon but leaves icon padding in select menu">#4252</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Standardize form and button widths">#4098</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Count Bubble position problem">#3979</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Multi select bubbles in listview issue">#4263</a>, <a href="" class="issue-link" title="Lists icons styles allow too big icon dimensions so icon doesn't fit the list item.">#4489</a>) - Jasper (uGoMobi) did an incredibly <a href="">detailed</a> sweep through all the elements to ensure that each widget is as close to the the same width as possible given the constraints of CSS. In addition to width normalization, we tweaked things like count bubble position, button margin consistency, padding for icon-only buttons in controlgroup, etc.
<a href="">All buttons, regardless of markup, are now mini by default in toolbars</a> - This was an implicit behavior in 1.0, but now we automatically make buttons the mini size unless explicitly set to full size when in toolbars to make this work as expected.
<a href="">Improvements to link styling to avoid conflicts with generic link styles</a> (<a href="">Issue #3455</a>) - If a:visited, a:hover are defined, they will break jquery mobile buttons because of the specificity of the styles. Up to now, we only set link styles within a theme swatch but since setting link styles globally is fairly common, this defensive addition will help avoid conflicts with user styles or popular tools like the <a href="">HTML5 Boilerplate</a>
<a href="">Select: Custom menu with a placeholder highlights first element although it's not selected</a> (<a href="">Issue #4061</a>) - Fixed by filtering placeholders out of the list of selected items <a href="">Button: Adjusted ui-focus to improve the focus style for grouped buttons </a>
<a href="">Button: Fixed the icon position of notext buttons in IE7</a>
<a href="">Button: Not disabled in Internet Explorer</a> (<a href="">Issue #3558</a>) - Conditionally add a live handler to kill clicks on <code>.ui-disabled</code> elements when CSS pointer-events property is not supported.
<a href="">Added Modernizr's feature test for CSS pointer-events property</a> <a href="">Select: Custom select menu accessibility with keyboard</a> (<a href="">Issue #4039</a>)
<a href="">Button: Invalid opacity value</a> (<a href="">Issue #4413</a>) - Corrected invalid value for filter alpha opacity. Thanks Alexn!
<a href="">Slider: Fill feature disappears on pagehide</a> (<a href="">Issue #3887</a>)
<a href="">Fixed headers: UpdatePagePadding() and default ui-page-header causes slight jump</a> (<a href="">Issue #4412</a>) - Adjusted default top/bottom padding for page with fixed toolbars.
<a href="">Added box-sizing border-box to grid blocks so they don't break when padding or border is set </a>(note: not supported by IE7)
<a href="">Grid: Adjustments to grid-b and -c to fix BB Storm and Curve issues.</a> Adjustments to percentages for older browsers (wrapping still occured on IE7 on certain screen widths).
<a href="">Navbar: Mini styling for navbar with adjusted padding top and bottom. Set right border on last button when not in toolbar.</a> <a href="">Navbar: Button sub-pixel problem</a> (<a href="">Issue #3341</a>) - Filled gap caused by subpixel problem with negative margin.
<a href="">Navbar: Items wrapping in IE7 BB5</a> (Issue <a href="">#2270</a> and <a href="">#2159</a>) Adjusted grid blocks percentage width to prevent wrapping on older browsers and set it back for modern browsers, including minor adjustment to fix BB5 issue.
<a href="">Added "button" element to tapToggleBlacklist</a> <a href="">Prevent scrollbars on pages with custom borders</a> - take custom borders in account on the page when setting the min-height. Thanks ngharo!
<a href="">Header: Visual issues in IE7</a> (<a href="">Issue #4193</a>) - Added zoom 1 to trigger HasLayout on toolbars for IE
<a href="">Slide Transition with Fixed Header in App visual artifacts</a> (Issue #4418) - We now include padding for the fixed toolbars in the 100% height of <code>ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning</code> element
<a href="">Form: form hijacking not respecting allowCrossDomainPages</a> (<a href="">Issue #2234</a>) - check external urls against the cross domain pages setting
<a href="">Navigation: dialogHashKey is now stripped from url even if it is not an embedded page in convertUrlToDataUrl</a>
<a href="">Navigation: Support the case where the initial url contains a dialog hash key </a> <a href="">Performance improvement for getInheritedTheme</a> - Thanks hpbuniat!
<a href="">Button: Text is now prevented from being selected</a> - for a cleaner interaction, this can be tweaked via CSS if needed
<a href="">Navigation: When the initial page has a dialogHashKey, navigation breaks after link-click followed by "Back"</a> (<a href="">Issue #4423)</a> - Handle corner case where first visited page has a dialog hash key
<a href="">Slider: label ID gets overwritten</a> (<a href="">Issue #3981</a>) - Now we create an ID for the label only if not present
<a href="">Init: Proceed to hashchange handler when the initial hash contains a path</a> - This covers cases where the hash is a path
<a href="">Navigation: Bad URLs with hashes are not gracefully handled</a> (<a href="">Issue #4119</a>) - Added regex test to see if hash is valid and if a page with that ID exists, if not load the first page.
<a href="">Listview: data-mini="true" attribute should be ignored</a> (<a href="">Issue #4114</a>) - Mini listviews are both difficult to tap accurately and have too many complex styles to support at two sizes
<a href="">Slider: Custom Active Button Class does work</a> (<a href="">Issue #4345</a>) <a href="">Listview: selects + buttons inherit wrong font-size in list with form</a> (<a href="">Issue #4254</a>) - Thanks ebaranov!
<a href="">Listview: When leaving from a page contains nested listview, pageremove event does not fire</a> (<a href="">Issue #4185</a>)
<a href="">Input buttons of type=image not rendering properly</a> (<a href="">Issue #3423</a>) - Fixed by setting <code>-webkit-appearance: none;</code> on this type. This input type is no longer auto-enhanced unless a data-role="button" is added in the markup.
<a href="">Checkbox - Corner styling of inserted checkbox incorrect when in controlgroup</a> (<a href="">Issue #3496)</a>
<a href="">Can not disable 'push state' plugin when jQM loaded via require.js</a> (<a href="">Issue #4136</a>) - We now call <code>init</code> when both <code>mobileinit</code> and <code>domready</code> have happened instead of just <code>domready</code>.
<a href="">Dialog: navigation incorrect if certain flags are set</a> (<a href="">Issue #4320</a>) - if hash manipulation is off, the dialog hash key is not added when the dialog appears, and the dialog's close button does a <code>window.history.back()</code> by default. This causes the browser to go back to the page before the one that launched the dialog. Now when <code>hashListeningEnabled</code> is not set, use urlHistory to go back from the dialog
<a href="">Listview: links embedded in list dividers shouldn't be auto enhanced into buttons</a> Related tweak <a href="">here</a>
<a href="">Collapsible - add active state on tap for better visual feedback</a> (<a href="">Issue #4229</a>)
<a href="">Listviews: Button+data-iconpos="notext" formatting issue</a> (<a href="">Issue #4227</a>) - Style tweaks for better layout
<a href="">Dialog: Double click on dialog close btn cause double back</a> (<a href="">Issue #3387</a>) - Prevent the click-handler for "Close" acting twice
<a href="">Keep urlHistory in sync with browser history even when moving to/from a #&amp;ui-state=dialog link via Back/Forward buttons</a>- Nav improvement
<a href="">Forward history + dialog navigation issues</a> (<a href="">Issue #2656</a>) - Do not change hash nor add history entry when displaying a dialog at a history entry that already has dialogHashKey
<a href="">CollapsibleSet widget removes ui-corner-x classes from the whole DOM</a> (<a href="">Issue #4062</a>) - removed add() function which queries the whole DOM. Thanks @MauriceG
<a href="">Upgraded widget factory from jQuery UI 1.9m7</a> (<a href="">issue #3544</a>) - Brings a host of improvements, including widget subclassing fixes.
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